Comment by WeightofAudio on January 14, 2014 at 6:56pm

Some interesting stuff here, even if some possible screwiness with other aspects.

I find the faces very interesting (try the 1:07:25 mark). Notice how they have some ruddiness in color (despite some serpent traits as well).

Comment by Bean on January 18, 2014 at 7:56pm

you know Art's show and his whole system in fact went down completely when that call cut out..

"these aliens do not have appropriate explanations for these things" !

"A good hustler knows that when you hustle something..." now that's appropriate for a description of demons, fallen angels.. they're looking for a return on their investment in time and energy working on their targets.

a good point about the height of technology before the flood.. it's probably not the biggest topic but it's a good reminder and it seems a lot like the technological atmosphere now.

one point i want to make about their crafts and the 'we are legion' note the Apollo mission narrator guy made, which is that the fallen angels/aliens will 'fuse together' is how he put it, and it seems like they do connect their crafts to each other, which seems to cause a lot of confusion for people when trying to determine what's up with the lights/crafts and their movements in documentation.


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