The War on Drugs, harsher penalties for abusers and dealers, no tolerance is almost a staple of upstanding citizenry everywhere to support the idea of the eradication of drug abuse in society. Drug prohibition is never questioned as being a good and moral idea by decent, law abiding people. It is most certainly considered a necessity that government and law enforcement do everything they must in order to halt the flow of drugs to our streets if you want to be considered a good, moral Christian.

It may shock you to know the reality that lurks behind the policies of drug prohibition. It should not be a shock to know that the occurrence of drug abuse in this country has not been quelled in the least...the evidence of that is abundant in spite of the outrageous amounts of tax money spent on drug prohibition measures. Approximately 6 billion dollars a year are taken from tax payers to fund the war on drugs and yet here we are, still sitting in a cesspool of lives ruined from addiction and incarceration. There are no shortage of illicit drugs to be found and there is no shortage of those supplying it or using it...what is a rational explanation for this after 41 years of pumping untold amounts of money and manpower in to this bottomless pit?

The only reasonable answer is that there is no real attempt to stop drug abuse and prohibition has never existed as a means to the end of bettering society. It should have been readily apparent following the prohibition of alcohol in the early 1900's and it should have been a lesson that people never forgot...but such is the nature of forgetting history and by necessity, repeating it. Prohibition began with such proponents backing it as the WCTU, the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Anything but the demure and upstanding ladies their title might make them seem, this organization was notoriously racist, were staunch supporters of the KKK and eugenics. The modern elite would be proud of them today...they believed in the controlled breeding of human population.

The results of Prohibition were disastrous, leading to a market, once controlled by your average businessman, being controlled by murderous gangs of thugs enabled by corrupt law enforcement. Why should today's prohibition be any different? Well it isn't...perhaps these days we are less likely to run into types like Al Capone cashing in on the forbidden substance than we are to find inner city street gangs, but that is where the dissimilarity ends. Law enforcement and government are still the corrupt enablers of the drug trade.

Harry J Anslinger-

He was the Assistant Prohibition Commissioner who was later appointed as the first Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics which, incidentally, was an agency under the control of the Treasury Department. From the beginning, drug control policies were linked hand in hand with monetary gain.

Anslinger in conjunction with Du Pont, a petrochemical company and William Randolph Hearst, notorious for giving rise to "yellow journalism" propaganda, led a crusade against marijuana in the early 1930's. The target of this campaign was not an attempt to stop it's use recreationally, but an attempt to halt it's production as a competitor against paper and petroleum producers as a cheaper and more abundant substitute for those products. It is the propaganda of that day which still persists in the minds of the public when they think about marijuana.

As much of a joke as an old film called Reefer Madness might be is shocking how well these ideas about a fairly innocuous, wild weed has shaped the public opinion of it now. The public is still told that marijuana causes all manner of social disability, an inability to function as a responsible adult, brain damage, lack of self control, lung cancer, addiction etc.. None of those claims have ever been scientifically sound but to suggest that they are not to your average person on the street, 74 years after that silly film, is equivalent to saying "i am a pro-drug, pot head heathen.".

The CIA and it's Long Drug Love Affair-

The CIA has been caught in the midst of drug smuggling so many times that if that entity were a single average citizen they might be termed the most notorious drug dealer in history and imprisoned for life...but this is the CIA and they are above such laws. The CIA has been involved in smuggling opium from China to Thailand, from Vietnam and Cambodia to the US, and assisting Laotian drug lords.

It has been a regular practice for the CIA since the 1950's to fly drugs out of Japan and the Middle East in to the US...if there is a question as to how such a steady stream of illicit drugs make it into a country with such strict policies against it, here is the answer. The DEA, military, and State Department all have their part as well in enabling the CIA's black market monopoly on drugs. Agents have repeatedly blown the whistle on this kind of activity within their ranks but it continues to this day because the CIA, just like the maffia of the Prohibition era has a tendency to "whack" their enemies and competition.

Drug running is a high level business. The idea that the strung out, unkempt, seedy man on the street corner is the problem is an extremely naive one. It requires an international and powerful force of operations to succeed in laundering money from the billions of drug sales made from the top requires the directive of international banking systems to make a monster machine like this run smoothly. Presidents and vice presidents have been firmly invested in the business of dangling the forbidden substances, which their own laws control, in front the public... creating drug awareness campaigns which amount ot advertising their product, rather than exposing the dangers of the drugs themselves.

"If George Bush is prosecuted, and goes to jail for the crimes he committed when he was the Drug Kingpin of the 1980s, this will be the single most important historical event in decades. It will define a realm of possible action that many people right now feel is impossible, or unfathomable - that it would ever happen. It can happen, it must happen. This is the responsibility of the American people." - Jeffrey Steinberg

The Bush's have a history of connectedness to drug trafficking and drug lords. As a result of Bush Sr.'s secretive arms trade with Iran, thousands of tons of drugs were exported to the streets of America. The total sales of illicit drugs in the years following were in the hundreds of billions, half of which occurred in the States. Bush Jr and his brother Jeb were videotaped picking up kilos of cocaine in Florida

In this country, one in every 18 males are in prison. 70% of those in prison are minorities. We have the highest documented incarceration rate in the world. While violent crime rates have remained steady...drug charges have skyrocketed and the War on Drugs is cited as the force behind this.

We have to come to a simple conclusion...a war against drugs in this country is not about keeping people off of's about greed, it's about a need to control the masses, it's about eugenics. There is no coincidence involved in the fact that the highest incidence of drug use and incarceration on drug offenses occurs in the inner city, the poor areas of the country, the areas in which house minority groups...mostly black minority groups. It's easy for people to sit back in their comfortable suburban, white town where "things like that don't happen" and blame a culture you have not been exposed to or raised in...but make no mistake, this inner city disease is a planned's just one more way to reduce the number of capable, thinking individuals who have historical reasons to distrust their rulers.

You are in no way safe from the atrocity of the so-called War on Drugs if you are not a minority may be your well educated,young middle-class white child who one day takes a ride with someone carrying a few bags of marijuana and ends up spending the rest of their life paying for laws designed to make criminals of everyone they can. Do we really believe that the end of prohibition of drugs is going to lead to worse than we have in this country right now? Are people not capable of making decisions about what they choose to put into their own bodies whether or not the government intercedes to add to the unfortunate results by making it a crime punishable by losing years of one's life behind bars? Have we ever known the prison system to rehabilitate drug users? How far in the future is the day when your own home is broken into by overzealous militant police forces searching for a gram of weed because your ex girlfriend, coworker, friend, or some other grudge -holding person made an anonymous claim that you had drugs?

We need to rethink what it means to support this never-ending "War on Drugs"...because so far, the casualties have been human lives, not drugs.

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I came across this article and was completely appalled. If this isn't bold, in your face, de-population, I don't know what is.

First drug addict sterilised under 'cash for vasectomy' offer

The man, known as John, who has been addicted to heroin for 15 years, was given £200 by an American charity in return for having a vasectomy.

Project Prevention, the charity running the scheme, has made similar payments to thousands of men and women in America in a crusade to prevent them having children who may inherit their addictions.

The charity began offering the cash incentive to British addicts after paying 3,500 American men and women addicted to drugs or alcohol to be sterilised.

John said he was given 30 days to make a decision after calling the charity's helpline, and had the operation on the NHS in September.

The project also pays addicts to get long-term birth control including intrauterine contraceptive devices or a contraceptive implant.

Wow....There are so many facets to this dirty gem.
I can only imagine how many will receive this with great approval. On it's face it seems to have reasonable justification...the arguments for it will go something like "well, do you really want people addicted to heroin having children?" and of course the sensible answer is "no...who wants to see children with drug addicted parents?"

the unforeseen consequence of ones who would make that argument are many and serious. One notable problem is that at this point a multitude of natural substances are recognized officially by the FDA as "drugs" who wants to be pushed into sterilization for their coffee habit? Also...if we accept this voluntary submission to such a procedure as long will it take for this to become a compulsory measure against anyone deemed a "drug abuser". What other malfunctions of the human condition will be added to the list? overeating? bad genes? eugenics anyone?
Another instance of the Beast system trying to tell people that "down" is up. Article found on "Aol Health", claiming, "Heavy smoking can double the risk of developing Alzheimer's and dementia, according to a new study".
There is maybe no campaign to effect the opinion of people toward a substance which has been as successful as that against tobacco. even the most free of thinkers will refuse to consider the possibility that even this has been a lie. it is assumed that the information which is consistently fed the public about tobacco is backed up with scientific data and valid statistics of real people becoming ill with an irrefutable link to the cause of smoking tobacco. this is believable to most even though nothing else the government supports with so much fervor can be trusted.

The research which is not well published or supported by the mainstream is that which has shown that nicotine rebuilds damaged heart tissue and is a very valuable for blocking heavy metals and fluoride from damaging the brain. the truth is quite the opposite of what they would claim in almost every instance of published tobacco research. it reduces the chances for cognitive disorders such as senile dementia, Alzheimer and Parkinson. this is the very reason it is so highly targeted and vilified.

The vilification of tobacco did not begin in recent history. Nazi Germany was very insistant upon the banning of tobacco. the reasons were similar. a smoker is less likely to suffer the effects of intentional heavy mental and sodium fluoride poisoning than a non smoker who is getting the same amount, and is thus more likely to retain higher cognitive function and a resistant will.
As many of you probably remember, i wrote an article on this at a previous site: "Today Perhaps" under my name there "CopperWatch". For those who never saw that..i'll repost it here.

Everyone knows it's kills makes you hack and wheeze..of all things the government is solidly behind, what could be bad about tobacco controls and smoking bans? Right? not a chance...if you think this just happens to be the one area Big Brother felt philanthropic and concerned about people's health and safety...think again. In fact if you think the great anti- smoking movement just came about in recent decades because of a growing understanding of the health risks involved in smoking....think again.

This is not new..the trend toward making smoking tobacco just one step away from a federal offense is borrowed from antiquity and most recently it's borrowed from none other than Hitler. Neither are the fear tactics used in the name of health and safety over this issue, we hear the indoctrination buzz words "lung cancer"...

"By the early 20th Century puritanism had succeeded in establishing more than a dozen smoking bans in states across America by promoting health scares such as stories of smokers veins bursting open and tobacco manufacturers deliberately adding opium to their products. "

"The next bans appeared in the Third Reich where the Nazi's coined the phrase 'passive smoke' to engender fear into the German public so that bans in public places would be more readily accepted. Like the modern day tobacco control movement the Nazi's were unable to find any scientific or medical link between passive smoke and disease and relied solely on statistics to make their case."

Now, may ask, would the powers that be, be so strongly against smoking tobacco? Strongly against it enough to spend tens of billions of dollars to do everything they can short of making it illegal to stop people from doing it?

There is something else that Nazi Germany has in common with what is taking place now in the name of health...sodium fluoride. This was then and is now a chemical added to drinking water which drugs the brain..makes it passive and reduces cognitive function....eventually resulting in what amounts to a lobotomy. the fluoride poisoned mind will never think at the level that it once had the potential to. This along with a long list of heavy metals intentionally introduced into the food supply, water supply and environment are Meant to cause brain damage. They are meant to keep people below their potential ability to think and make rational decisions and defy oppression... and what does the much hated plant called tobacco have the ability to do? Block the absorption of these toxins into brain tissue. So there you have it....what never made sense..the establishment doing Good to it's people...had a clever reason all along. If you smell a rat, you can be sure there is one lurking around.

What about the many hundreds of harmful chemicals in cigarettes? Why yes, there are some...all additives, now including Carpet Glue. This is the government answer to those who stubbornly refuse to stop smoking in spite of their best efforts...make the product as toxic as possible. tobacco itself...with no additive, simply the pure leaf, is Not harmful...nor is the myth that the lungs disintegrate like delicate tissue paper under the assault of tobacco smoke true. Smoking tobacco is a very, very old practice...and yet, the supposed health problems which are said to arise from it are only plagues of the modern world..indeed i am sure even now some can recall old timers who lived to ripe old ages smoking tobacco their whole lives.

The increasing assault on our freedoms don't get enough attention in the world for sure...the assault on the freedom to choose to smoke...or for that matter imbibe, consume or inhale anything you please (whether it's wise to do so or not) is treated as taboo even to those who are awake and aware on other levels...particularly Christians, who have been thoroughly taught that such things are harmful to the body...therefor a sin..therefor it makes sense to make secular laws to control them.

Just wait until the day that vitamin C is a controlled's coming.


U.S. to regulate electronic cigarettes as tobacco
April 26, 2011
The government said on Monday it plans to regulate electronic cigarettes as tobacco products.
The Food and Drug Administration’s announcement came after the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued a decision which said that electronic cigarettes are not drugs or devices unless they are marketed for therapeutic purposes.
In 2009, the FDA was given the authority to regulate tobacco products that are not drugs or devices.
Electronic cigarettes, marketed under names such as NJOY, mimic the act of smoking and include nicotine, but do not emit the same type of odor or ash.

Bill proposed in Oregon would make cigarettes prescription-only drugs


If you're a regular smoker, you may want to keep an eye on a new bill in the Oregon Legislature.

Rep. Mitch Greenlick, from Portland, is sponsoring a bill that makes cigarettes a Schedule III controlled substance, meaning it would be illegal to possess or distribute cigarettes without a doctor's prescription.

Under the proposal, offenders would face maximum punishments of one year in prison, a $6,250 fine or both.

Other drugs and substances that are considered Schedule III controlled substances are ketamine, lysergic acid and anabolic steroids.

"The State Board of Pharmacy may adopt rules placing requirements and limitations on the sale or transfer of products containing nicotine," the bill's text says.

"I think it's pretty crazy," said Juan Silva of Salem. "I don't see it going through. It's going to be something to watch for, but I don't think it'll pass."

Others see the proposal differently.

"I hope it passes and I hope people actually think about it," said Rick Cannon of Salem. "You know there's less and less smokers everyday because they know how bad it is for them, so I just hope people wake up and realize how bad it actually is for them."

Greenlick also made headlines this week by suggesting a state committee look into the hiring procedure used by the University of Oregon when it named Mark Helfrich the new Ducks head coach.

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