Whoever has an idea concerning these vaccine can come up and tell us are they real or good for human bodies.People are on receiving and the death rate still high.Before these virus we used to have people die up to now of various diseases they say Covid .

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Warn everyone you can to stay away from these shots. Please take a look at this video and pass it on to anyone who can watch it who is going to take the "vaccine". Very dangerous stuff.

david omweno ongori said:

They have tried here in Kenya by injecting the elderly people who are 58 and a above and some are being injected at night and they are all dying at these time.At night no movement so your blood clots and you die as the vaccine requires once injected you need to rest and then walk some distance to relax the blood.The heart stops bumping so stay a way from these ungodly practices.

Imagine the genocide that would be possible if these shots had come around in 2023 as they had planned. It would have had FDA approval. Federal/national laws would force it. Thank the Creator that it is currently Illegal to force the vaccine. Anyone following mandates is being gaslighted into believing it is a legal mandate. In reality, people do have a right to say no and must educate themselves and stand up and do just that. Take a look at the video i posted in reply to David. It's life or death. Stand or die.

Tristran Hepburn said:

Vaxxed + 5G = Zombie Army.

An army, controlled by TPTB in a worldwide gameshow for their Virtual World entertainment.

Great thanks we can survive without these deadly vaccines we are staying safe because we are in a rural area.

Tell me; has anyone noticed any decrease in the traffic during the morning or afternoon rush-hours ?

I state that the traffic tomorrow, will be identical to the level of traffic, 5 years ago everywhere on this planet.

If the vaxxed people are dying or unable to drive vehicals, how come nothing has changed ? especially since 5G (supposedely) went live in early January 2022.

Hmmmm, it almost seems that ALL Doom Porn is a LIE.

10 days later, following my previous thread post and still no one has shown video footage of massive decreases in the level of "rush_hour" traffic in their region, considering that the VAX was supposed to reduce the world population via injury or death.

Our brains assume that every electrical input signal from our senses is the truth. What if these electrical signals are all fake ? It then explains why the World will be exactly the same this coming Monday morning "rush-hour" just like it was 7 Years ago.

As i said from my statement long ago in Jan 2022: nothing will happen this year (2022).

So far what has happened ? i catch the same bus to work, in the same level of morning rush-hour traffic and return home on the same bus and absolutely nothing has changed. Someone is lying.

Maybe (potentially) Nov 4th-5th or 1st week of February 2023 will have a major event.

You know what: i hope to Jesus Christ, who died on the Cross for HIS Humans' sins, prooves that i am totally wrong with these dates, because if a big event starts between 09:36AM GMT Nov 4th 2022 to Nov 5th 7AM 2022 GMT or during the 1st week of Feb 2023, then i will know that my soul is damned to the Lake of Fire for Eternity.

So many coincidences of my 1996 memories are happening all over again that gives me an idea as what is coming in a spiritual (version) environment during the next 5 months.

Trust Jesus Christ your Lord. Corinthians 15 v1-4. HIS Almighty Gospel.

"Maybe (potentially) Nov 4th-5th..."

It just so happens that local "FirstBus", the Cornwall bus service has added 4th November 2022 to their going on Strike dates.

Their Strike action started 2 days ago on Monday 10 Oct 2022.

Could the Lord be hinting that i must take a day off because a big world event will happen and it be best to be located at home on that day ?

Coincidence ? i hope not because things will eventually go down-hill for me afterwards.

The reason i know this is because a morphene vision experienced in Oct 2004, has summed up my life from June/July 1996 to the present and shows me the horrors of what is coming for me.

Comparing the vision events to my past 26 years is uncanny. There are approximatly 7 years still to go through as a certain ending in the vision has yet to begin.

i posted, my (assumed) vision of Revelation 16:10 and was informed by a potentially (still) fallen Watcher, was infact an experience in Tartarus. The entity name was Shemehaza or Shymhz with no vowels.

i really do hope nothing major happens on that day.

Well, i got a day off work on that Friday 4th November as the region bus service is going on strike.

So maybe, just maybe, the Lord wants me to be at home if the SHTF during the hours on this coming Friday.

If a major world event does happen, then please classify me as a "Nothing", a "Nobody" and gladly a "Gray Man" that will be both "Humble and Meak" in the coming awesome challenge of HIS 7 Year Tribulation.

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