Then I stood on the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. Now the beast that I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. And one of his heads was if it had been mortally wounded and his deadly wound was healed and the entire world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon that gave authority to the beast and they worshiped the beast saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months. Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against Yahuwah, to blaspheme His name, His tent, and those who dwell in the sky. It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity. He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. - Revelation 13:1-10

What should we think this means, a beast out of the sea? It has been explained by Christian leadership as being symbolic of this beast being derived out of many nations, the sea being a figurative way of meaning many peoples or nations. There must be an example in scripture, then, of this metaphor being deciphered so that it is clear that "sea" is figurative language for a host of multinational people. This reference to make a connection like this seems absent though. So what then? Has Christian leadership guessed at this or have they been trained with this answer from seminary?

What if there were another possibility? Perhaps it is worth a second consideration of some long forgotten mythologies to understand what those who lived long before this generation understood as the beast which came out of the sea.

The continent of Europe takes its name from a woman who is considered to be a figure of ancient Greek mythology. The legend is not just a Greek one though, it begins in Phoenicia. Europa, it was said, was the daughter of Canaan. She was a princess of Phoenicia, living in Tyre. There came a day when a bull-like beast came out of the sea and met her, gaining her trust until she sat upon its back. At this time it revealed to her that it was a "god". The beast then abducted her, taking her into the Ocean and leaving her on the island of Crete where she eventually gave birth to the three sons of the beast.

This legend is repeated by the Greeks where the beast is thought to be Zeus in disguise but by other cultures he connects to beings such as Dagon who was said to be part man and part fish. None of those who recorded this story, such as Herodotus, refer to it as a story of symbolism or mythology, but insist it is a historic occurrence. The three sons who were fathered by the sea beast on Europa are understood to be three divine patriarchs of European branches of people. Phoenicia remembered the event by building a temple in honor of Europa and producing currency with a depiction of her riding on a bull.

Before the deluge was sent upon the Earth, all flesh had corrupted its way according to the words of Genesis, except Noah and his family.

So 'Elohiym looked upon the earth and indeed it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. - Genesis 6:12

If one is familiar with the history of this time as explained in 1 Enoch, it is understood that this means a corruption of the genetic foundation of all life forms on the earth, man and beast. Rebel angels first introducing their genes into the human population and then also created transgenic chimeras. Creatures who were part man or part angel and part one or more type of animal life walked the earth, are still recalled in legends today, and have begun to be a reality once more in modern age science.

Those who would say that all transgenic beings were destroyed in the flood, never to be seen again will have difficulty finding ways to explain how it came to be that nephilim were present in the promised land when Israel entered it or how every post flood culture in recorded history insists on the existence of chimera type beasts.

It is usually understood by believers that the flood killed all things except for those preserved on the ark, yet this is not exactly what Genesis says.

And all flesh died that moved on the earth. Birds and cattle and beasts and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth and every man. All in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, all on the dry ground, died. So He destroyed all living things that were on the face of the ground, both man and cattle, creeping thing and bird of the air. They were destroyed from the earth. Only Noah and those with him in the ark remained. Genesis 7:21-23

Scripture tells of all life which exists on the dry ground being destroyed, but as we could never expect Noah to have taken on board life such as whales or dolphins or every kind of fish, it should perhaps be a matter of logic which tells us that whatever could live aquatically could survive the flood. This includes whatever transgenic creations which could live aquatically. The so-called myths of mermaids and Selkies and other strange, aquatic transgenics should be understood, not as fables, but as the record of surviving pre-flood transgenic hybrids.

Dagon of the Philistines and Oannes of the Babylonians were deities which had emerged from the sea to begin to teach the old, forbidden, pre-flood knowledge to post flood humanity. The tower of Babel should be considered as an early attempt to preserve and use that ancient knowledge so that it would not again be lost to mankind. YHWH intended that mankind lose this history though, as it was responsible for the great evil and violence of the pre-flood earth.

The story of Europa is very similar to a legend which is told about a line of kings called the Merovingian. It is said that the line began with one named Merovee, a name which means "from the sea" and he was considered semi -divine, his father having been a creature known as a quinotaur (the bull king) or the "Bistea Neptunis" (the beast of Neptune). This creature is described as having both bull and fish features and being aquatic in nature. The mother of Merovee was seduced or raped by the quinotaur as she was wading in the sea.

The Merovingian line is usually understood to be extinct, but this is far from true. Though the name is not any longer among the families of nobility, the bloodline is the direct ancestry of all the ruling families throughout Europe. The Merovingian line can be traced back, with or without this legend of the quinotaur, to Phoenicia but considering the story of Europa which was believed in Phoenicia to be accurate and historical, there is a connection which is undeniable.

The three sons of Europa by the sea beast are also considered real, historical individuals by those who record a memory of them. These three were named Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon. All three begin their reign on Crete, where he quinotaur left Europa, but Minos drives out his two brothers.

Rhadamanthus fled to Boeotia, a region of ancient Greece, north of the gulf of Corinth. It is reasonable then, that Rhadamanthus brought the story of his conception to Greece and it became accepted as part of Greek mythology.

Sarpedon, after he was banished from Crete, founded the kingdom of Lycia. Lycia was a region in Anatolia on the southern coast of Turkey, a region which later came under the authority of the Roman empire. Miletus, an ancient city of this region recorded their beginnings as being founded in Crete.

Minos, the son of Europa who remained on Crete is recalled in Germanic mythology as having three sons of his own who became the ancestors of the Germanic people: Ingaevones, Herminones and Istvaeones. The German story also, where Minos is known as Mannus, his father is understood to be a "god" called Tuisto. The songs which tell this history describe their forefather as living near the ocean and being a "god" who was born on the earth.

There is a logical conclusion to why Europe would retain the name of a strange legend of a woman being impregnated by a chimera being from the sea. The conclusion is strange enough, though, that it is easily concealed from the world which has come to understand reality as one thing and legend as another, never questioning if these two things might be the same.

Europa is literally the mother of Europe and her sons are the literal patriarchs whose descendants dwell there to this day. The nobility who have always been the kings, the queens and the rulers of the European nations are those who have literally descended in a direct line from the children of a beast who came from the sea.

It is no coincidence, perhaps that there now exists a structured government which holds power in Europe called the European Union. This is an organization which many believers have linked, correctly, to the beast of revelation, but never knowing how true of a connection it really was. There are 27 nations in the European Union and this, maybe, causes some confusion for those who have seen a link between it and the beast who has only seven heads. Out of those 27 nations, though, only 7 are monarchies which have hereditary succession. Here there are the seven heads of the beast out of the sea:

Belgium - Albert II

Denmark - Margrethe II

Luxembourg - Henri

Netherlands- Beatrix

Spain - Juan Carlos

Sweden - Carl XVI

UK- Elizabeth II

These royal lineages are the inter-related families which descend from Europa.

The official web site of the European Union is named Europa.

This is the statue which sits outside of the European Union, Europa on the bull who took her captive.

It is also interesting to know that the heraldry of these families repeatedly depict lions, panthers and bears. These are the creatures which are described to comprise the beast in Revelation.

The original crest of King Clovis of the Merovingian showed three frogs and the Merovingian are often connected to frogs (amphibious beasts) in legend. There is possibly something to think about in connection with this passage in scripture:

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, that go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of Yahuwah Almighty - Revelation 16: 13, 14

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Not sure if there’s a lot of Slavic blood currently in turkey, but I think you may be right. I recall reading Strabo mentioning Serbs/Serboi having a river named after them in Lycia.

All leaders of these world who have done corruption will at the end face judgements because they have not a dared to the law.

Yea, true. I'm thinking Balkan Slavs but they trotted into that territory quite a time ago. I guess there might not be a lot left.

WeightofAudio said:

Not sure if there’s a lot of Slavic blood currently in turkey, but I think you may be right. I recall reading Strabo mentioning Serbs/Serboi having a river named after them in Lycia.

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