"...So 'Elohiym created the man in His image, in the image of 'Elohiym He created him, male and female He created them." - Genesis 1:27

Of all the vast creation which YHWH has made, it is in man that He has chosen to incarnate His likeness. No greater honor could any creature receive above this and yet it means next to nothing to most of mankind living in this generation. It is not only that it is ignored or disbelieved but that it is despised. Who has taught humanity to despise the image and likeness of the Creator manifest in their own selves and why?

Though humanity has lost understanding of what it means to have been made in the image of the Creator, the citizens of the heavens never took it so lightly. The sons of Elohim, or angels as they are commonly known now, did not all rejoice in the creation of a race of beings made of such lowly stuff as the dirt of the Earth which were given such honor above even those made before them. Satan's rebellion made a target of humanity, as he understood that to corrupt mankind was to deface the very image of the One he opposed.

" Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field that Yahuwah 'Elohiym had made and he said to the woman, "Has 'Elohiym indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?" - Genesis 3:1

The Watchers came in with the outward justification of guiding humanity to a better direction but in the end completed the corruption of mankind physically which Satan had begun spiritually. The rebellious servants of YHWH had perverted His image to reflect their own image instead.

"Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery (pharmacology), incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees (recombinant DNA) .And the women conceiving brought forth giants..." 1 Enoch 7:10,11 (text in parenthesis is mine)

Humans were not just victims, though. As Eve and then Adam first had to be willing to eat of the forbidden tree, their descendants had to be willing to participate in the corruption of their own physical nature. Humans were willing students of the forbidden sciences taught to them and willing subjects of a hybrid breeding experiment with beings who were not of their own kind.

It would seem strange, perhaps, to imagine now why those early human beings would be so willing, who had all reason to know and treasure their unique quality of being made in His image, but such rebellion never begins by seeming like the disaster that it is. Their lives were not easy, being cursed to work hard in laboring and toiling for the food which they ate and that which they wore. Suffering and the promise of eventual death had come with sin, yet through suffering and toil they could mature, they could learn the benefit of obedience to YHWH and have joy in their children and peace from the promise of a future Savior. Patience has never been a common human virtue, though.

The offer of a quicker way to an easier life was no less attractive then than now. The same impatient recklessness which makes the world believe in a pill to fix every problem was eager for a way to a stronger, less vulnerable physical existence and convenience which would free them from the hard toil assigned to them. By learning advanced technologies, they saw the power to reclaim the paradise only Adam and Eve had known. In allowing union with heavenly beings, they saw the power to advance humanity to a race of Earthly "gods".

"But as the days of Noah so also will the coming of the Son of Man be". - Matthew 24:37

If it was announced that the human race could undergo gene therapy which would result in stronger bodies, longer, healthier lives and greater intellect, how attractive would this seem? What man needs to wait for a future that is possibly beyond his own mortal life to see the intervention of a Creator when the means to achieve all that He has promised might be gotten now? That tempting possibility did not end as people hoped it would before the flood came. The technology which was introduced led only to apathy, to greed, indulgent wickedness and violence. The unnatural super beings spawned of inter-special union became tyrants and cannibals.

Now the world is eager to do it again. It is not enough to be a creature made with the potential to reflect the image of the sovereign Elohim. Mankind wants to "evolve". Transhumanism is the word used in this day to speak about all that humanity can become if the greatest hopes and desires of the elite rulership is achieved. The dream that puts faulty creatures in the place of Creator and begins to further deface the image He has placed in mankind would use the genetic material of animals, plants, and the extra dimensional forefathers of this goal to re-create mankind as a species. They would even seek to introduce non organic,mechanical components to the human body.

Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous who authored Brave New World, first used this word: Transhumanism. Huxley was a member of the British Eugenics Society, eugenics being the foundation of Transhumanism. Eugenics is a science dedicated to a Darwinist philosophy applied to humanity, that the strong should thrive and evolve while the weak are culled and eradicated. Eugenics rests on a necessity of there being superior and inferior genetic pools in the human population. It might be very socially unacceptable to speak publicly of there being some races, ethnic or cultural groups who are inferior to the rest, yet in secrecy this is exactly what elite Eugenicists believe. The public is guided to love the idea of Transhumanism by being persuaded that it is not a goal attached to race or ethnicity but simply a means of bettering all of humanity. This is quite untrue. Elite Transhumanists have no desire to "evolve" all humankind, their goal is one which seeks to advance only their own bloodlines and to leave the rest in disadvantage to them so that these unfortunate ones have no choice but to become their slaves, their lab animals and their labor force.

"The lowest strata are reproducing too fast. Therefore... they must not have too easy access to relief or hospital treatment lest the removal of the last check on natural selection should make it too easy for children to be produced or to survive; long unemployment should be a ground for sterilisation." - Julian Huxley

The elite, as they are wrongly called, are blood relations of one another, descending from the hybrid tyrants who ruled in result of this same Transhumanist philosophy pre-flood. It is believed in error that Transhumanists are atheist for the most part and that the idea grew from an atheist background. Atheists do often attach themselves to this because it is easily sold to them. With no hope of an eternal future, one who lives without YHWH sees synthetic immortality as perhaps the only eternal future possible. At its root, Transhumanism is highly religious though. It grows directly from the heart of idolatry and the worship of false deities and false saviors. It is the false eternal life of the false Messiah offered to the elect of his apostate kingdom.

It is not a possible future hope of science that this is about, it is not an extreme and imaginative goal which science is still far from being able to achieve, This is current ability science. The ability to recombine DNA from separate species exists now. The ability to use nanotechnology integrated into human bodies exists now. The ability to build robotics which can work in and with the human anatomy exists now. It is not reasonable to assume there is a morality in this world which will block the progress of these things to their desired end. It is not even reasonable to assume that these things have not already been done to willing or unwilling human participants under secrecy, knowing that those who pursue this path hold no esteem for honesty,open relations with the public or concern for the well being of those they consider less than themselves. It is very gradually pressed upon the public so that they will become numbed to the shock and the horror of such strange things being done to human subjects and when that numbness has finally taken over, then will it be brought into the light and barely be argued against at all.

How difficult will it really be to persuade a world of people who are of a nature to serve whatever seems to benefit them in the moment, whatever pushed them higher in what is esteemed by world society? Entertainment featuring heroes who are genetically altered mutants or robotically enhanced draw great fascination from the public. The idea of becoming better, more capable, more special is held like bait before their eyes, tempting them to dream of a reality where they become the genetically altered or robotically enhanced hero. If they had not been convinced to despise the very image of the Creator branded in their own natural bodies, they would not be so quick to deface that image. Humanity has been deceived to hate what they are in favor of becoming the image of demoted spiritual servants. There is no upgrade to what it means to be human in Transhumanism, there is only the option to demean and destroy what it means to be made in the image of YHWH.

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Just yesterday i was thinking, "Where's Barry?"..  =)

Thanks for this article..

"Cyborg tissue is becoming more than fiction thanks to research by a team of Harvard and MIT scientists who have engineered nano-sized electrical wire scaffolds that can be placed inside living tissue.... According to Lieber, the long-term goal of this research is to implant tissue samples built on nano-electronic scaffolds directly into the human body. In this way, the “cyborg tissue” can replace damaged tissue and connect to humans’ neural networks in the same way that cells connect to each other in natural tissue."

"bad idea"..

the sock! lol.. it was a surprise the first time and just plain hilarious every time after that.  CS Lewis produced some of the most interesting literature.. i haven't personally read Mere Christianity yet.. but here is a wonderful link for the free audiobook version of it... from the preface:



"..I have thought that the best, perhaps the only, service I could do for my unbelieving neighbors was to explain and defend the belief that had been common to nearly all Christians at all times... I think we must admit that the discussion of these disputed [doctrinal] points has no tendency at all to bring an outsider into the Christian fold... I got the impression that far more, and more talented, authors were already engaged in such controversial matters than in the defense of what Baxter calls 'mere Christianity'.."


CS Lewis - Keepin' it simple.

That is an awesome testimony, Barry.. especially the teaching in love part!

PS - Chicken Little? ;)

"And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease [was] exceeding [great]: yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD, but to the physicians.  And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign." (2 Chronicles 16:12,13)

"And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse..." (Mark 5:26)

"But Jesus beheld [them], and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26)

We believers are often fooled by the whisper of the enemy who says "you are not good enough, not holy enough, not right with Him enough to pray fro healing".

The thing is...Satan's right...and so we often stop there and despair of Him helping us, but what Satan has failed to mention is that the apostles were not good enough either...nor has any Christian who has prayed to Him ever been good enough. He isn't operating according to our goodness or our ability..He's operating according to His Goodness and His ability. If He loves us enough to save us in the condition we were in, He certainly loves us enough to heal us. Trust Him for all things, He is able. :)

Amen..to Him be all the glory...He made a donkey speak a good message once, what can He not do with us?

Amen Barry.. we have seen divine healing in our family as well, and YHWH and His love and closeness has never ceased to amaze us.. the majority of our healing was given overnight and it's funny because physicians will be the first to say 'it won't happen overnight'.. but with Yahushua, it is possible.

"It’s Official! The UN Merging of Human and Veterinary Medicine

Image of a fire breathing snake is the logo with a wobbling earth axis.  I am prevented from copying this image due to copyright of the logo within the document.


Celeste Bishop

An announcement was made earlier this year that human and veterinary disciplines would merge after signing a contractual Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Bangkok on October 13, 2012.  This meeting was kept very secret until the event actually occurred and only released to the public a week ago.

This MOU goes much further than just merging veterinary and human medicine. It will apply international standards to public education, medical science, medical art, medical ethics, and health care for all life on the planet under the guise of promoting health and well-being.  The World Health Organization (WHO) will be the hammer that will strike living creatures through a net of health systems.  They will strike in 3 year year increments with zoonotic disease, increased “food safety” (control), increased health status (healthy animals=healthy people),phasing in veterinarians into areas of zoonotic disease, food safety and other areas such as microbial controls.

Other MOU’s were signed with the OIE and FAO self-appointed United Nations animal health standard organizations.  By the way, this MOU was 666 KB. Coincidence?

Objective 1 is that the parties agree to collaborate in the One-Heath concept which is a unified veterinary and human medicine, (veterinarians and physicians) in order to improve the Global Health.

Objective 2: that the parties agree:

    Support joint educational efforts between human and veterinary medical schools
    Support cross species disease surveillance and control efforts
    Collaborate the responsible use of anti-microbials (antibiotics and anti-fungals)
    Enhance collaboration between human and veterinary medical professions in medical care, clinical care, public health, and biomedical research.

You are witnessing a day when the historical natural border of human primacy has been magically erased and animals of the human realm and traditional animal kingdom elevated to dominate man.  Bestial human animals without a soul will soon control your life.  Will you let them?  That is the question."

Full Article: http://www.nonaiswa.org/wordpress/

I struggled with this for so long, and still struggle with it at times. Thank you for this site.

Cyprium said:

We believers are often fooled by the whisper of the enemy who says "you are not good enough, not holy enough, not right with Him enough to pray fro healing".

The thing is...Satan's right...and so we often stop there and despair of Him helping us, but what Satan has failed to mention is that the apostles were not good enough either...nor has any Christian who has prayed to Him ever been good enough. He isn't operating according to our goodness or our ability..He's operating according to His Goodness and His ability. If He loves us enough to save us in the condition we were in, He certainly loves us enough to heal us. Trust Him for all things, He is able. :)

Hi Mary, welcome.

Perhaps we are often given the impression that faith should come as natural to the believer, but are we not all saved while still sinners? Once saved, we grow and develop like children learning to walk then run, but the learning is sometimes hard, and process does include struggling to grasp the blessing you know is there even though the world counters it with feelings of doubt.

I think we all struggle, while we little by little learn to step out towards Him.

Peace in Messiah

Mary Boggs said:

I struggled with this for so long, and still struggle with it at times. Thank you for this site.

Cyprium said:

We believers are often fooled by the whisper of the enemy who says "you are not good enough, not holy enough, not right with Him enough to pray fro healing".

The thing is...Satan's right...and so we often stop there and despair of Him helping us, but what Satan has failed to mention is that the apostles were not good enough either...nor has any Christian who has prayed to Him ever been good enough. He isn't operating according to our goodness or our ability..He's operating according to His Goodness and His ability. If He loves us enough to save us in the condition we were in, He certainly loves us enough to heal us. Trust Him for all things, He is able. :)

I do think that the term "beast" as used in Revelation has a literal aspect. I think that not only could that imply that the antichrist will be a multiple species chimera due to modern genetic tampering, but also that he will descend from a bloodline which traditionally boasted in their hybrid status from antiquity.

I discussed some things relevant to that in the article here:  http://timenolonger.ning.com/forum/topics/the-beast-that-rises-out-of

It is astonishing to me, how popular the sentiment is now that animals are equal to or above humans. It is an idea that is carefully surrounded by strong emotional propaganda which the public has been trained to bend to. Images of sad looking animals in supposed states of endangerment because of human overpopulation cause people to anthropomorphize pandas and whales while despising their own humanity.

I don't believe in evolution, but it seems devolution might be the future of humanity who join themselves to the Kingdom of the Beast.

Barry L Brumfield said:

So, why would we need the WMA and the WVA conjoined? Could it be that animal/human clones will soon walk among us? Is the breeding of the sons of God and daughters of men taking place again as in the days of Noah? Were and are the sons of God reptilian or perhaps carry animal genes? Just how far will Satan go to prepare us to worship the coming "Beast"? Hmmm.. what if the title "Beast" in regard to the anti-Christ is literal?  Here's how far Satan has influenced some today, "To the God who created them, blessed them, communicates with them, created a human steward to care for them, has a covenant with them, and to whom they are individually accountable, animals are nothing less than holy.” The Animal's Bible. Now that my friends is setting us up to give animals equal rights in all things. How will this effect the jewish sacrifice of animals? Will it be the political power of "Animal Lovers" that causes the temple sacrifice of animals to be ended? Just wondering...



Gives a whole new meaning to "It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs."

The mentality that does this kind of thing is the same that is pervasive in this country of people who throw out vast quantities of food when homeless people are starving a block away and send money to the humane society while human children are being dumped in state run facilities as the disposable dregs of society.

We have laws to limit how much free meat a person is allowed to catch and then cull whole herds of overpopulated deer indiscriminately.

It's become a cesspool of backward mentality about what it means to be human.

Barry L Brumfield said:

Tabitha, a few years ago my wife and I befriended a couple from the US who retired here in Mexico. They brought their four house dogs with them. The first few weeks here I would go along to show them where to shop and also to translate. One day the husband wanted to buy chicken breasts, so I took him to a butcher and he bought six kilos of filleted chicken breasts. When he got home, he opened one pack and called the four dogs and fed the filleted chicken breasts to the dogs and put the other packages in the fridge. He told me he fed them a pack a day, averaging around $8.00 US per feeding. He and his wife were into the pet's "Barf Diet". There are children here living within a few blocks of that couple who's parents can't afford chicken. These same children are in need of medical care and school supplies, my wife and I do all that we can to help them... while the Barf Diet couple do nothing to help these children. I was so disheartened over his feeding quality table food to his dogs that I never went around him again.

Tabitha said:

This is sad. And I am constantly begging my mom not to feed our outside cats because they can hunt. It's their instinct and feeding them scraps or store bought food can actually take away that instinct. I even believe that our inside cats should be put outside to hunt. It would be much cleaner indoors if this was the case.

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