I realize how confusing it can be to keep track of a large quantity of strange or unfamiliar terms, names and titles which often get used here. I've provided this reference source with definitions for an easy way to look these terms up when they are encountered. I've tried to make it as thorough as possible but i will continually add to it if more should come to mind or anyone inquires on something not listed here.

demon - Specifically a term referring to the wandering, earth-bound spirits of dead nephilim capable of oppressing, possessing and influencing living people. Generally used in a modern context to refer to any disincarnate malicious spirit.

nephil - A person of human and angelic hybrid origins. (nephilim: plural)

watcher - A class of spiritual being (angel) which was charged with observance and study of creation, 200 of which rebelled in the transgressions of intermarrying with humanity and introducing forbidden technologies to earth. generally humanoid appearance of large stature.

iyr - Hebrew word for "watcher" meaning literally "wakeful or watchful one, one who watches."

serpent/ dragon
- Either referring to the natural beast used by Satan to gain access to Eve and initiate human rebellion or the class of spiritual beings to which Satan belongs (seraphim).

nachash - Hebrew word for "serpent", literally meaning "serpent, enchanter, or whisperer."

seraph - A class of spiritual being (angel) which have six wings and can take the form of a dragon or serpent. Hebrew: saraph, literally "burning or fiery serpent". (plural: saraphim)

- Demons which are regarded as ancestral deities and can incarnate repeatedly within a family line. (plural: rephaim) Hebrew: raphah, literally "to heal or quicken, a ghost, the dead".

- The hybrid children of watchers and human women which were of immense stature.

- Hebrew word used often to describe descendants of various nephilim, literally meaning "powerful, warrior, tyrant, giant or might man."

- Hebrew: Anaqiy, descendants of the nephil "Anak" or "Anaq", name literally meaning "choked, collared, strangle, encompassed by a chain, necklace."

angel - Term specifically referring to the messenger class of spiritual, heavenly beings created prior to humanity. Used in a modern context to refer generally to all classes of spiritual, heavenly beings.

- Hebrew word for angel, literally meaning "messenger". (plural: malakim)

- Class of spiritual beings having four distinct forms - humanoid, lion, eagle, ox. (plural: cherubim) Hebrew: keruwb.

B'nai Elohim
- Hebrew, meaning "sons of the mighty", often rendered in translation "the sons of God". Term of reference to any class of being or individual who's origin is a direct act of creation by YHWH rather than a flesh and blood birth. Used exclusively in the old testament to refer to "angelic" beings in the general sense.

- Title ascribed to a chief fallen spiritual being in Isaiah chapter 14. Used in a modern context as a proper name for Satan though the title is neither a name nor describes Satan. Most applicably applied to a fallen Watcher, the Hebrew title is literally "heylel:, literally " to shine or boast".

Satan - Hebrew literal meaning: "accuser, adversary, one who opposes". Chief of a vast rebellion of spiritual beings which took place in the heavens prior to the creation of mankind. "Satan" is not a name itself, but a descriptive title of the Seraph who led this insurrection and also tempted the first humans to disobey their Creator.

chimera - A term derived from Greek to describe any transgenic creature. Word originally applied to a particular transgenic which was part goat, part lion and part snake according to Greek mythology. Chimeras are termed "monsters" in apocryphal literature, referring to creatures derived from the genetic components of spiritual beings and animals.

- Chief of the rebel faction of 200 watchers which transgressed in intermarrying with human women, begetting nephilim and introducing forbidden technologies to Earth. Hebrew: shem + ya'ah + aza "of the Name of power".

Azazel - Fallen watcher who was an instigator of the rebellion of the 200. Taught the making and use of weapons of war and taught cosmetic enhancement to women. He is named as the being to which the released goat is sent to on the day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) to receive all the sins of Israel upon himself in accordance with the curse upon him mentioned in 1 Enoch "to Azazel ascribe: All Sin." Hebrew: azaz +el "mighty impudence".

- Woman deified throughout multiple cultures under multiple derivatives of her name. human wife of the watcher Shemyhaza to whom it is said he revealed how to use the name of YHWH in ritual magic. She appears throughout ancient and modern culture as "the Queen of heaven", the mother goddess, the earth goddess, the Madonna. Often portrayed as a mermaid in connection with her status as chief of sirens. She is the personified "whore of Babylon" spoken in Revelation. Hebrew" Ishah+taher "pure woman".

Hermon - Mountain on which the rebel faction of 200 watchers made a pact to enter into marital unions with mortal women and where they situated their headquarters while reigning on Earth. Hebrew: Chermown "seclude, devote, curse, consecrate".

Armoni - Fallen watcher who taught synthesized remedial medicine. From the Greek translation of his name (Pharmaros) is derived the modern terms Pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmacist, etc.. Hebrew: Armoniy "of the devoted or cursed".

Jared - Antediluvian patriarch of the 6th generation. Son of Mahalaleel, father of Enoch. The rebel watchers came to earth during his lifetime. Hebrew: Yered "descend".

- Antediluvian patriarch of the seventh generation. Son of Jared, father of Methuselah. He was a prophet who resisted the corruption brought into the world by the Watchers and who subsequently received knowledge of creation and the future through visions given to him by YHWH. He attempted to intercede on behalf of the rebel watchers and when that intercession failed, returned a message of conviction to the rebels from YHWH. Enoch was removed from the earth alive by YHWH prior to the flood. Hebrew: Chanowk "trained, instructed".

- Man chosen to survive the flood with his family in the ark. Noah was chosen based both upon his willingness to remain loyal to YHWH and his untainted human bloodline which had not been mixed with nephil ancestry. Hebrew: Noach "rest".

Shem - Son of Noah, one of three to survive the flood with him in the ark. Patriarch of all Semitic peoples including Israelites. Hebrew: Shem "name, memorial".

- Son of Noah, one of three to survive the flood with him in the ark. Father of Canaan from who derived several nations of post flood nephilim as well as father of Mitsrayim, patriarch of Egyptian peoples.

Japheth - Son of Noah, one of three to survive the flood in the ark with him. Father of Javan, patriarch of Ionian peoples.

El - Hebrew singular word literally meaning "mighty", used in reference to YHWH or a lesser, created heavenly being. Often translated as "god".

Elohim - Hebrew plural word meaning literally "mighty ones" used at times in conjunction with a singular identifier to mean YHWH, or used as plural as a collective group of lesser heavenly beings. Often translated "gods".

YHWH - Proper Hebrew name of the Creator, pronounced with vowel inflections "Yahuwah", though often given as "Yahweh".literal meaning "self existent, or I AM".

Yahushua - Proper Hebrew name of Messiah, literally meaning :"the salvation of YAH".

siren - A spirit of a human female who was joined to a heavenly being in marital union during her mortal life. Capable of possession of living human beings and associated with bodies of water, they are known for specifically targeting men through lust and destroying them.

1 Enoch - A historical and prophetic text which was rejected from canon though validated as containing original writings of Enoch by Jude. Some material attributed to Noah also included in the text. General history of the preflood world, the rebellion of the Watchers and numerous parables and visions given to Enoch by YHWH, including many dealing with the last days. This book is not to be confused with 2 and 3 Enoch which are works written in much more recent times and which do not correlate to any canonical scripture.

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