Want a shot at the beast? Urgent request for assistance in the grass roots investigation of the World-Wide network of child sex trafficking and mind control.

The entirely unimaginable is happening. There is currently a huge movement of internet investigators, just average people, who are literally taking on the beast.

What a few of us have known for a long time - that there is a global cabal of Satanic rulers who govern the world in secrecy and who abuse children as part of their sick religion - is now on the cusp of becoming mainstream knowledge.

Beginning as a stunning revelation coming out of the Podesta/Clinton emails released by Wikileaks and others, online activists fighting to expose Clinton for various other crimes discovered in the correspondence a building picture of a vast pedophilia network tied to the occult and the Clintons.

The mountain of evidence keeps piling up ever higher as thousands of people volunteer their time and risk their freedom and their lives to fight this Goliath. Researchers on 4chan and reddit, primarily, this won't be the first time in the last several months that these awakening individuals have fought and won against the enemy. We have never had a better time to hope that, Father willing, we are going to see a victory for the truth.

I am asking any and every soul who is able and willing and cares about the fate of thousands of children to do whatever you can to help. If only so much as learning about it and spreading the word, you have my thanks. For the fearless of heart, come help dig for evidence and  research at r/pizzagate. BUT PLEASE BE CAREFUL! Use proxies and be prepared to take all measures to protect your anonymity. These evil people have real power to mess with your lives.

Follow these links to the resources concerning this matter:

Wikileaks Podesta Emails: all Podesta emails. Thousands of them. People are still needed to search these:


"Pizzagate (reddit)", so named because of the internal code words used to describe children and acts against them in the emails. "Pizza", a much used code term stands for "little girl". You will find the compilation of researchers' evidence gathered here:


A summary article of the investigation and key pieces of evidence can be found here:


Please pray, everyone, for the safety of the researchers and the children in slavery and for the defeat of this evil in Messiah's name. Rak Chazak! :uD

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LIVE- Sheriff Grady Judd gives update after hundreds arrested in undercover human trafficking bust

Over 200 arrests in human trafficking bust- Polk County Florida, USA.

"but the thing that's most compelling to me.. was that they were paying off the COYOTE for their transportation. This is REAL." - Sheriff Grady Judd

"what would an OP be if we didn't arrest somebody that was employed by Disney?" - Sheriff Grady Judd

sidenote... Sheriff is a bit cucked up claiming cannabis is a gateway drug.

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