i was wondering what everyone thinks of makeup i know fallen angels taught about it but is it a sin do you think been debating it for awhile and if you wear just plain eyeliner will it sort of be like the egyptian one or would wearing it make stuff be more likely to bother you do you think?
Views: 133
i used to think sometimes i needed makeup, until i found out all i really needed was some sunlight lol :) it's all vanity, makeup.. it's much more punk rock to be confident the way YHWH created us, than to change His creation to resemble the fallen version of a different creation.. that takes a lot of trusting in Him! it's cooler to do the right thing anyway.. that's what really being an individual is all about.
you may enjoy this related info.. http://timenolonger.ning.com/group/wordstudy/forum/topics/vanity-in...
bean how do you think He views white bodies if you had to guess
Bean said:
i used to think sometimes i needed makeup, until i found out all i really needed was some sunlight lol :) it's all vanity, makeup.. it's much more punk rock to be confident the way YHWH created us, than to change His creation to resemble the fallen version of a different creation.. that takes a lot of trusting in Him! it's cooler to do the right thing anyway.. that's what really being an individual is all about.
you may enjoy this related info.. http://timenolonger.ning.com/group/wordstudy/forum/topics/vanity-in...
i'm sorry.. i don't understand your question.. the point is that people were meant to be healthy, spend some time in vitamin-D rich sunlight, and look the way He created them to look.
::vague:: i'm sorry but thankyou i've been trying to decide for along while now what to do about makeup and haven't worn any in awhile but it's like just trying to decide if it's wrong or not and something from the testaments of the 12 patriarchs that jacob mentioned to me about makeup and i don't know how valid those books are what do you think about them or something or i'm not sure all that they say but what they say about it might sort of be not so nice
Bean said:
i'm sorry.. i don't understand your question.. the point is that people were meant to be healthy, spend some time in vitamin-D rich sunlight, and look the way He created them to look.
jacob sugested to ask if He wanted anyone to be white race or something
Bean said:
i'm sorry.. i don't understand your question.. the point is that people were meant to be healthy, spend some time in vitamin-D rich sunlight, and look the way He created them to look.
after realizing makeup was taught by a fallen entity, it's safe to say - regardless of what is written outside the Bible (which historically includes 1 Enoch as scripture) - makeup is vanity.. that's what so great about "the truth" about anything (including makeup) - truth is simple..
"rationalizations" are complicated.. people can "rationalize" a reason for anything they "feel like" doing, you know?.. but the truth of the matter will always be simple.. things are just right or wrong - like Yahushua said, "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." Matthew 7:18
the best way to find out the simple truth about everything is to find it in the Word of YHWH.. His Word is alive and imparts live Truth through His indwelling Holy Spirit.. that's how we really learn any Right Thing. :)
i think it's obvious that He intended humans to appear the way He originally created them, namely Adam and Eve.
also, there is no such thing as "the white race" or "the black race".. or any race of any 'color'.. in reality, there is only 'ethnicity' within the human race.
there is the "human race".. "the angelic race".. we need to label reality the way it is labelled in Scripture, as opposed to the way 'society' mis-labels it.
Not sure what was really said by twelve sons or Israel or what exactly means to refer to makeup, but I might be about as anti-makeup as anyone looks wise and in general so how about do not let the white question comment or whatever come across wrong. Nephilim was begging to be brought up in a way after first reply by you and your last reply is a really good one maybe. Who is not human even if they are an angelic hybrid? : ]
What is up with Genesis 6:3 if nephilim are not human?
nephilim are a corruption of human genetics.. there were not supposed to be any Watcher offspring, so they can't be a 'corruption of Watcher genetics'.. there were Supposed to be human offspring, thus the hybrid offspring of a spirit and human can only be a 'corruption of human genetics'..
it doesn't mean that nephil people are not human.. it just means exactly what it is - nephil people have human genetics corrupted with fallen spirit genetics - and that includes A Lot of people, whether hybrid or a different percentage.
i'm going to make a t-shirt "Nephilim are people too"
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