I know what this is. Think it's a crazy guy that just lost his head one day? Its not. This man was a tool. He was programmed to do this. some of him has no idea that he's done it. The parts that know, don't know why he's done it. He just did it the way he did it in so many practices when the right phone call came or the right music played or the right part of the movie was on the screen. He didn't know when it was going to be real or that it ever was going to be real.

It happens over and over and the public keeps falling for it. This is government operations. These people are killers and they use manipulated people like any other weapon of terror. James Holmes is just one more victim of that crime.

They use this method to get the public to believe there needs to be some new law or to give up another right. They do it to offer sacrifices to their gods.

The only thing standing between me and hating these people is my faith. Might sound harsh but it's just true.

Pay attention to his expression in this court appearance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zef2YFsQJgg

A model of post hypnotic suggestion: http://timenolonger.ning.com/video/derren-brown-the-experiments-s01e01

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Mind Control: Colorado Shooter Was One of Six Students With Grant for ‘Elite’ Neuroscience Program

"In the wake of the horrific shooting that took place during a showing of Batman “The Dark Knight Rises” in a Colorado movie theater that left at least a dozen people dead, many startling revelations about the suspected shooter have emerged.

Independent journalists throughout the alternative media have written hard hitting reports that detail the numerous facts that point to the shooting being an actual black op rather than a crazed shooter acting alone.

Now, a report from the USA Today has highlighted yet another startling piece of information in regards to who James Holmes supposedly was.

The report details the fact that the University of Colorado had given Holmes a 26,000 grant after he was accepted into an elite neuroscience program that only admits six students per year.

University of Colorado officials disclosed Monday that mass shooting suspect James Holmes was being paid $26,000 a year for his studies — money that could have financed the cache of firearms, ammunition and explosive devices found in his apartment.

Holmes, 24, unexpectedly dropped out of an elite neuroscience graduate program June 10 after failing part of his first-year final exam.

School officials say they were stunned to learn of his arrest Friday after a shooting rampage at a packed movie house a few miles from campus that left 12 dead and 58 injured. Police found Holmes’ apartment near campus filled with booby-trapped explosive devices.


The program to which Holmes was accepted last fall admits just six students a year.

Candidates have top grades and “near perfect” test scores, Shur said. They undergo a background check but no mental examination. “No program requires psychiatric evaluation, to the best of my knowledge,”"

full article: http://theintelhub.com/2012/07/24/mind-control-colorado-shooter-was...

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Dark Knight’ shooting suspect James Holmes claims amnesia
The accused mass murderer keeps asking ‘Why am I here?’


. one of "6" elite Mind-Control group students

. phone call before changing into a cold, calculating killer

. doesn't remember the shooting (probably doesn't remember rigging his apt. either)

i think connecting these three dots spells out the word 'programmed'.

The video "The Experiment" shows a model of post hypnotic suggestion, but when I talk about programmed assassinations like this one, it goes far beyond that example.

These people aren't just hypnotised, they have been rigorously trained through a very traumatic process that forces their minds to dissociate. Much of the time, this training starts at birth. "Post hypnotic suggestion" is just a term to describe one facet of what this is about.

What he did was wrong, but there is only one part of him that knows he did it and that part was probably programmed to self destruct after the event. I don't have any reasons to make an excuse for these actions or this man, but I recognise what I'm seeing here very plainly. I could recognise it simply from the fact that this has happened exactly the same way over and over again in recent history, but I also recognise it because "the rabbit hole" was my life, once. The effects of it are still part of my life.

I endured the process of having my identity split and made into useful tools for heaven knows what. I had over 300 distinct functions and alters created in me. Some, I still have no knowledge of what they are for or how to voluntarily access them. I am, however, now free of my handlers, born again and trusting in Father to heal me.

James Holmes is exactly where his handlers intend him to be. He's disposable. We should pray for this man.

One thing i want to correct in the video is the statement that mind control techniques are a recent development..less than 100 years old. These methods are actually ancient. It began within a religious application..a way to become one of the "illuminated" and take roles within that inner circle. The application of these things in military use or as absorbed into government defense systems is the only thing "new" about it.

"Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ" 1Peter 1:13

Very informative surface viewing of the government's role in the past several decades...

for a very informative explanation and summary of mind control, its ancient, generational and modern applications, watch this video starting at 1:31:16 http://timenolonger.ning.com/video/bases-7-britain-s-supersoldiers-...

YHWH has definitely brought Sinclair a long way up and out of the rabbit hole, thankfully.

@Tabitha - Yes, though my programming was not overseen by a military agency, it was conducted by and designed for occult affiliations by way of a multi-generational involvement in those things. Still, there were alters installed that had a violent purpose.

A quote from the summary Bean mentioned, above, applies to my circumstances:

"...Started in ancient Egypt...then it went through the so-called Merovingian bloodlines...controlling their heirs, therefor controlling their dynasties. It was a dynastic thing."

The Spirit of the Lord GOD [is] upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to [them that are] bound; - Isaiah 61:1


1986 Batman comic issue 2 of 4 in miniseries titled "The Dark Knight Returns"

It depicts a scene which takes place in a theater during a film entitled "My Sweet Satan"


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