They re Trying to Kill Me United Airlines Passenger Freaks raw footage

Pictured: The passenger on Hong Kong flight to the U.S. 'who screamed that he had secrets from the CIA and NSA leaker Edward Snowden' as video records his te...

Views: 47

Comment by Cyprium on June 19, 2013 at 5:47pm

I strongly suspect that Edward Snowden is doing precisely what the government employed him to do...reveal "classified" information that isn't...classified. Since he has not revealed a thing which the public was not already aware or could be aware of by reading a number of Unclassified government documents, all the rantings of "traitor!" by various government officials and the media makes little sense at all.

This is a dog and pony show for which we are all supposed to air our concerns and opinions so that the PTB may make their lists and check them twice.

As for this man...Daniel Perry Morgan...that is another matter. Sounding legitimately afraid for his life..he makes his plea over and over again to his fellow passengers. Whatever information he knows about Ed Snowden does not seem to be forthcoming in the articles and footage available at this time but it's sad to see a whole plane of individuals who didn't attempt to take him seriously at all. Someone might have contacted his family as he requested or done the service of at least listening to what he had to say but it seems he was treated like a lunatic. I hope he survives whatever they are planning for him.


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