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New ID rules would threaten citizens' rights
"Sensible immigration reform will strengthen American society and economy. But it must also respect the rights of U.S. citizens and those aspiring to join them.
Buried in the comprehensive immigration reform legislation before the Senate are obscure provisions that impose on Americans expansive national identification systems, tied to electronic verification schemes. Under the guise of "reform," these trample fundamental rights and freedoms.
Requirements in Senate Bill 744 for mandatory worker IDs and electronic verification remove the right of citizens to take employment and "give" it back as a privilege only when proper proof is presented and the government agrees. Such systems are inimical to a free society and are costly to the economy and treasury.
Any citizen wanting to take a job would face the regulation that his or her digitized high-resolution passport or driver's license photo be collected and stored centrally in a Department of Homeland Security Citizenship and Immigration Services database.
The pictures in the national database would then need to be matched against the job applicant's government-issued "enhanced" ID card, using a Homeland Security-mandated facial-recognition "photo tool." Only when those systems worked perfectly could the new hire take the job.
Immigrant employees would probably have to get biometric (based on body measurements like fingerprint scans and digital images) worker ID cards. Social Security cards may soon become biometric as well. Any citizen or immigrant whose digital image in the Homeland Security databank did not match the one embedded in their government-issued ID would be without a job and benefits..."
Full Article: http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/13/opinion/sobel-id-immigration/
It could be any and all of that or more advanced versions thereof. Maybe could be things that haven't been introduced yet. Could be a lot of things. I think the one way we'll know it is that it represents some kind of loyalty to the leader or government in power. I can see it being explained by the Powers That Be as something which signifies that you are not a terrorist of some sort. So those who would not get it would be seen by all the world as dissidents and potential terrorist threats.
But then, we're already a terrorist threat just because we discussed this here, right?
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Here is what I see...it states IN his hand and IN his forehead.......Whats in your head?...brain, intellect,..thought process.
Whats in your hand?.....your labor...your trade...your commerce. Yes it could also be a type of "smart-card" or such
To me this says those shall be marked by what they think, believe, strive/work for.
It humanism......that man in this "new Age'...higher dimension has transcended to god-like status and the STATE is all powerful and all KNOWING... (Orwell s 1984)?
Its the culmination of the same LIE the "Shinning One" sold to Eve in the Garden. That man is god and god is in all...thus we are god....Greatest lie ever told!
The Hand......what or who do you work for? Do you work for others?....do you work to try to search out the TRUTH of our FATHER?...or do you work to carry forth this NWO agenda? Working for "da-man" so you can pay the cable bill and for the new Big Screen TV....or maybe your Portfolio.
Its either or!!! A person can not be a fence sitter.....by not choosing a side..you have chosen already. Ye can not serve two masters.
The REVELATION also tells us that FATHER has "MARK" and "SEAL" HIS true children. Are we to expect a physical mark or manifestation of a seal on us in a physical form? The Scripture does not say that......Nor does it say a "PHYSICAL" mark will be placed on the non-believer........scripture interprets scripture.
We must deal with this in a spiritual/ethereal point of view. The Angels dont need to see a physical mark to know who is who.....Man on the other hand looks thru a glass dimly....he needs actual marks...evidence... But its not about man deciding who is who here...is it?
Father says we are sealed....how are we sealed?....we are sealed with His SPIRIT which is CHRIST in us..
The lost are sealed the same way but with their fathers "Mark", sin, in them..
CHRIST knew the Pharisees....they were marked,..but not with a physical mark but a spiritual mark of their father shatan.,..or the shining one.
We are marked and sanctified (set apart) by where our loyalty, devotion ,Faith and in who our TRUST resides!
So too is a non-believer....albeit by his actions and faith or lack of.
Remember...let SCRIPTURE interpret Scripture for our FATHER whom is ORIGINATOR and JUDGE of All things knows our very hearts and intent.
Be ye Hidden in CHRIST! SO be it!
Orwell's book, by the way, just skyrocketed in sales following the NSA revelations that weren't all that revealing..lol. There's a generation gap between those of us who knew that book back when it was "frightening fiction" for most people and the younger generation...as it now becomes all too close to real.
Part of the transhumanist agenda, which is born out of the lie Satan told to Eve, is to become immortal and godlike in every way through humanly achievable means...including all manner of technology that's public and some that isn't.
The idea that gene therapy will introduce "improved" traits to humanity, the notion of creating machine replacements for human body parts, storing minds (and perhaps spirits) for later incarnation...all of those fit with the plan to "become like gods".
I agree that there are many employees of the man who are, right now, ignoring their own conscience to get that pay check and that will be something that only becomes broader as more jobs are available in government sectors than elsewhere. We also might start to skirt the borders of morality when our taxes are taken to fund immoral projects and we continue to pay them. We're on the brink of a point in time when believers probably have to start making decisions which are difficult. The choice of who one works for within the system will become narrower and narrower until it's just one choice...and a bad one at that.
I do believe that there will be a physical, mandatory indicator of who is and who is not a part of that system. Though angels do not need any physical indicators of who is who...humans do and humans will be the enforcers of a one world government system. That indicator may or may not be visable, but it's reasonable to postulate that it will probably be detectable by some physical means.
The wave of persecution that will come toward believers is some evidence int hat direction. The powers that be will need some means by which to separate theirs from His and whom to organize their persecution against.
Looking at how people are identified, numbered and given government files at this point and the grid with which all this works...it is a pattern of behavior that our enemy has to attempt to be omniscient like the gods they aspire to be. There isn't any other way but by such a grid and technology that they can achieve this over the populace.
Another interesting facet that is merely a little bit of theory at this point...scripture speaks of a point where all things hidden are revealed. We mostly think in terms of a point after Messiah's return with this but, there is also the possibility of a rising level of revelation prior to that which brings the world to a point of having these lines of loyalty so clearly marked that no one can innocently "make a mistake". What was only on the inside of our hearts and minds at one time becomes a badge for good or for evil that all creation can witness.
None of us have all the answers to these things yet, and i think it's most important that we all keep that skepticism alive enough in ourselves that we are able to define the thing when the time has come. I never say "i know it will be..." in this matter..because i don't want to put myself in such a position of self assuredness that i miss what else it could be. We should take all these things into consideration and trust in His Spirit to sound the alarm when the enemy and his tactics approach us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts...
m edwards said:
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Here is what I see...it states IN his hand and IN his forehead.......Whats in your head?...brain, intellect,..thought process.
Whats in your hand?.....your labor...your trade...your commerce. Yes it could also be a type of "smart-card" or such
To me this says those shall be marked by what they think, believe, strive/work for.
It humanism......that man in this "new Age'...higher dimension has transcended to god-like status and the STATE is all powerful and all KNOWING... (Orwell s 1984)?
Its the culmination of the same LIE the "Shinning One" sold to Eve in the Garden. That man is god and god is in all...thus we are god....Greatest lie ever told!
The Hand......what or who do you work for? Do you work for others?....do you work to try to search out the TRUTH of our FATHER?...or do you work to carry forth this NWO agenda? Working for "da-man" so you can pay the cable bill and for the new Big Screen TV....or maybe your Portfolio.
Its either or!!! A person can not be a fence sitter.....by not choosing a side..you have chosen already. Ye can not serve two masters.
The REVELATION also tells us that FATHER has "MARK" and "SEAL" HIS true children. Are we to expect a physical mark or manifestation of a seal on us in a physical form? The Scripture does not say that......Nor does it say a "PHYSICAL" mark will be placed on the non-believer........scripture interprets scripture.
We must deal with this in a spiritual/ethereal point of view. The Angels dont need to see a physical mark to know who is who.....Man on the other hand looks thru a glass dimly....he needs actual marks...evidence... But its not about man deciding who is who here...is it?
Father says we are sealed....how are we sealed?....we are sealed with His SPIRIT which is CHRIST in us..
The lost are sealed the same way but with their fathers "Mark", sin, in them..
CHRIST knew the Pharisees....they were marked,..but not with a physical mark but a spiritual mark of their father shatan.,..or the shining one.
We are marked and sanctified (set apart) by where our loyalty, devotion ,Faith and in who our TRUST resides!
So too is a non-believer....albeit by his actions and faith or lack of.
Remember...let SCRIPTURE interpret Scripture for our FATHER whom is ORIGINATOR and JUDGE of All things knows our very hearts and intent.
Be ye Hidden in CHRIST! SO be it!
Cyprium indeed as you stated...none know for sure all things. Its why I started my comment with "Here is what I see" and also said" We see dimly thru a glass"
I see both scenarios leading to the same eventual outcome. If whats in your heart is the Pure....you will reject the physical mark if it comes to that. And vice versa take it if the heart is filled with lies and deceit/deception. I see it as one and the same...for when it comes to the point of an actual "mark" then the lines are in fact already drawn and the hour of indecision has past.
You said, that in light of scripture......things will be manifested unto the light. Indeed for CHRIST even said what was done in secret will be made known....done in the dark brought to lite...and so forth. I tend to believe that also pertains to HIM making known to HIS children the "TRUTH" of the scripture in its fullness, as opposed to what we have now....mainly flawed or partial translations....partial truths and scholarly commentaries.
These are the type of threads I enjoy....those where we can engage in meaningful discourse without the useless arguments of who is correct or who has the biggest Bible. Its conversations such as these where the SPIRIT can actually teach us all if we use humility and meekness as we try to understand our FATHERS instructions
Of this one thing I am sure.....The day of Jacobs troubles are near and our Redemption draweth nigh. I feel time speeding up so to say....even the birth pangs are more rapid and more close. Events are unfolding at break-neck speed. It is said we dont know the "time nor the Day"....but we do know the "Season".
Thanks for your response Cyprium.
Be Ye Hidden in CHRIST! So be it.
"The idea that gene therapy will introduce "improved" traits to humanity, the notion of creating machine replacements for human body parts, storing minds (and perhaps spirits) for later incarnation...all of those fit with the plan to "become like gods"."
I Found this article today:
"We'll be uploading our entire MINDS to computers by 2045 and our bodies will be replaced by machines within 90 years, Google expert claims
Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, believes we will be able to upload our entire brains to computers within the next 32 years - an event known as singularity
Our 'fragile' human body parts will be replaced by machines by the turn of the century
And if these predictions comes true, it could make humans immortal..."
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2344398/Google-futur...
Cyprium said:
Orwell's book, by the way, just skyrocketed in sales following the NSA revelations that weren't all that revealing..lol. There's a generation gap between those of us who knew that book back when it was "frightening fiction" for most people and the younger generation...as it now becomes all too close to real.
Part of the transhumanist agenda, which is born out of the lie Satan told to Eve, is to become immortal and godlike in every way through humanly achievable means...including all manner of technology that's public and some that isn't.
The idea that gene therapy will introduce "improved" traits to humanity, the notion of creating machine replacements for human body parts, storing minds (and perhaps spirits) for later incarnation...all of those fit with the plan to "become like gods".
I agree that there are many employees of the man who are, right now, ignoring their own conscience to get that pay check and that will be something that only becomes broader as more jobs are available in government sectors than elsewhere. We also might start to skirt the borders of morality when our taxes are taken to fund immoral projects and we continue to pay them. We're on the brink of a point in time when believers probably have to start making decisions which are difficult. The choice of who one works for within the system will become narrower and narrower until it's just one choice...and a bad one at that.
I do believe that there will be a physical, mandatory indicator of who is and who is not a part of that system. Though angels do not need any physical indicators of who is who...humans do and humans will be the enforcers of a one world government system. That indicator may or may not be visable, but it's reasonable to postulate that it will probably be detectable by some physical means.
The wave of persecution that will come toward believers is some evidence int hat direction. The powers that be will need some means by which to separate theirs from His and whom to organize their persecution against.
Looking at how people are identified, numbered and given government files at this point and the grid with which all this works...it is a pattern of behavior that our enemy has to attempt to be omniscient like the gods they aspire to be. There isn't any other way but by such a grid and technology that they can achieve this over the populace.
Another interesting facet that is merely a little bit of theory at this point...scripture speaks of a point where all things hidden are revealed. We mostly think in terms of a point after Messiah's return with this but, there is also the possibility of a rising level of revelation prior to that which brings the world to a point of having these lines of loyalty so clearly marked that no one can innocently "make a mistake". What was only on the inside of our hearts and minds at one time becomes a badge for good or for evil that all creation can witness.
None of us have all the answers to these things yet, and i think it's most important that we all keep that skepticism alive enough in ourselves that we are able to define the thing when the time has come. I never say "i know it will be..." in this matter..because i don't want to put myself in such a position of self assuredness that i miss what else it could be. We should take all these things into consideration and trust in His Spirit to sound the alarm when the enemy and his tactics approach us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts...
m edwards said:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Here is what I see...it states IN his hand and IN his forehead.......Whats in your head?...brain, intellect,..thought process.
Whats in your hand?.....your labor...your trade...your commerce. Yes it could also be a type of "smart-card" or such
To me this says those shall be marked by what they think, believe, strive/work for.
It humanism......that man in this "new Age'...higher dimension has transcended to god-like status and the STATE is all powerful and all KNOWING... (Orwell s 1984)?
Its the culmination of the same LIE the "Shinning One" sold to Eve in the Garden. That man is god and god is in all...thus we are god....Greatest lie ever told!
The Hand......what or who do you work for? Do you work for others?....do you work to try to search out the TRUTH of our FATHER?...or do you work to carry forth this NWO agenda? Working for "da-man" so you can pay the cable bill and for the new Big Screen TV....or maybe your Portfolio.
Its either or!!! A person can not be a fence sitter.....by not choosing a side..you have chosen already. Ye can not serve two masters.
The REVELATION also tells us that FATHER has "MARK" and "SEAL" HIS true children. Are we to expect a physical mark or manifestation of a seal on us in a physical form? The Scripture does not say that......Nor does it say a "PHYSICAL" mark will be placed on the non-believer........scripture interprets scripture.
We must deal with this in a spiritual/ethereal point of view. The Angels dont need to see a physical mark to know who is who.....Man on the other hand looks thru a glass dimly....he needs actual marks...evidence... But its not about man deciding who is who here...is it?
Father says we are sealed....how are we sealed?....we are sealed with His SPIRIT which is CHRIST in us..
The lost are sealed the same way but with their fathers "Mark", sin, in them..
CHRIST knew the Pharisees....they were marked,..but not with a physical mark but a spiritual mark of their father shatan.,..or the shining one.
We are marked and sanctified (set apart) by where our loyalty, devotion ,Faith and in who our TRUST resides!
So too is a non-believer....albeit by his actions and faith or lack of.
Remember...let SCRIPTURE interpret Scripture for our FATHER whom is ORIGINATOR and JUDGE of All things knows our very hearts and intent.
Be ye Hidden in CHRIST! SO be it!
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