"godlikeproductions", Tavistock & Internet Mass Mind Control

last year i was banned twice by the godlikeproductions site.. as of today i have been yet again from it three times more.. after a total of 5 bans from the site, i decided to go digging.. what i found was a rabbit-hole which leads straight down..

in September of 2009 i joined godlikeproductions.com.. i posted in a thread where someone was posting in an effort to get O-Negative blood types, starseeds, crystal children, etc. to join him at a website where their 'god' natures could be explored, enhanced, etc.. not long after, i clicked to post a discussion - only to find i'd been banned.

below the email address there are two notes:

"we sometimes have to ban entire ISP Providers because of attacks on this website.. "

"If you have been inadvertently caught up in one of these bans please accept our apologies email us and we will try to clear it up for you"

after mailing the staff, i received a reply that the ban had been lifted and perhaps it was my browser that had prevented me from posting.. soon after that, when i tried to post a discussion (unfortunately i don't recall what that was at the time) - i found i was banned again..

until a couple of weeks ago, i hadn't been back to the site more than a handful of times.. on May 15th i stopped by and posted a large portion of Culling The Herd : Their Intentions for the Flock.. there were 372 total views.. i wasn't banned and thought the issue had been resolved..

on May 19th i posted 3 paragraphs from Plan to Put the Whole World in a Demonic Trance - including the paragraph containing this :

"In pre-World War II Germany, the emphasis on eugenics and mind control made a strong come-back. The psychiatric branch of the eugenics field through the Tavistock Institute began to promote social engineering, euthanasia, and sterilization of certain “genetically unfit” groups of people."

if you're not familiar, on most given days godlikeproductions tends to have around 1500 people visiting or using the site, and comments can add up quickly.. after posting the above paragraph i decided to check for comments.. there were a few.. i got another post ready and hit the publish link..

and there he was.. that old familiar face again.. not exactly smiling back at me..

banned again, and clueless as to why, i decided to email the support staff and inquire as to why.. the next day a reply followed, instructing me to "try it now"..

here is the transcript of godlikeproduction's reply email :

Subject: 66Re: Not a Stalker..
Date: 5/20/2010 5:23:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time

> Hi.. why was i banned, please? thank you.
> Born Again Nerd : B.A.N. (is it my username initials?..)

try it now...


so i went to the site and posted a short comment.. things seemed back to normal..

later that night it was realized that the word "Tavistock", in paragraph 3 of my discussion post from the day before, had shown up as "Merry Christmas".. "..The psychiatric branch of the eugenics field through the Merry Christmas Institute began to promote social engineering.."

once again, i was clueless as to why.. i sent a second email to the ban staff, and asked why it was that "Tavistock Institute" was changed to "Merry Christmas Institute"..

Subject: 66Re: 66Re: Not a Stalker..
Date: 5/23/2010 10:34:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time

> Hello.. it's me again..
> thanks for reinstating my abilities..
> also, i'm banned again..
> why is it that "Tavistock Institute" in my post draft becomes "Merry
> Christmas Institute" once it's published - and then i'm banned? (i don't
> recall
> reading anything in the TOS about using the words "Tavistock Institute")
> thanks for the help.
> Peace in Messiah

GLP detractors use the bogus TI link to try and inflict some sort of
damage to the site's reputation, probably trying to drive posters away,
which doesn't work. We ban because of the haters spamming the forum and we
change the offending words to prevent other posters from quoting them and
getting banned too.

send us your IP again so we can check out the ban for you...



i sent it, and the next day received this reply:

Subject: 66Re: 66Re: 66Re: Not a Stalker..
Date: 5/24/2010 5:42:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time

> Hi.. that makes sense.. "###IP###"
> i appreciate all the help.
> Peace in Messiah

there are no bans against your IP...but, if you are getting the BK dude
then there's probably an ISP server ban affecting your IP accessing the
site; you might want to accesss the site via a proxy meantime, sorry for
the inconvenience.


today i returned, to post a comment in an effort to clarify the "Tavistock"/"Merry Christmas" confusion.. this time i decided to post the word "Tavistock" vertically, just in case.. It didn't work.. "Merry Christmas" was there instead..

needless to say, i was nonplused.. not only was i being repeatedly banned.. but the word "Tavistock" was apparently related.. which i found odd on its own.

so i began searching for clues.. here is some of what i found in less than an hour..

Oct 2, 2008 : From : thestraightandnarrow.org

"I used to frequent a conspiracy theory message board (forum) called godlikeproductions (http://www.godlikeproductions.com). You can find all sorts of crazy topics on there, but every now and then you can find some truly interesting info that seems to have credible sources that you can actually validate. I would visit for the entertainment value and also for the chance that I might stumble upon a post by someone that might actually know something.

Anyway, one day I saw a post titled “The truth about GLP”. It looked interesting so I clicked it. The poster said to google three things: “webhelper trinity”, “the best kept secret in america” and “godlikeproductions”. Before I did this, I scrolled down to see some of the responses. Someone had posted a couple of sentences that didn’t make sense. They said, “Jack_Frost has caused quite a buzz by buying out a popular internet message board, godlikeproductions.com. He is posting there under the name “^TrInItY^”, and bans anyone who mentions bunny or flowers.”

A couple of posts later, someone quoted that and said, “See! Some of the words automatically got changed” or something along those lines. I thought to myself, “Wow, so this conspiracy theory message board is censoring certain words.” I really wanted to know what the original sentence said so I started googling like the original poster advised. Upon googling “webhelper trinity”, I clicked on the first link and it was to a thread on a message board. I actually found the exact sentence that the poster had copied and pasted (without the changes obviously).

The original sentence was, “Jason Lucas has caused quite a buzz by buying out a popular internet message board, godlikeproductions.com. He is posting there under the name “^TrInItY^”, and bans anyone who mentions lop.com or spyware.” So we see here that Jason Lucas got changed to Jack_Frost, lop.com got changed to bunny, and spyware got changed to flowers. I wanted to make sure that someone wasn’t just messing around, so I decided to test it myself by copying and pasting that sentence into a reply in the thread. Sure enough my post was there with those three words changed.

I immediately went to repost and when I hit “submit” I was greeted with “You are banned from posting” or something similar. This was all within less than a minute. I was very surprised. Apparently, if you post one of the banned words you get auto-banned. A few minutes later the whole thread was deleted.

After a little more research I found out that Jason Lucas used to work for (or still does) lop.com which is/was a company that made spyware and malware. According to some sources, it was speculated that Mr. Lucas works for the US government and this spyware was used to collect info for them. At this point you may be thinking, “so what?” Well, Jason Lucas bought godlikeproductions back in 2004 from the original owner and is a forum moderator there that goes by the name ^TrInItY^. Obviously he doesn’t want word to spread about his past with lop.com. He also attempted to buy Rumormill News and Surfing the Apocalypse; two similar websites. They turned him down.

What’s REALLY interesting is that another one of the banned words there is Tavistock. If you post that word in a thread, it changes to Merry Christmas and you get banned. It doesn’t take much to deduce that Mr. Lucas must be associated with them in some way as well. I have another blog on here that goes into great detail about what Tavistock is. I suggest reading it here.

Basically Tavistock Institute has done much work and research in the fields of mind control and social experimentation. That’s simplifying it, but like I said, if you want to know more read my blog “The best kept secret in America”. I didn’t write the article, but I reproduced it here in it’s entirety. [...] "

Oct 3rd, 2008 at 9:14 am [Comment by "SS"]

"well i can tell you that i joined GLP in the 1999 after running into the forum on cyberspaceorbit.com during some research. this was long before trinity and his gang of mods were even a thought form there. in those days we truly had freedom of speech as i can vouch for the previous owner who actually built the forum.

i ended up leaving GLP due to my research threads constantly being deleted for no reason. they do indeed change many words and some of those do indeed have to do with the word spyware.

i have also witness them take someones private information such as pictures and edit then and post them on their forum ban page in what i consider very hateful ways which i am sure was for their own pleasure.

i suggest the previous owners new forum:


as a viable alternative."


Posted By: Rayelan, Rumormill.com
Date: Tuesday, 8-May-2007 03:48:39

"Take a look at the words that will get posters BANNED from GLP the words themselves are also censored...

Some of the banned words/sites are as follows:

Alien earth, proxywhore refuge, modlikeproductions, juryroll, ghosthunterscry, abovetopsecret, rumor mill news, surfing the apocalypse, buddhas grove, malware, spyware, adware, Jason Lucas, Elaine, Defiler, tavistock, stanford research institute. (VN: The link to the stanford research shows funding by Tavistock to various US institutions and Stanford research is one of them, and Donald Rumsfeld was hired there. Scroll down the link to the list of institutions and memorize them, MIT, NIH, etc) Also, using a tiny url will get you automatically banned.

Here is a post from STA. Theresa asks a VERY telling question. WHY would GLP ban the word Tavistock? Why don't they want people to know anything about Tavistock. And why is information about the Stanford Research Institute banned???

Theresa and I KNOW why Rumor Mill News and Surfing the Apocalypse are banned... they HATE us... we exposed them for what they are... a spook social engineering operation run by god only knows who.

They also ban the name Jason Lucas, he happens to be one of the owners of GLP... I suspect they ban HIS name because they don't want you to know of his association with GLP and with lop.com... a malware and spyware company.

Don't believe me... take a look at this article he wrote. It is STILL on a government website:

Mr. Jason Lucas
C2 Media Ltd.
London, (VN: home of Tavistock Institute)
United Kingdom

FTC Public Workshop: "Monitoring Software On Your
PC: Spyware, Adware, And Other Software"
April 19, 2004

Dear Sirs:

As someone "in the industry," I wish to submit for your review a brief (but necessary) description of the actual difference between 'adware' and 'spyware,' together with an explanation of why that distinction is extremely important in the present controversy that has generated so much public debate. In order to understand the current situation regarding..........."

Isn't it interesting that Jason Lucas is from London... as is Tavistock? Now I wonder if the operation that went on, several years ago, at GLP, which tried to destroy "Rayelan" and "Theresa" was a Tavistock inspired operation?

It certainly makes you wonder doesn't it? If you don't have a clue as to what I am talking about... please carefully read the information I have inserted in this post."


there is so much discussion, past and present, regarding this circular relationship.. unfortunately many of the links to articles with details on things like godlikeproductions and CIA involvement and Jason Lucas offering to buy the "abovetopsecret" site, have apparently been deleted from their various sources..

More and more, information sources and networks that were once useful, even if only temporarily, are being sucked into the vortex of communication control.. not just the internet conspiracy sites.. not too many looks into the societal state of reality and one notices the shift of vast numbers of agencies, businesses, churches and schools toward a censored singular system.

where does this leave the people who actually care to learn and repeat the truth?

on our toes, for one, i'm sure.. doubtful it's any real surprise to anyone who has visited, that godlikeproductions is a beast tool.. or ATS.. or actually, just about any major site out there.. the pickings are getting ultra-slim, and the bones of what's left are being boiled down to a thick slime of programmed rhetoric and reality-censorship that is brewing in virtual petri dishes on tell-tale tables in the black labs of the ruling controllers.

regardless of what group really runs any major site.. i think it's safe to say that when the bread crumbs of any of them are followed far enough, one inevitably finds the source back in the thick forest of confusion which may as well be known as the Dragon's Den.

Satan's ultimate control and rulership of sin is the source of course, and i think we've all noticed the increased lack of information on subjects which shine lights into the weak-eyed topics of his plans and exploits, especially when the trail weaves such a tight web of deceit and violation around the truth..

major internet networks have, nearly shamelessly, become barely-covert breeding baths for toxic ideas and well-kept experimentation grounds, cultivating participants' minds into dull robotic thorns.

thankfully, we are given rights in Messiah to continue to learn and share the truth about Him, as well as the truth about the enemy. this life is temporary, and while it's not wise to make one's self a target, there is certainly only good in telling the truth about the lies.

"Make me to understand the way of Thy precepts: so shall I talk of Thy wondrous works"
(Psalm 119:27)

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 Is this Lucas the same Lucas who runs Disclosetv ?

Please say it aint so.


hi Kenny.. that's a good question.  On the site itself, there doesn't seem to be any information about ownership identity, just the Admin. "Lukas".  But personally, after DTV's marketing of a fake government 'seizure' earlier this year, and their newer, ATS-style layout... i wonder.

the SS's are the same abc's that have always been the enforcers in every one of the stages of the last days game of politics and policy. Its different for us with the web, but its the same idea. They break down our doors and the work from our hands and put the rest in fear of even using the words we used that got us banned. Have you seen the list published for us by our own, of the words not to use so you don't get "followed" on the web? Well the deal is if you think they don't know you if you know what Tavistock is, then you are only fooling yourself. If you are not watching Monday night football and Idol, then you are the enemy of this present state we live in and you are being watched. PERIOD. Some of the agents tho have been actually reading and getting to know their subjects and many have decided to retire now, and get ready for the end of days, so close on us now. Be honored that you got banned, its your proof you were not blinded by the bull*hitters that pretend to be one of us. Its been almost 20 years ago now, I sat across from a young nanotech scientist at a dinner who told me every phone conversation was being recorded and stored, they just didn't have enough people to listen to them all, but they are still stored, that list is just the filter that moves you to the head of the line for a real person to be assigned, is all. Now they have computers to do the listening for them for those words. And if you have been on the net for mor that 23 years, and know any sort of truth, then you have been assigned. I promise you that. Telling those abc's from the other guys, just isn't that important any more, the abc's are made up of men and women too. They too can learn truth and Father can put you in a place to do some real good, by turning your assigned agent to the truth. Keep on doing the work every place you go. Tell the truth and the truth might set you free, and your assigned abc agent.

i just posted a message concerning the up-coming world war 3 linking it to Albert Pike's prediction and how the elite and Tavistock Institute are making it all happen and instantly got banned.

Their excuse was that i had used multiple IP addresses. Errrr hello, new world; practically every wireless network uses a floating proxy server these days so every laptop on a satellite dish is floating with a random IP address that usually spans 100 mile radius for each login.

Its sad to wonder just how much blood these Tavistick Institute guys have on their hands for stopping the truth being read on their site.

As for ATS; that site has gone downhill fast. No one listened years ago, no one listens now.

i'm not surprised.. that place, like so many others, went from possibly being a good idea, to being corrupted into a social engineering and target info gathering tool.  ATS.. i did think it was okay at first but as soon as they redid their site and started selling stuff it became really one-sided.. pretty much the little sister of GLP.

it's ironic b/c other people have posted articles from this site on GLP.  if you wait a while, they'll let you back on probably, but what's the point.. pearls before swine.  at least you tried and can shake off the dust now.

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