Tabitha Where did you find this book? This text contradicts what all the others have been saying. That God is infallible. An all knowing intellect would know the consequences of creation. As God is perfect he could not make such an error. This is why I stated that this sect or whatever they call themselves is in error. Either all texts should be included as this one is now or they adhere strictly to the words of the bible. I thought they sounded nice caring folk but I am now thinking they are stuck in a timewarp
Do I take it that you are Jewish then Tabitha? I remember when we were in Jerusalem We went into have lunch and my husband asked for bacon and eggs. I looked aghast but he was absolutely unaware that he may have given offence. . Then when we went through customs .everyones passports were gathered up and they called out our names and asked us to discuss why our passports were full of arabic stamps? We explained that our daughter was a stewardess with an arab airline and lived in the middle east. They smiled and said Welcome to Israel. Now in Bahrain the customs officials whispered "Have you got a playboymagazine. Such hypocricy .
Yes the message is one of love but putting a myth in place of God.When you discover there is no Santa the light goes out of your life. Christmas has become a source of worry about not giving enough. People borrow with no thought of how they can repay the debt. So how can a family on modest means let their children down? My children had more fun playing with the boxes their gifts came in rather than the gift itself. We soon learned.
Tristran why are you so obsessed with the occult? It does not even merit a moments thought by most people. you seem to have a morbid fear of things which may not exist. a persecution complex. You seem to look for conspiracy theories everywhere. Do you remember my telling you about a second sun in our solar system? Please google the words scond sun in our solar system and watch the videos. then come back to tell me what you think. See you later
How can you film a sunset, keep the camera working and then see another sun coming from a different direction? Every sun is a star. How can you not believe in a planet? It is either there or it is not. Wat puzzles me is how it was hidden from view for so long. I believe you are a lot younger than I supposed true?
YHWH is most certainly infallible. Jasher does not contradict that. Yes, He knew what all creatures who were going to sin would do. You must also understand that He knew far beyond that point as well. He is not a tyrant to force anyone to obey. We have free will and knowing that some would use it badly does not lay fault to Him but the transgressor. He also knew He would send Salvation int o this world to redeem His own. He makes no error. We make the error when we do not trust that He knows things so far beyond our comprehension that we have not even dreamed of them.
The book of Jasher does not say anything new that the Old or New testaments do not. Both are very detailed about the truth of sin and the fall of men and angels.
This site is dedicated to our Savior and for His glory only. Our goal is to encourage people to seek His kingdom and not lean on their own understanding, which is too often what we tend to do when we become certain that our limitations are His limitations. As He said, His thoughts are as high above ours as the heavens are above the Earth.
If YHWH were anything at all but flawless He could not be the Creator of all that is. There was no law or standard of Good without Him so to conclude that He is able to sin against Himself does not make sense.
patricia hawyes said:
Tabitha Where did you find this book? This text contradicts what all the others have been saying. That God is infallible. An all knowing intellect would know the consequences of creation. As God is perfect he could not make such an error. This is why I stated that this sect or whatever they call themselves is in error. Either all texts should be included as this one is now or they adhere strictly to the words of the bible. I thought they sounded nice caring folk but I am now thinking they are stuck in a timewarp
The occult is a very relevant topic to this site. Many here came out of that darkness, and we all realize that this world, in this age is ruled by the forces of darkness which man has willingly given place to in this age of sin. The occult describes a general body of information which has to do with using those forces to manipulate the unknowing masses and that is very much a reality, though one that is hidden from the direct view of most people.
The fact that it does not merit the interest of most people is not a positive statement for the majority, who do have a fear of learning the truth about this world and knowingly or half unknowingly shut their ears to hearing it. When we give our lives to Yahushua, we no longer fear the darkness because His light is greater but we then have a duty to warn and inform those who still are in darkness.
patricia hawyes said:
Tristran why are you so obsessed with the occult? It does not even merit a moments thought by most people. you seem to have a morbid fear of things which may not exist. a persecution complex. You seem to look for conspiracy theories everywhere. Do you remember my telling you about a second sun in our solar system? Please google the words scond sun in our solar system and watch the videos. then come back to tell me what you think. See you later
Yes, the holiday derived from the brutal festival of Saturn, who's name became incorporated into the modern holiday through Santa
Christmas is celebrated by most Christians as the day of His birth, Easter as the day of His resurrection and Good Friday as the day of His crucifixion. None of these dates are accurate, however and if we are to be honest, none of them began as Christian days.
Perhaps nothing wrong with decorating any day of the year. YHWH knows your heart and what you celebrate. When we do what we know we shouldn't, we sense the conviction in our hearts and minds.
Tabitha said:
I know that. They surely are not accurate dates. Is there anything wrong with just decorating for winter? I'm not talking about celebrating anything.
Patricia, are you referring to the folks who run this site as a non-caring sect stuck in a timewarp? If so, perhaps you should read the About tab to learn what this site you have joined is about. We're about what Prodigal Son pointed to, salvation in Yahushua alone. The only reason anyone here would contradict your claims is because they truly care about your eternal salvation in Yahushua, because they care about you.
patricia hawyes said:
This is why I stated that this sect or whatever they call themselves is in error. Either all texts should be included as this one is now or they adhere strictly to the words of the bible. I thought they sounded nice caring folk but I am now thinking they are stuck in a timewarp
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