Special army unit ready to be deployed on American soil just before Nov.
elections (Update)
April 13, 5:16 PMConservative ExaminerAnthony G. Martin

Note:  An update has been posted at the end of the article.

In October of this year, one month prior to the November midterm elections, a special army unit known as 'Consequence Management Response Force' will be ready for deployment on American soil if so ordered by the President.

(AP Photo/David Longstreath). www.examiner.com/ShowPhoto.cfm%3Ffilename%3Dd289bb6c-f9d1-417b-963a...;;[AQE]" border="0" width="1" height="1"/>

The special force, which is the new name being given to the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd Infantry, has been training at Fort Stewart, Georgia and is composed of 80,000 troops.

According to the Army Times,

They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield
explosive, or CBRNE, attack.

The key phrase is 'may be called upon to help with civil unrest.'

This afternoon a local radio talk show host reported that he had been in contact with a member of the military.  This military source stated that the armed forces have been alerted to the strong possibility that civil unrest may
occur in the United States this summer, prior to the midterm elections of

The source described this as 'our long, hot summer of discontent' that could be eerily reminiscent of the summer of 1968 when riots broke out in many of our largest cities. 

However, the summer of 2010 could well be much worse due to the players involved.  In 1968 the major players were war protesters.  This time, the outrage simmering beneath the surface of American society involves a broad
cross-section of the heartland, and most of them are heavily armed.

It is highly unlikely that these citizens would ever initiate armed conflict of any kind.  In their view, gun rights are for self-defense--and for defense against tyrannical government, which our Founders regarded as the most dangerous
force on earth.

However, it has become clear that other groups may well initiate violence in order to start an 'incident' that would give Obama and a rogue Congress a reason to implement martial law, confiscate the citizens' guns,
enforce curfews, and suspend all future elections until such time as it is
deemed 'safe' to proceed with human liberty as encapsulated in the right to

Tea Party members, for example, have been warned in recent days that members of Andy Stern's SEIU union and members of the organization formerly known as ACORN plan to infiltrate Tea Party gatherings in order to
incite some sort of incident that could result in armed conflict

In addition, all indications point to a humiliating defeat for the Democrats and Obama in November.  Not only will the House in all likelihood transfer to Republican control, but it is increasingly possible for the Democrats to lose
the Senate as well.

And there are Leftwing groups in this country that would use whatever means necessary to prevent that from happening.

ACORN has already gone underground, changing its name so as to fly beneath the radar screen.  How many people will  the group register to vote illegally?

And with Obama's plan to naturalize between 10 and 20 million illegal aliens, a brand new voter base for the Democrats will be in place prior to November.

Add to this the growing unrest over continued high unemployment, the coming spike in interest rates and inflation, and the still-boiling outrage over the manner in which Obama and the Democrats shoved ObamaCare down the throats of the
citizens, and all of the ingredients are present for a major F-5 tornado to
sweep across the heartland.

To what extent would soldiers use deadly force during such 'civil unrest' should the Consequence Management Response Team be utilized?  During the anti-war riots of the 1960s they killed student protesters.  What about now?

The military source cited by the radio host today was asked this very question.  He would merely say that the culture of the U.S. military is changing--half support Obama and the other half are dead-set against him.

His conclusion?  There is no way to know for sure if they would obey an order to open fire on ordinary citizens. 

Update:  The Cato Institute published this warning when the program was launched in its first phase in 2008 (the program has been updated and expanded since 2008).   The Founders insisted that standing armies
were never to be used against American citizens on our own soil, no matter what
violations of this principle have occurred in the years following.  In the
spirit of the Patriots and of real journalists government must be questioned
constantly and held to intense scrutiny in order to preserve liberty.


I read this article and the first thing that came to mind was the Wikileaks expose showing the soldiers shooting innocent civilians. What makes them any different from you? 80 Thousand troops training, who knows how many from foreign nations poised to assist? The beginning has begun. Is it time to fill your oil lamp? It is past time to trust totally in YHWH.

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Army Documents: Complaining About Bias, Believing in Government Conspiracies are Terrorism Indicators

"...U.S. military actually considers having “peculiar discussions” a sign that you might suddenly murder your colleagues along with “believ[ing] in government conspiracies to the point of paranoia.”

Other warning signs include recently changing your “choices in entertainment,” “complain[ing] about bias,” being “socially withdrawn” and being frustrated with “mainstream ideologies.”

The Army claims that “Risk Factors for Radicalization” include “youth” and “social networks,” both of which are so common that one might conclude that the vast majority of young people are potential terrorists..."

"Others are “organiz[ing] protests inspired by extremist ideology,” “establish[ing] website/blog to display extremist views” and “visit[ing] extremist websites/blogs.”

The glaring issue here is that these documents don’t specifically describe what “extremist” views are, which means just about anyone can be included under this troublingly large umbrella."

full article: http://theintelhub.com/2012/10/03/army-documents-complaining-about-...

well am glad i dont vote wont be apart of it and .november the 5th i will be out of here.

New Jersey to deploy military trucks to serve as polling places



Chaos, panic, starvation unleashed in NJ / NY while Bloomberg, Red Cross ignore devastated victims

The post-superstorm situation continues to deteriorate in the Northeast, with words like "chaos" "panic" and "starvation" now becoming increasingly common. Victims are dumpster diving for food, having gone hungry for several days. Fuel remains in desperately short supply, and tensions are running high throughout the region.

"With patience running thin and tension running high in the fight for fuel after Superstorm Sandy, the scene at area gas stations has been chaotic," reports CBS News. "The situation got so intense in Queens on Thursday, one man was charged with criminal possession of a weapon and menacing after he tried to cut a line at a gas station and pointed a pistol at another motorist who complained"...

..."Mayor Bloomberg uses generators, resources to run a marathon while NY citizens suffer and starve

Mayor Bloomberg has now abandoned Staten Island victims and has decided to redirect large power generators and police forces to a New York marathon being held today. What's emerging now is a political elite that is oblivious to the needs of the People. As Reuters reports:

"I just walked past four huge generators. Those could be put to use for people who need them," said Marjorie Dial, a tourist from Oregon who was shocked to see the generators in Central Park, where the marathon finishes. "What they've discovered on Staten Island should have been the tipping point - the bodies."...

"...Con Edison says power won't be restored to most customers until Nov. 10 or 11. Because gas stations need electricity to pump fuel, this means gasoline supplies won't be readily available to residents for another full week.

Over the next week, it's clear that the situation is going to erode even further. We're going to see more people begging for help, more chaos and more tensions rising. The political elite will, of course, continue to ignore the suffering of real victims just like we saw in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

What we're watching here is the failure of FEMA and Big Government to help victims in the aftermath of a devastating storm. What we are witnessing is proof positive of the need for individual preparedness in an era of failed government.

Red Cross shows up with hot chocolate and cookies
Yep, cookies! As if the people there need hydrogenated oils, refined sugar and processed wheat to power through the apocalypse.

The response of the Red Cross is an INSULT to the people of New Jersey and New York. Cookies? Really? No blankets, no fuel, no superfoods, no real nutrition... just processed hot chocolate and cookies. Wow.

How pathetic is that? I guess there's no more reason to give money to the Red Cross. It just goes to buy processed crap that's handed out to bewildered victims who need REAL help!..."

"Meanwhile, victims on Staten Island are saying things like, "I haven't had food in two days."

"We are far from fine, and the fact that the mayor wants to have a marathon this weekend, when we've had people who have lost their lives or house, everything they've worked for their whole lives … I mean, its unbelievable to me," Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis said in a CBS News report."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037805_chaos_superstorm_sandy_apocalypse...

This might give you some idea of how some are faring after the storm and their opinions toward government help. This video is from New York. It is reported that residents in some areas of New Jersey will actually be voting at Department of Defense military vehincle units.

In 1997 there was a drill simulating a storm which hit the northeastern Atlantic coast named Sandy. Besides the name and location of landfall, not the path the simulation tracks to its destination. Nearly identical to the actual storm which just took place.

Senate Unanimously Passes 2013 NDAA; Power to Arrest Americans Remains

Written by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Wednesday, 05 December 2012 09:05

Just after 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, the Senate did it again. By a vote of 98-0 (two senators abstained) lawmakers in the upper chamber approved the Fiscal Year 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Not a single senator objected to the passage once again of a law that purports to permit the president, supported by nothing more substantial than his own belief that the suspect poses a threat to national security, to deploy the U.S. military to arrest an American living in America.

As The New American reported, an amendment to the 2013 version of the defense spending bill passed by the Senate clarified the right to trial of "citizens and permanent legal residents" detained under the relevant sections of the revamped measure.

The amendment, known as the Feinstein-Lee Amendment, was cosponsored by Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), and Rand Paul (R-Ky.). In an interview Tuesday with The New American, spokesmen for Lee and Paul admitted that the amendment did not go far enough in the defense of due process, but said it was a step in the right direction.

"Colored by our experience with the due process amendment to the NDAA we offered in 2012, we knew that we would have nowhere near the number of votes needed to pass an amendment that guaranteed due process for all persons detained under the NDAA," explained Doug Stafford, chief of staff for Rand Paul.

for more on this article::: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/item/13829-senate-unanimously-...

"NYPD looking to deploy naked body scanners on street corners as part of gun control roll-out

It's not enough that the state of New York just doubled down on its trashing of the Second Amendment with the passage of new gun control laws. Now the city of New York, with its gun-grabbing mayor, is set to deploy revealing new x-ray scanners that will violate residents' Fourth Amendment right to privacy to ensure they're not taking advantage of their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

According to local media reports, New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said his force is currently testing the new technology, which is designed to hone in on guns without using the department's well-established "stop-and-frisk" procedure. Now, not only will suspected criminals be targeted, but so will the vast majority of law-abiding New Yorkers who, once again, are going to be presumed guilty until proven innocent.

The New York Daily News said the department recently took delivery of a machine that reads terahertz, the "natural energy emitted by people and inanimate objects," which "allows police to view conceal weapons from a distance."

"If something is obstructing the flow of that radiation, for example a weapon, the device will highlight that object," Kelly told reporters..."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038872_NYPD_naked_body_scanners_gun_cont...

This actually uses radiation....so not only is it violating one's right to privacy and to bear arms...it's also physically dangerous.

What "they" will spend money on just no longer shocks me. They aren't simply managing money ineptly...they're really engineering an economic collapse intentionally.

Obamacare Psychiatrists to Put POTENTIAL Dissidents Into FEMA Camps

"Recently I have written about how DSM V, the manual for diagnosing mental illnesses has been politicized in the area of gender identity disorder. Well, we are seeing the same thing with regard to a new disorder we call Oppositional Defiant Disorder, which marginalizes all protesters, those who hang out on the Internet and criticize the government.  These developments are not new as this article will trace the attempts for the government to label dissent as mental illness and they desperately want to get a hold of your kids and jam psychotropic drug into their system.
A Brief History

There is an ongoing battle for the psychological health and welfare of America’s children and eventually all Americans. Since 2002, the government has been intent on testing millions for mental illness. This obsession even extends to our veterans as they return from combat and leave the service. The veterans are increasingly being diagnosed as having PTSD and they are subsequently being adjudicated to not being eligible to own a firearm.

Marti Oakley has been at the forefront on covering elderly abuse in which the courts are stealing the property and incarcerating the elderly into mandatory detention in a care facility because they are mentally infirm. And why is this happening? If an elderly person fails to balance their checkbook, for example, they are robbed and confined by the courts.

These practices are reminiscent of how the Soviets used to imprison political enemies. The Soviets simply said if anyone disagree with the government, they must have “political schizophrenia” and required to have treatment in a mental healthcare facility.
All “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Mentally Ill According to DSM V

When I went through my clinical training, the Bible of mental illness, The Statistical and Diagnostic Manual (DSM-4r) defined Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) as a highly controversial mental illness used to describe children and teens as mentally ill if they exhibited disobedience and defiance. When I was first nationally credentialed, most practitioners did not take this diagnosis seriously and we mistakenly believed that it would fade away. We uniformly believed this to be true because defiance and oppositional behaviors are hallmark traits of healthy rebellion exhibited by children and teens as they seek independence. Rather than ODD fading away, the diagnosis has become the tool of the ruling elite.

The new DSM (5) has expanded the definition of ODD to include adults who exemplify “paranoid ideation” about the government and frequently express these delusional ideations on the Internet.

In most states, the government could arrest a member of the Independent Media based upon a charge of “threat to self and others due to paranoid ideation under the new ODD. The hold of the media types would be f0r 72 hours. The “patient” would not be able to speak with family and more importantly, with an attorney. The result could be a sentence which remands one to a mental health facility where they are forcibly drugged since they are now a ward of the state. Personal assets can be seized in order to pay for “treatment”.
President Bush and the New Freedoms Commission

In April of 2002, by Executive Order, President George W. Bush convened a 22 member panel which sought to identify policies that could be implemented by all levels of government which would promote successful mental health treatment for all children and adults. Essentially this was payback to the Bush campaign contributors, such as Eli Lilly, to create more psychiatric patients which would have to medicated.

Bush’s new organization, The New Freedoms Commission (NFC) was the enforcemnt arm for mental health care treatment. All 50 states were mandated to implement compulsory mental health screening. The screening exams were to be administered in kindergarten, fourth and ninth grade. The screening program required no parental notification and carries the force of law and this program continues unabated to 2012, when public outcry and law suits effectively shut the program down.

In July of 2003, the NFC formally recommended that schools were in the best position to commence thescreening of all Americans beginning with America’s students and school employees. The NFC implemented their recommendations, in November of 2004, with a $20 million dollar appropriation..."


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