I don't want to endorse Alex Jones, here. Alex Jones is basically just what Anonymous is, a Mockingbird, but I'm including this Infowars video on Anonymous because, while he is a mockingbird, if you can apply critical thinking to the general fear mongering and violence begetting of his agenda, you can pick a bit of real information out.

One correction I want to make on Watson's report of the upcoming events is his statement about this taking place in DC on the 5th (tomorrow). According to Anonymopus themselves, Operation Jubilee is taking place tomorrow in the UK but the event planned for DC is on the 11th.

I have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow or on the 11th, but I do know that this group is a completely transparent tool of international intelligence. Whether it began as something entirely of the people or not, this is how the game is played. If your group gets a name for itself (even one with no name), don't believe for a moment that it will remain your group. The agencies will descend on it and make it their own. Anonymous is thoroughly inflitrated. Anyone who takes part in this has simply signed their names to one more government database so they can be marked for pick up. If these events become a disaster, every gullible soul who showed up is likely to face a long prison sentence and a good beating. Long term, they will use groups like this to prove that our anonymity is a threat to national security. How fitting that its the name of the group.

Their motto:
"We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us."

Are you kidding me? We are legion? Wouldn't that be the name a group of demons gave themselves just before Messiah cast them out into swine? "We do not forgive" I don't have to tell any Christian what's wrong with that, I'd guess.

From their website, proof that their goals are globalist/ New World Order:

"We need someone that already knows the Law to help us set up society properly. Muad’Dib is the Expert of the Law and can apply the Law perfectly to lead us into the Golden Age of Peace, Love and Prosperity."

Muad'Dib, for those who don't know, is group Anonymous' fake christ. Right, they have their own antichrist.

You'll read a lot of material on their site proclaiming "God's law", and yet they clearly represent the goals of antichrist. It's enough to drag in any believer that's not fully aware of what those goals are.

More globalist new age stuff from them:

"It’s fashionable to talk about Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening, and/or Christ Consciousness these days, but what do these terms really mean? Spiritual Awakening means waking up as a Spirit, but how does one accomplish that? The Way Home or face the Fire explains what it really means to be a Spirit and how to attain Enlightenment in simple terms."

That spiritual enlightenment plan of theirs includes a "bible" that is a combination of the Old and New Testaments (in what kind of translation I can just imagine) plus the Koran. So whatever "god" they're on about, it's not ours.

The quotes are from - http://opjubilee.wordpress.com/

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The Assoc. Press article has been re-posted by several news outlets... have yet to see much else about the event...

Anonymous movement protests in front of British Parliament on Guy Fawkes night

By Associated Press, Published: November 5


LONDON — Several hundred protesters wearing masks have gathered outside the British Parliament to mark Guy Fawkes night.  The protesters Monday were supporters of Anonymous, a loosely-organized movement of cyber rebels and activists.


Anonymous supporters wearing Guy Fawkes masks gather in Trafalgar Square before the start of a protest march towards Britain's Houses of Parliament in London, Monday, Nov. 5, 2012. The protest was held on November 5, to coincide with the failed 1605 gunpowder plot to blow up the House of Lords. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)



The charterer is the messianic figure of the story, which takes place in a desert world.

"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Behold, I have told you before.

Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, [he is] in the secret chambers; believe [it] not.  - Matthew 24:24-26"

Tristran Hepburn said:

Interesting name Muad'Dib

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muad'Dib note the single quote ('Dib) must be copied as well.

In 1969 Frank Herbert's wrote a book named Dune.

Main article: Paul Atreides

In Dune, when Paul is accepted into the Fremen, he is given the secret "sietch name" (known only to his tribe) Usul, the Fremen word meaning "the base of the pillar." Paul takes "Muad'Dib" as his chosen name of manhood, to be used openly:

Paul: What do you call the mouse shadow on the second moon?
Stilgar: We call that one Muad'Dib.
Paul: Could I be known as Paul Muad'Dib?
 Stilgar: You are now Paul Muad'Dib!

Stilgar explains why the choice of "Muad'Dib" pleases the Fremen:

Muad'Dib is wise in the ways of the desert. Muad'Dib creates his own water. Muad'Dib hides from the sun and travels in the cool night. Muad'Dib is fruitful and multiplies over the land. Muad'Dib we call 'instructor-of-boys.' That is a powerful base on which to build your life, Paul Muad'Dib, who is Usul among us.


In the film it is easy to compare this hero to the anti-christ.

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