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Thanks Barry for all that information. No it wasn't the shadow that had me interested. It was the bright light. I will state again, I cannot agree with what the man was saying. One of the questions I have about the vid is wouldn't a planet or star or whatever "nibiru" is appear daily, not just once? Like I said I have been looking at this site for a couple of weeks, this is the first time this bright thing appears. The blue looking "planet" could be the moon, it would have been full during the time of the vid.. I know that the Sumerians, Sitchin and the new agers have all taught about this planet. I have read some of the texts, but I also know what wicked means. That is the adversaries Modus Operandi: to twist. The adversary takes the truth and twists it. Barry I also do not think that nibiru is bringing Messiah, but it could be bringing the very one you say must come first, and I agree, he must. I am looking forward to his coming too, cause I know the quicker that happens, the quicker our Savior will return. The destruction this could hold for the earth could match what Yahushau said when he said that the tribulation would be the worst the world has ever known.
Cyprium thank you for the Hebrew , interestingly I was reminded about Peleg last night as I read Barry's reply and looked up him in the Word. He was the son of Eber, and his name means earthquake.
Gen 10:25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.
Gen 10:26 And Joktan begat Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah,
2012 would probably be an easy time to fake Messiah's return.. it's one of those things that people nowadays just know about.. they don't know much about it - but they've 'heard things' from others and 'seen things' on TV about it..
i couldn't say we are for sure not in the tribulation now.. i would be more surprised if we weren't in it right now.. regardless, no one is promised tomorrow, and we have to keep living each day like it's our last, without living like there's no tomorrow, because it may just come.
thanks for the info on Nibiru, Cyprium.. i think that might be where the sci-fi 'deathstar' ship names came from.
Yes, even when there is no hope but repentance and turning to Him left for some people, they will still resist Him. It is hard to imagine how so much prophecy could be completely ignored by those who will choose this path.
I have watched for these past few years as fruit trees seem to succumb to something that looks just like a scorching. They are not struck with any notable disease, yet the leaves become much like what leaves would look like if they were turned to ash suddenly in a fire but retained their shape.
Barry L Brumfield said:
Prodigal Son, you said... "How much worse is it for the country who does not expect the calamity, who says " i am not a widow and i'll see no sorrow" and then in one moment disaster comes?"
Revelation 16:9 says of the end-times: And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.
Related article, "the grass is all burned up"
Read: http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2011/07/18/drought-creating-surplus-of-cattle-at-auction-beef-prices-may-jump/
Power cuts threat as sun storm hits earth
A huge mass of electrically-charged particles thrown out by a gigantic eruption on the Sun is due to strike the Earth tonight.
Scientists expect it to trigger one of the most violent geomagnetic storms ever recorded.
The result could be widespread power surges and even blackouts, disrupted TV and mobile phone signals, and broken down communication satellites.
At the same time the Northern Lights, normally confined to polar latitudes, may produce dazzling displays in the skies above southern Britain.
At least one satellite has already been knocked out of action by the storm. Japan's space agency said its Kodama communications satellite had been temporarily shut down after malfunctioning.
The solar flare that caused the eruption burst out of a sunspot at 10.54am yesterday.
Experts said it was the strongest flare seen in the past 30 years. The explosion caused a coronal mass ejection (CME) which is now speeding towards Earth.
Last week another CME only hit the Earth a glancing blow, yet was able to disrupt airline communications.
The solar flare was classified as an X18-category explosion, meaning it can trigger planet-wide radio blackouts and long-lasting radiation storms.
Although the charged particles present no direct danger to people on the ground, they could have a devastating effect on electrical equipment.
Geomagnetic storms are classified on a scale of one to five. Initial indications are that the looming storm could reach the highest G5 level and last for 24 hours.
Northern Lights
The most obvious manifestation of the storm is likely to be glorious auroras lighting up the night sky.
Usually the Northern Lights, or aurora borealis, is only visible in Britain from northern Scotland. The Earth's magnetic field channels the solar particles that cause auroras towards the poles.
But experts say that over the next two days the Northern Lights may be seen at latitudes as low as Florida and Texas - and even south enough to cover the whole of Europe.
Although the charged particles present no direct danger to people on the ground, they could have a devastating effect on electrical equipment.
'all matter is energy condensed to a slow vibration'.. these types of storms, especially one the size of what tonight's is supposed be, do pose a direct, i wouldn't say 'danger', but 'concern' for "people on the ground" (and people in airplanes, helicopters and hot air balloons haha) in terms of how we individually 'feel' and our choices on these types of nights.. heightened sensitivity is something we should all probably consider when making our daily choices, great and small.
northern lights in Florida.. wonder how far this trend will go.. will we soon see commercials advertising for vacation spots with phrases like 'come to Hawaii and watch the Northern Lights?'.. will the lights be labeled 'southern' once a certain frequency of occurrence has been reached?.. kidding yes but in seriousness.. it reminds me of the way chemtrails have been called a 'new cloud variety'..
northern lights in Texas should have people concerned and asking questions about how and why something like this would happen.. maybe it will.. maybe people in the south of Britain and the south of the US will see them and pause and question and hopefully be led to the answer that the time is probably real short right now and we all need to be about our Savior's business.
Nice fractals, Barry =)
Six coronal mass ejections in 24 hours
The sun let loose with at least six coronal mass ejections (CMEs) -- solar phenomena that can send solar particles into space and affect electronic systems in satellites -- from 7 PM ET on September 18, 2011 until 1 PM on September 19.
okay dokay guys we have ANOTHER comet and guess what this one will come between us and the moon, when??? the day obama is nearest the bunker, TOMORROW. Play hookey and shut your closets tight. cya on the other side of this, I pray:
I pray this is a hoax!
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