There are times where we will come across people making the accusation that the bible is somehow racist. Then there are times where racists who claim to be Christian suggests the bible teaches racism. Both of these situations harm the faith, and are counterproductive to the Body of Messiah's goal. People who are uneducated in the scripture can become confused by these claims, and sometimes believe them based on the lies of the person teaching this untruth. Let us put this fable that Elohim is racist to bed......
Views: 608
When I refer to "Asians" I am referring to most easterners including Semitic people's who inhabit parts of what is known as the middle east, and Asia minor. My usage of the word Asian is very general. I propose that Shem is the father of the east, and easterners share that common human lineage. Different angelic interventions throughout the "east" have altered the sons of Shem over the years culturally, and physically. That's why sons of Shem in China would have different physical features as the sons who live in Israel. Of course I am no expert on the subject, and this is the conclusion I have drawn with the information I currently have. If there are flaws in my understanding of Shem's lineage I welcome correction.
Proverbs 6:9 - How long will you lie down, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?
'Unless pregnancies were shorter pre-flood' things that make you go hmmm =)
race and ethnicity are often equally exchanged in error.. this practice of improperly distinguishing people (nations) strictly by appearance is one which was first introduced by the enemy (in the same way as the theory of Evolution) in an effort to further confuse the Human Race, and is a topic that i agree should be explored through fact and logic.
race is determined by specific genetic compositions in the same way that species are determined within the plant and animal kingdoms. Although genetic make-up does determine visible traits (Phenotypes) such as skin color, genetics also determine non-visible traits (Genotypes) such as blood type.
there are three basic races (species) of people:
3)Hybrids/ Flesh+Spirit.
Adam was the earthly/flesh father of the Human race. Shemyhaza was the celestial/spirit father of the mixed-race Hybrids . Inter-racial people in truth can only refer to Human+Angel hybrids. Noah was perfect in his generations - a genetically unmixed member of strictly the Human Race - when everyone around him had been genetically compromised by the mingling and manipulation done by the fallen spirits.
once two species (races) mix, the result is termed 'hybrid'. hybridization between the human race and the angelic race is what produced the Nephilim before and after the flood in both literal breeding as well as in laboratory manipulation and just like the days of Noah, these days the earth is loaded with mixed-race individuals as well.
all creation was made after its own 'kind' (species/race) (Gen. ch. 1-7) as in after it's own species/ race. and there are specific laws YHWH has given humans concerning mixing races.. primarily, that it is not done. interbreeding different species of animals is prohibited (Lev. 19:19) and interbreeding with fallen spirits is also prohibited - and much more disastrous (Gen 6:4,5 Jude 6,7)
often ethnicity deals on the surface with where a person is from.. but more precisely ethnic differences come from what genetics make up a person.. nations tend to be thought of in terms of where they are on the map but as we know, nations are actually made of individuals.. and nations, despite where they originate, tend to migrate, thus ethnicity of nations and individuals is more specifically defined by what genetic descent they are.
places are often named for individuals, as with the land of Canaan.. the people in that land were descendants of Canaan thus their ethnicity was Canaanite based upon their specific lineage, not necessarily their specific location. Ethnicity and Citizenry are often confused but an example of how this works properly is Paul.. Paul was an ethnic Benjamite but a resident of Rome, therefore making him Roman, as in a Roman citizen.
the Human species is a singular race with many ethnicities. Human/ Angel hybrids and other GMBs (Genetically modified beings) are equalized in Yahushua.. all sinners are sinners and all sinners need to be brought to repentance in Him and all sinners need salvation in Him.. whether they are Nephilim (human X angel) Shemite, Hamite or Japhethite, or some various Heinz 57 mixture of all of the above.. all sinners need salvation and it's good to know that, as you brought up, YHWH is not partial.. and we should be like Him and not be partial either.
Christians are often taught to hate the enemy.. even though scripture plainly states we are to love our enemy.. and we are often taught that we are better than the enemy.. even though scripture states that no one is good but Elohim.. we often believe it is OK to blame the enemy for our faults when we know that on the contrary, as it's written in Jer 17:9, our own hearts are deceitful above all things and from Mat 15:19 that out of our own hearts proceed sin.
clearing up the issues of real race and real ethnicity.. letting them be the simple things they are.. allows people to move forward and learn the realities and ramifications of how those conditions are used and shown in scripture.
no one who believes he is better than anyone else for any reason can truly be said to love. as the redeemed we are better off because of salvation, but we are no better than anyone else, saved or not.. 'no one is good except Elohim' (Mar 10:18) Pride is the root of the idea that anyone is better than anyone else, and it takes love for any other than ones self out of the equation.
He who does not love does not know Yahuwah, for Yahuwah is love. (1John 4:8)
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