"For false messiahs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the chosen. "- Matthew 24:24

None who have given their lives over to follow Messiah are unaware of the warnings that the last days of the age will be full of deception. Among many deceptions there is expected to be one overwhelmingly believable lie which will ensnare every inhabitant of Earth who does not cling with all their might to YHWH. Many of us have theories on how this and other attempts to mislead believers will be fulfilled. It is good to understand and discuss the possibilities, but perhaps there is a little understood danger in being too sure how a great deception will occur.

We know there is chaos in the world and that evil increases daily. It is expected that great trying adversities will be faced even by those who are faithful believers. Many will give their lives for the sake of His name. It is a fierce and relentless spiritual war that we face and one which requires strength of resolve, whole trust in Yahushua and sharp discernment. It is that discernment that is being sharpened now, because if a believer can not divide the truth from deception in these days, the following days will be only so much more perilous in deception.

We resist those who push the world to a new globalist order and those who carry out plans of cold and heartless destruction of human life. We resist the tyranny and oppression of rulers that despise His name and despise His image, and so it should be. Even so, can we fall victim to our own strong desires to see something, anything in the world which seems to oppose those evils? Are there not multitudes who flock to political candidates who claim to hold the values of freedom and life in hopes that they will be the one to take an office and remedy all these things?Should a great leader who proclaims to fight for all things that are right and good succeed in taking a powerful position, will we have won or have we entered a new kind of deception?

It is the obvious signs of adversity and evil the world which all eyes are focused on, but it must never be forgotten that there will come false peace as well.

"His power shall be mighty but not by his own power. He shall destroy fearfully and shall prosper and thrive. He shall destroy the mighty and also the sacred people. Through his cunning he shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule and he shall exalt himself in his heart. He shall destroy many in their prosperity. He shall even rise against the Prince of Princes, but he shall be broken without human means. - Daniel" 8:24,25

"And in his place shall arise a vile person to whom they will not give the honor of royalty but he shall come in peaceably and seize the kingdom by intrigue."- Daniel 11:21

It is not at all beyond possibility that the pseudo messiah will come seeming to bring an anti- New World Order message. Though his goals will be globalist, he could not appeal to the world and especially believers with anything so unexpected or attractive as an apparent agenda which seems to be against all that we know the Beast system to be about. He will not win any support by an evident display of his Satanic plans or with a public alliance with those who have supported his cause all along.

As it states in Daniel 8:24, he will be a destroyer of, not only the "sacred" people, but also the "mighty". We are aware of who is mighty in this world among its people and these two adjectives can not be seen to be speaking of one group. The mighty are those who now serve the very false messiah, whom it says, will destroy them.

It is of great concern to us all that we not only expect adversity, but also false alliances. The enemy's way has never been to deceive by those means which we know are evil, but by those means which we expect to be good. This is a truth we will face both on a global scale as well as each believer individually. The deceptions ensnaring the world seek to conquer nations, states and households. The enemy will not only send false saviors before the whole world, but false shepherds into the midst of the fold to sway each according to their own desires.

Where there are those who expect a new golden age, they will see for all the world, what appears to be one. For those who are expecting the intervention of benevolent extraterrestrials, that deception will also be provided with convincing evidence. If there are those that are willing to follow a "Constitutional" presidential candidate, he will be presented to lead unwary sheep to their own slaughter.

Delusions come in as many forms as the desires of the flawed heart and continually adapt to suit every new interest or expectation that can be dreamed up. For this reason, we must never be dreamers, we must never be shaping our perception of reality by what seems nice to our base senses and wishes. If we are willing participants in such a thing, He will allow us to choose our delusions and perish with them.

"so will I choose their delusions and bring their fears on them because, when I called, no one answered. When I spoke they did not hear but they did evil before My eyes and chose that in which I do not delight." - Isaiah 66:4

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“Many of us have theories…”

I did read the entire post, but this was the phrase that resonated with my own current thinking, because it is important that we, or perhaps just I, remember that much of what is discussed at this site relating to scripture falls into the category of speculation, hence theories.

Since having my attention brought back to Genesis 6 and subsequent passages that reference fallen angels and giants, and aliens and UFOs, I have been reading the ideas, opinions, scenarios and theories offered by others explaining this alternative version to “reality”.

The problem for me is that I catch myself thinking each one is true because I want an answer. But they cannot all be true, so how does one decide?

It is often in the process of retelling an alternative viewpoint that I realize how little I actually believe or comprehend of what I am sharing, but I also know that understanding comes from hearing so I continue to practice, rehearse, recite the various thoughts; speaking the words that my brain can make associations between existing thoughts and new ideas.

This is the same process I went through to learn the truth about cancer: there are certain ideas – truths – that keep appearing, expressed by many authors in many books and articles; so many and so often that they just cannot be dismissed.

So I appreciate that you remind us of the difference between fact – what we can know – and speculation – theories. It is also good to be reminded that even though we may not know exactly what the “chaos” will look like, what the deception will be, how bad it may get; we can know that there is God and He has a plan.
"it is important that we, or perhaps just I, remember that much of what is discussed at this site relating to scripture falls into the category of speculation, hence theories."

Some things written on here are speculation, others are not. those things which deal with future fulfillment of prophecy must always be speculation, though using all we can know by what scripture says. it is a dangerous thing, i think, for those who feel they know for certain in what way these things will come to pass. who is as easy to deceive as those who believe they know what will happen?

"Since having my attention brought back to Genesis 6 and subsequent passages that reference fallen angels and giants, and aliens and UFOs, I have been reading the ideas, opinions, scenarios and theories offered by others explaining this alternative version to “reality”.

The problem for me is that I catch myself thinking each one is true because I want an answer. But they cannot all be true, so how does one decide?"

there is fortunately much scriptural material on this and always, the place to begin is comparing what is there to whatever theory about it is presented. where scripture is silent, other historical data can often help piece things together. discerning what is, in the end, a most reasonable conclusion comes with a careful and sometimes long weighing of evidences. it is surely so that not every theory on the matter can be a correct one.

It is good to think of things in categories of supportable fact and theory. ideas of how future prophecy must be fulfilled is always educated guess unless one is a prophet and i know no prophets personally. family lines which tie to nephilim is a supportable theory through circumstantial evidence. that nephilim have existed and are a product of angelic/ human hybridization is, according to scripture, a certain fact.

putting things into categories we can weigh for their possible validity keeps us from assuming too much or rejecting too quickly.
I would not say that CNN or other major networks are the measure of whether something is true or not. They are notorious for being a source of misinformation. On the other hand...alternative websites and their claims have to be treated with caution for another reason. The PTB understand that people like us are looking to these alternative resources for answers and have not neglected to send their own people in to begin rumors that can derail and distract. In a way we have to separate ourselves from an urge to simply believe in a certain resource and take each piece of information as a separate thing...weighing the evidence and above all taking these things to the Holy Spirit for discernment.

Project Mockingbird is a CIA-created program used to infiltrate and control the media on all sides, including what is now considered the so-called 'alternative media'.. many truth-seekers rely on just what you pointed out, Cyprium, 'alternative resources'.. taking information, from any source, one fact at a time and, as you said, weighing the evidence and 'above all taking these things to the Holy Spirit for discernment' is the only way to stay defensed against the disinformation dynamic that exists in even the 'alternative' channels.


there is so much hype behind so much of the information.. so much, often times, that what was a grain of truth ends up being a field of emotional alarmism much larger than the grain of truth. the London riots i think are a good recent example of the hype-effect. yes, there were riots, and yes the government official(s) stated that 'all options' for containment and prevention were being considered.. but the story we saw most was 'martial law imminent'.. and as we also saw, this false threat never even came into being.


the real story about the riots could have been covered.. investigations into the sources could have been made.. the mass-mind-control that probably accounted for the riots, and the individuals behind that mind-control, could have been the story.. but none of that was really the big story for alternative news.. it was instead an alarmist cry that martial law was on its way.. a cry that was nothing more than an opinion based upon basically one man's statement that 'all things were being considered'.. not exactly rock solid evidence.. but it was the story nonetheless.


that is one of the reasons i love this site. no matter what the published story is from either side of media, this site isn't going to publish opinions and call them facts. and no matter what, the facts will always be weighed against the word of YHWH.

We know there is chaos in the world and that evil increases daily. It is expected that great trying adversities will be faced even by those who are faithful believers. Many will give their lives for the sake of His name. It is a fierce and relentless spiritual war that we face and one which requires strength of resolve, whole trust in Yahushua and sharp discernment.

It is that discernment that is being sharpened now, because if a believer can not divide the truth from deception in these days, the following days will be only so much more perilous in deception.

underscore so-called alternative journalism on JADE HELM 15.. as far as the self-proclaimed underground media goes it is the be-all end-all attack therefore all people with "nothing but their Constitutional rights to lose" should panic and do something silly.. so counterproductive and shady as all get-out.

i hope believers remember our first love is Yahushua... not the 2nd amendment.. not so-called "Liberty" falsehoods.. the NRA motto 'out of my cold dead hands' should be a perished thought in the face of what's really going on..

Delusions come in as many forms as the desires of the flawed heart and continually adapt to suit every new interest or expectation that can be dreamed up. For this reason, we must never be dreamers, we must never be shaping our perception of reality by what seems nice to our base senses and wishes. If we are willing participants in such a thing, He will allow us to choose our delusions and perish with them.

Great article, as timely as when you first posted it, even more soever now.

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