Randy et al loved to come around and eat the pecans I left for them in the boxes, even though they could get them off the ground and out of the trees. They were coming by to visit. They greeted me every day for years.

Views: 88

Comment by Sinclair on August 28, 2012 at 5:11pm

Haha, very nice family of squirrels there. They like the Pecans you hand out best.

Comment by Bean on August 30, 2012 at 2:06pm

cute squirrels, jeff!  communication with animals is such a neat thing.. we have a lot of pets as well.. it's interesting, in Eden, animals apparently could more than just communicate with people, they could apparently talk with them.. i say this because Eve wasn't freaked out by talking with the serpent, and nowhere in the Bible is the fact that the serpent spoke to her called 'weird' or unusual.. it would seem animals in the Kingdom will be able to speak with people as well.. if that is in fact the case, i think you will have many animal buddies there! =)


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