Would you submit to taking forced medication every day whether or not there was anything wrong with you to begin with? I am sure the reasonable answer to that is no and i am sure most would answer this way, at least i would hope that is so. There are a number of influential scientific leaders and even media sources which suggest that it would be a good idea to add Lithium to municipal water supplies, though, and perhaps they expect the public reaction to be as accepting or as apathetic as they would hope.
Lithium, which is used as a mood stabilizing drug, is claimed to have the effect of lowering the incidence of suicide in populations where it is introduced into the water supply. According to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California at San Diego, Ohgami H, Terao T, Shiotsuki I, Ishii N, and Iwata N. at the Department of Neuropsychiatry at Oita University, findings suggest that the rates of suicides and violent crimes are reduced where lithium is found in higher amounts.
Institute of Mental Health at the University of British Columbia director, Allan Young reported-
"A logical first step would be for the Medical Research Council (or a similar body elsewhere) to convene an expert working party to examine the available evidence and suggest further research. If larger epidemiological studies suggest the link between lithium and low suicide rates is real and lab research can explain the biological mechanism, real clinical trials might be worth a shot. Following up on these findings will not be straightforward or inexpensive, but the eventual benefits for community mental health may be considerable,"
Fox news took the opportunity to sell this idea to the public. The spokesperson invited to speak on Fox, Dr. Archelle Georgiou, attempted to make a case for a proposal to add lithium to US municipal water supplies, just as sodium fluoride has been for years. Nothing is mentioned either by the researchers who have supposedly studied the effects of drinking Lithium or Dr. Georgiou about the toxicity of the metal which they would like to see pushed on every person whether they are mentally unstable or not.
Acute Lithium toxicity can result in muscle spasms, seizures, cardiac symptoms and coma. Chronic toxicity, the effects of having taken a little Lithium daily for a long period of time are tremors, salt wasting, kidney failure, memory loss and psychosis.
It should come as no surprise if there is a push to add one more ingredient to the water with the ability to cause psychosis and memory loss. Sodium Fluoride, which most American's drink daily if they have a municipal water supply, has a very similar effect and a history of being used for just that effect.
A German company known as Interessen Gemeinschaft Farben which became associated with Henry Ford, The standard Oil Company owned by the Rockefellers, Du Pont, Kellogg and Colgate admitted at the close of WW II that they had regularly used Sodium Fluoride as a mass medication to keep the population docile and unable to mentally function. Fluoridation being able to cause a form of chemical lobotomy in a human brain, it was found to work well in German and Russian prisoner of war camps. The US continued Nazi research into mass medication of populations and controlling human behavior well after the War.
With this information public, the majority of people still think nothing of using fluoridated toothpaste or drinking water with Sodium Fluoride added. Perhaps my hope that most people would say no to Lithium as an additive is not realistic after all. This is a country which believes in pharmaceutical benevolence with a devotion which is almost worship. The global spending on prescription drugs in 2006 was over 643 billion dollars. The US is responsible for half of that market and the pharmaceutical industry is the most profitable business in America.
It is not hard to think of the the US when reading a description of Babylon's addiction to sorcery-
"The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth. For by your sorcery all the nations were deceived" - Revelation 18:23
sorcery - pharmakeia - the making and using of drugs.
Let us come out of Babylon.