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Feds sting Amish farmer selling raw milk locally
Cite interstate commerce violation
A yearlong sting operation, including aliases, a 5 a.m. surprise inspection and surreptitious purchases from an Amish farm in Pennsylvania, culminated in the federal government announcing this week that it has gone to court to stop Rainbow Acres Farm from selling its contraband to willing customers in the Washington area.
The product in question: unpasteurized milk.
It’s a battle that’s been going on behind the scenes for years, with natural foods advocates arguing that raw milk, as it’s also known, is healthier than the pasteurized product, while the Food and Drug Administration says raw milk can carry harmful bacteria such as salmonella, E. coli and listeria.
"It is the FDA’s position that raw milk should never be consumed," said Tamara N. Ward, spokeswoman for the FDA, whose investigators have been looking into Rainbow Acres for months, and who finally last week filed a 10-page complaint in federal court in Pennsylvania seeking an order to stop the farm from shipping across state lines any more raw milk or dairy products made from it.
The farm’s owner, Dan Allgyer, didn’t respond to a message seeking comment, but his customers in the District of Columbia and Maryland were furious at what they said was government overreach.
"I look at this as the FDA is in cahoots with the large milk producers," said Karin Edgett, a D.C. resident who buys directly from Rainbow Acres. "I don’t want the FDA and my tax dollars to go to shut down a farm that hasn’t had any complaints against it. They’re producing good food, and the consumers are extremely happy with it."
The FDA’s actions stand in contrast to other areas where the Obama administration has said it will take a hands-off approach to violations of the law, including the use of medical marijuana in states that have approved it, and illegal-immigrant students and youths, whom the administration said recently will not be targets of their enforcement efforts.
Raw-milk devotees say pasteurization, the process of heating food to kill harmful organisms, eliminates good bacteria as well, and changes the taste and health benefits of the milk. Many raw-milk drinkers say they feel much healthier after changing over to it, and insist they should have the freedom of choice regarding their food.
One defense group says there are as many as 10 million raw-milk consumers in the country. Sales are perfectly legal in 10 states but illegal in 11 states and the District, with the other states having varying restrictions on purchase or consumption.
Many food safety researchers say pasteurization, which became widespread in the 1920s and 1930s, dramatically reduced instances of milk-transmitted diseases such as typhoid fever and diphtheria. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there is no health benefit from raw milk that cannot be obtained from pasteurized milk.
Acting on those conclusions, the FDA uses its regulatory powers over food safety to ban interstate sales of raw milk and has warned several farms to change their practices.
According to the complaint the FDA filed in court, the agency began to look into Mr. Allgyer’s farm in late 2009, when an investigator in their Baltimore office used aliases to sign up for a Yahoo user group for Rainbow Acres’ customers, and began to place orders under the assumed names for unpasteurized milk.
The orders were delivered to private residences in Maryland, where the investigator, whose name was not disclosed in the documents, would pick them up. By crossing state lines the milk became part of interstate commerce, thus subject to the FDA’s ban on interstate sales of raw milk. The court papers note that the jugs of milk were not labeled - another violation of FDA regulations.
Armed with that information, investigators visited the farm in February 2010, but Mr. Allgyer turned them away. They returned two months later with a warrant, U.S. marshals and a state police trooper, arriving at 5 a.m. for what Mr. Allgyer’s backers called a "raid," but the FDA said was a lawful inspection.
The investigators said they saw coolers labeled with Maryland town names, and the coolers appeared to contain dairy products. The inspection led to an April 20, 2010, letter from FDA telling Mr. Allgyer to stop selling across state lines.
He instead formed a club and had customers sign an agreement stating they supported his operation, weren’t trying to entrap the owners, and that they would be shareholders in the farm’s produce, paying only for the farmer’s labor.
Customers hoped that would get around the FDA’s definition of "commerce," putting the exchange outside of the federal government’s purview.
The FDA investigators continued to take shipments, though, and last week went to court to stop the operation.
Ms. Ward, the FDA spokeswoman, didn’t say exactly why they targeted Mr. Allgyer’s farm, but that violations generally are determined either by FDA investigations or by state-obtained evidence.
Pete Kennedy, president of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, said undercover stings are not unheard of.
"It happens quite a bit. It’s almost like they treat raw milk as crack. It’s happened in a number of states, and at the federal level," he said.
His organization has sued to try to halt FDA enforcement, and the case is pending in federal court in Iowa.
Mr. Allgyer’s customers declined to talk about the operations, and when asked whether they knew what would happen to the farm’s distribution, they said they would have to wait and see.
One of those customers, Liz Reitzig, president of the Maryland Independent Consumers and Farmers Association, said she started looking for raw milk when her oldest daughter began to show signs of not being able to tolerate pasteurized milk.
She first did what’s called cow sharing, which is when a group of people buy shares in owning a cow, and pay a farmer to board and milk the cow. But Maryland outlawed that practice and she was forced to look elsewhere for raw milk, and turned to Mr. Allgyer’s farm.
"We like the way they farm, we love their product, it’s super-high-quality, they’re wonderful. It’s just a wonderful arrangement," she said.
"FDA really has no idea what they’re talking about when they’re talking about fresh milk. They have no concept - they really don’t understand what it’s like for people like me who have friends and family who can’t drink conventional milk," Ms. Reitzig said.
I read this headline, and my jaw dropped. I read the article, and my chin hit the floor when I read:"It's good," said worker Jiang Yao. "It's better for you because it's genetically modified."
China Genetically Modifying Cows To Produce Human Breast Milk
Updated: Wednesday, 08 Jun 2011, 7:54 AM EDT
Published : Wednesday, 08 Jun 2011, 7:54 AM EDT
BEIJING - Chinese scientists have genetically modified dairy cows to produce human breast milk, and hope to be selling it in supermarkets within three years.
The milk produced by the transgenic cows is identical to the human variety, with the same immune-boosting and antibacterial qualities as breast milk, scientists at China's Agricultural University in Beijing said.
The transgenic herd of 300 was bred by inserting human genes into cloned cow embryos which were then implanted into surrogate cows. The technology used was similar to that used to produce Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned by scientists, in Scotland.
The milk is still undergoing safety tests, but with government permission it will be sold to consumers as a more nutritious dairy drink than cow's milk.
Workers at the university's dairy farm have already tasted the milk -- and said it is sweeter and stronger than the bovine variety, according to Sky News .
"It's good," said worker Jiang Yao. "It's better for you because it's genetically modified."
The scientists have also produced animals that are resistant to mad cow disease, as well as beef cattle that are genetically modified to produce more nutritious meat.
The director of the research project, Professor Li Ning, said Western concerns about the ethics of genetic modification are misplaced.
"There are 1.5 billion people in the world who don't get enough to eat," he said. "It's our duty to develop science and technology, not to hold it back. We need to feed people first, before we consider ideals and convictions."
Dolly the Sheep was created at Geron bio-med/ Roslin Institute. I really never had any doubt that there was a specific reason this was done by this company or in this location. Roslin is the site of both Rosslyn castle and chapel. Both of these places were built by one branch of my own family. If you've ever seen this place and know a bit about occult things, you can't miss the implications. It's become a real tourist interest ever since that ridiculous book / film The DaVinci Code. It's also led to a lot of speculation into my extended family, either in the direction of the outlandish claims made by the film or in a much less flattering (but sadly more accurate) way.
I don't bother questioning that the cloning, genetic engineering and other such abominations going on with Roslin Institute have a direct correlation to occult motives. A lot of people might assume that GM is science and the occult is some sort of magic, but the line between those things is not at all so defined up close. It would be no surprise to me if occult motives form the foundation of all GM experimentation.
"Andrew Sinclair, Grail theorist, fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge and author of The Secret Scroll, recently wrote to The Scotsman, deploring much of what he calls "the monstrous Da Vinci Code" but claiming that the chapel’s complex carved symbolism refers to "many unfolding secrets of existence", including the double helix of DNA, and pointing to the biotechnology pioneers and cloners of Dolly the Sheep at the nearby Roslin Institute."
The Green Man - Rosslyn Chapel
angel bound upside down - Rosslyn Chapel
Oh poor Prodigal Son..he's a vegetarian...Lol. I can see him now..sobbing as an apple pleads with its big blinking eyes for him not to eat it.
Barry...fortunately shrooms looking at people is not often a sign they have been genetically modified. It's normal.
Argentine lab clones cow to produce human-like milk
What other countries are producing the same?
Okay, Bean, thanks to your artwork, those among us that never eat anything with a face will now starve... I do remember some shrooms that looked back at me just before I ate the last bite... I think that plane's ethylene dibromide nozzles are leaking again.
Bean said:
With Father there is clean, unclean, then abomination. The mixing of humans with the fallen ones being the ultimate in uncleanliness, the abomination. Shrimp are also so unclean as to be an abomination. Clean and unclean are not taught in the christian church, because so many teach that Jesus died to save you from the law, not from your breaking that law. Even the clothes we were effect us. Did you know that black as a color lowers your wave length?? I hear. Do I understand it?? not quite But the smart people I know who do say I will feel better if I wear white, instead. Its not as slimming but apparently I will be generating a higher frequency or some such thing I never knew existed. Pentacostals don't even tell you this stuff.lol
This is just one of many truths the church has lost , buried in the very Word they have beautiful covers and for that they carry in their handbag or leave in their cars to tote into a building, but never bothering to know about all that stuff that "does not apply to them" .
That God said so long ago, does not even register. They have lost almost all truth, and replaced it with a plastic jesus, why not have plastic meat too? Joel said the end times hunger would be for knowledge from the Word. The world is starving itself to death.
If tampered with genes automatically nullifies one's ability to be saved... i very much doubt anyone could be saved. Not only is the world a melting pot of bloodlines but now there are new and interesting ways to mess with someone's genetic code After their conception.
Genetically Modified foods, for example, are able to literally alter the DNA in the cells of the person consuming them. Furthermore... those aren't just changes which affect the individual who ate the GMO product, but their future generations as well. Some similarly effective contaminates are used in chemtrailing as well.
The only blood that's going to count, in the end, is the blood of Yahushua,
Those that wildly speculate on the genetic inheritance of the Right to be saved have forgotten that they, themselves, never had a right to be saved. It's always been an unmerited mercy.
As far as "junk" DNA goes...some might have forgotten to take another matter into consideration with that. Mankind is a fallen race who live in fallen flesh. The incorruptible resurrected body of believers will be perfect. Consider that this so-called junk DNA is simply parts of the genetic code which can not operate in fallen flesh. The fruit of the tree of life might just be the switch which turns these inactive parts on to cause the body to become what it was meant to be... immortal and incorruptible.
I don't think that the "contaminating" parts... in other words, genetic material that doesn't belong in the pure human person... is dormant. Those traits express themselves frequently and show no signs of being inactive.
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