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Those "illuminated" leaders and such think of their heritage as being divine... that's the image they'd like to portray to the public as well if the public climate were advantageous to that. "we are the descendants of the fallen ones" might never come out of their mouths...but they might rather be inclined to boast that they have "the blood of the gods" instead.
What struck me as insane was that the ministry that i wrote about doesn't even believe that there are modern nephilim in spite of the fact that they have dedicated their entire site to them. O.o
i read over that 'ministry' site and wow.. it sure is sneaky in a creepy way.. i imagine it's left a lot of hurt and questioning minds feeling alone and rejected after the downward spiral of 'we'll help you' to 'you don't exist'.. hybrids and mixed individuals know somewhere inside themselves that they do exist, i'm sure. even if not a conscious knowledge, their genetic memory, the unspoken language of their blood and dna would bear records to this fact..
i wonder how many people in their program have a shred of doubt accepting the fact that they are not what they know deep down inside they are.. i assume any in that position would struggle so much more with living a saved life than the same one who had been told the truth.. you do exist and your Savior loves you and has made a way for you to be forgiven and live.. especially for the Rephaim, who it seems, could perhaps desire life more painfully than others.
the 'gospel of non-existence' taught by the unnamed 'ministry'.. i read over their main page and i agree, it's the worst example ever.. the close second worse would be a more well known individual's belief, opinion, that nephilim cannot be saved because they are 'pure evil'.. it's quite sad to see people who have so much information end up making such a fearfully and maliciously flawed statement.
some quotes from one of his popular books..
Because the Nephilim can not be brought back to life through a resurrection, that apparently was the end of them. While the Hebrew word raphah also means "deceased" or "ghost", suggesting the possibility that these creatures may be forced to stay in the netherworld through eternity, there is no indication that this is the case. However, if it were the case, then what people commonly think of as ghosts are what remains of the Nephilim; as such, it is important to remember that such spirits would be purely evil. By the same token, it would appear that the New Age's "spirit guides" might, in fact, be the evil spirits of the Rephaim, taking advantage of human ignorance to mislead and do damage. This may explain why seances and other witchcraft that purports to contact the dead is forbidden by God.59
Exactly why God permits Satan to continue to rule the kingdoms of the Earth rather than chaining him in the darkness some of the fallen angels now endure is unclear (and perhaps impossible for the human mind to understand). However, it does appear that God uses the Devil to "sift" men, by permitting Satan to test them. In the end, many that go through such trials become better people (as in the case of Job).
Given that God is good and perfect, such a spirit would not be capable of coming from him. Therefore, one might conclude that a lying spirit was a demon, being exploited for God's purposes.
there are so many wrong things in those statements.. that last one is really weird.. 'God is good and perfect' yet a demon can be taken advantage of, 'exploited for God's purposes'.
Does Perfection take unfair advantage of anyone or anything? of course not.
i hope the aforementioned unmentioned 'ministry' is brought to light and neutralized soon.. with all the plain evidence in scripture, it's a doctrine that's absurd but dangerous.. i hope more people are moved to speak out against this trend and that people who are in need, people who have been hurt and used and who are confused and have been lied to can get the real gospel, and the real truth about how much their Savior loves them.
is there any sin that doesn't boil down to pride? hard-pressed to think of one. and who shouldn't want to err on the side of compassion anyway, especially when it comes to the good news of salvation in Messiah.
Meet 'Twenty-Four', the Cuban man proud of his four extra fingers and toes
They call him 'Twenty-Four.'
Yoandri Hernandez Garrido's nickname comes from the six perfectly formed fingers on each of his hands and the six impeccable toes on each foot.
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Two great little videos touching on salvation for repentant nephilim.. YHWH leaves no stone unturned and loves us all whether we love Him back or not.. thank Yahushua for all the hybrids who have come to know the truth and have been set free by Messiah.
Hybridity in humanity (say that a bunch of times) can skip the "peculiarity radar" of most in some things seen as normal- differing blood types. Most people poo poo the idea that different blood types mean much of anything, but we shouldn't ignore that they...will, must mean something since they do, in fact, exist. It is only common sense that Any little adjustment in the blood and genetics will have significant impact on the body chemistry and the nature of the mind and spirit.
Perhaps some, better qualified folk can elaborate on what I am to touch upon, but knowing one's blood type can be a pretty good indicator of what "kind" of hybrid they are (of course, some things like carrier-status not expressed can be surmised best by observation). A very rough and basic rundown is something like:
O+: The natural, "normal" human blood type which mankind was originally created with. If no tampering with human genetics ever occurred, every person would be type O+. Majority of people of this type will be among the most "distinctly" human (I say a majority, because it is common among euro-descendants for there to be individuals who express O+ who still may be strong carriers for say, rh negativity)
O-: The classic serpent type.
A: Thiis allele is inherited from Watchers. Whereas in "O" the rh factor may describe two entirely different blood types, the rh factor for someone who expresses "A" may describe more, simply, the extremity of Watcher descent. Someone who has a negative rh factor pit up against their "A" allele may be someone often described as patient, laid back...emotional internalizers...introspective...
B: Of Chimeraic origin. Most B+'s will only express bestial genes in a very minimal sort of way. B-'s might more often than not be the result of someone who is type O rh negative+ the B allele.
Reading this again made me perhaps feel like extending the discussion of modern nephilim, and how aspects of non-human traits can be seen in the everyday and not neccessarily be seen as something...as most would put it..."supernatural" or strange in origin...
Perhaps, for the most part, people do not enjoy thinking on the topic because it is attached to emotional ideas of one's personal "value" as an individual. It would be far more beneficial to people, particularly any who have inherited hybrid traits, to take into consideration that their bodies, as well as their minds, work differently than others.
Metabolic and immune processes as well as endocrine processes are the most notably affected. Many O-, having hyper sensitive immune function can find that they react strongly to anything their body considers foreign and in a day when there is much in the environment that is foreign to any organic body, that often means immune system dysfunction.
Rh negatives of all types are more likely to experience the effect of hormone disrupting chemicals, which not only can affect reproductive issues but also cortisol (stress hormone) and adrenaline output.
It might seem there are a lot of physical sensitivities in these groups, and there are in certain ways, but rh negatives do tend to resist communicable disease better than rh positive and when their unique body chemistry is taken into account when choosing diet and lifestyle habits, they can also expect to age slightly slower than their rh negative counterparts.
As you noted, the A negative tends to be an internalizer, an analyzer and avoids negative confrontation. They are good with numbers and facts. The O- is a creative and hot headed type, who does not shrink away from confrontation or an opportunity to speak their mind. These two types can get along well with one another though, it seems, because while the O- is likely to do a lot of talking, the A- does not mind listening.
should those of us who are O- have an emotional reaction to being labelled 'hot-headed'? lol.. just kidding, as an O- person, i will not take offense to that (it's true, after all).
it's no surprise that the serpent type is O"negative" while the natural type is O"positive", what with Satan being the ultimate corrupter and twister of the Creator's designs and laws.
I'm type "A-" and am someone Often described as a rather chill and quiet fellow. My fiance' is type O+ (but I suspect a relatively strong carrier of serpent genes)...it's interesting how individuals who might be described as Watcher-hybrids have a way of being attracted to serpent hybrids, as well as the other way around. My lady is quite a bit of a "fire cracker" and has quite a way with words, and of reaching people of various demographics.
I cannot help but have an inclination to be a bit amazed at the genetic variety at hand on earth...although I acknowledge a lot of is in some way corrupt in it's origin point.
genetic variety.. there seems to be just about some of everything these days.. ('again')
"..it's interesting how individuals who might be described as Watcher-hybrids have a way of being attracted to serpent hybrids, as well as the other way around." maybe it functions like the double-sided coin and the checkerboard, where symbiosis is necessary to manifest the whole.. you know - in the enemy's 'ideals'.. that duality, like the wonder twins becoming only a greater power when activated together :)
Not to speak for P.S., but "A" blood type folk seem to come with strong immune systems in general. I cannot remember the last time I caught a genuine cold or the flu.
I'm not 100% clear as to what you are asking. Are you suggesting you exhibit both? It could be that you display a certain degree of harmony of manifested Watcher and serpent traits.
Deborah said:
What then might someone's blood type be if hyper sensitive and tends to resist communicable diseases?
Prodigal Son said:Perhaps, for the most part, people do not enjoy thinking on the topic because it is attached to emotional ideas of one's personal "value" as an individual. It would be far more beneficial to people, particularly any who have inherited hybrid traits, to take into consideration that their bodies, as well as their minds, work differently than others.
Metabolic and immune processes as well as endocrine processes are the most notably affected. Many O-, having hyper sensitive immune function can find that they react strongly to anything their body considers foreign and in a day when there is much in the environment that is foreign to any organic body, that often means immune system dysfunction.
Rh negatives of all types are more likely to experience the effect of hormone disrupting chemicals, which not only can affect reproductive issues but also cortisol (stress hormone) and adrenaline output.
It might seem there are a lot of physical sensitivities in these groups, and there are in certain ways, but rh negatives do tend to resist communicable disease better than rh positive and when their unique body chemistry is taken into account when choosing diet and lifestyle habits, they can also expect to age slightly slower than their rh negative counterparts.
As you noted, the A negative tends to be an internalizer, an analyzer and avoids negative confrontation. They are good with numbers and facts. The O- is a creative and hot headed type, who does not shrink away from confrontation or an opportunity to speak their mind. These two types can get along well with one another though, it seems, because while the O- is likely to do a lot of talking, the A- does not mind listening.
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