Post by Anon via
"To the President
Please know sir, that WE, THE PEOPLE have your back. Keep fighting for our country, and it's people. We will fight for you.
To Republicans
We are watching you closely, and will support you as long as we don't smell treachery. If the…
Added by Sinclair on November 15, 2019 at 2:09pm — 14 Comments
Anonymous via Voat/Qresearch -
"This doesn't often happen to me, but I had a vision as I prayed. Sleepless, I had to write it down.
The border skirmish was on my mind all day. It is a symbolic reflection of the real clash going on now in a spiritual battle for America. Pray for…
Added by Sinclair on November 30, 2018 at 6:01pm — 14 Comments
when Babylon was overthrown by Medo-Persia around 530 BC, Babylon was NOT turned into a den for devils. it has been inhabited by different people groups populating the area even to this day by Iraqis. this invasion by Medo-Persia was a prophetic prelude to a coming "invasion" by supernatural beings from the ends of Heaven. the ancient prophets warned that this coming army is unparalleled to any that have, or will, ever plague the earth. it is this army that will be, called…
ContinueAdded by Gabriel McDermott on October 28, 2013 at 11:44pm — 4 Comments
It's strange to see a life lived in defiance to the Creator come to its inevitable end. We might be more accustomed to thinking of tragedies in terms of departed loved ones, sorely missed friends and relatives...decent people that leave behind many mourners. I am not sure, though, that i have ever been acquainted with such a tragedy as someone who lived their life in a state of seeming self inflicted torment, hatred of our Creator, disdain of fellow man and self absorption, ultimately ending…
ContinueAdded by Cyprium on February 18, 2013 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments
I wont be abel to comunicate like i have .I dont have computer ,or phone.I am tired of america and dont care for the country any more .i am not in any type of danger over here pepole here are not so hard to get along with .I am glad i made the move i made.I love you guys ,but i dont think i will be on the net anymore .I beleave the lord is going to put us all threw the fire for purefying the church .The great tribulation is on the way.Love Paul Radford
Added by Pau Radford on November 18, 2012 at 7:37am — 1 Comment
Grab your jelly bracelets and teasing comb...
and join us as we follow Constance Cumbey, witty author of "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow," on a journey through her 7-part, fact-filled expose regarding the sins of the "New Age" movement,…
ContinueAdded by Bean on November 2, 2012 at 2:30pm — No Comments
A short laugh, smile or thought for the day.
Flashing back a few years, watch Constance Cumbey, author of "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" in a video detail titled, "JUST ONE Christian MESSES up Maitreyas Plans! LOL!"…
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