As Bean recently stated, i need to start a thread to vent my thoughts instead of flaming another thread into ashes.
Personally, I do not trust any politician so Trump and Hillary are on different faces of the same coin.
Here is what makes me feel that Trump is simply another cog in the works to usher in the Antichrist.
1) Chemtrails. Trump stated before election day that he was determined to get to the bottom of chemtrails. Since becoming President; silence.
Maybe its a shield to stop the enlarging Sun from invoking the Great Awakening.
You-tube has former US Lieutenant Colonel Roy Potter mentioning some interesting info concerning 'Wet-Ware' and why chemtrails are dimming the sun. If Roy mentions this and the popular TV series eRevolution got canned, how come Trump has said nothing on the same issue ?
Economist Magazine January 1988.
2) The democrats and republicans are the Old World Order. Both parties are designed to burn into the ground. Trump is an outsider linked to neither party.
Out of Chaos Comes Order. With the programmed self induced suicide of the old world order, it is only natural that the Nu World Order will rise out of it all like a phoenix.
Notice the year (2018) on the badge that the phoenix wears. BitCoin leading to a cashless society.
3) Remember Obama stating 'We Want Change'. Everyone naturally assumed it was change for the better. Well, history states otherwise.
Everyone wanted change and voted Trump into power. Again everyone assumes it will be for the better. i state it will be the opposite.
4) If a peasant is poor, will they take the Mark of the Beast ? No, as they have nothing to lose especially money.
If a person is given money, via jobs returning to USA, will they take the Mark to hold onto the money they have ? Very likely.
Blacks are getting jobs now as jobs return to USA. This will mean more people will gladly choose the Mammon and not Jesus.
5) Trump has been silent on the scalar weaponry used on those houses in California. He is also silent on the Artic blast that has covered almost all of USA.
If Trump has got Yahushua right behind him, what has he got to fear by speaking the truth about how the houses in California were burnt to ash yet nearby dry pine trees miraculously survived 100ft flames.
6) If Trump has got Yahushua right behind him, why not mention the fact the scalar weaponry was used on Fukushima to start Revelation 8:11 where a 1/3 of world water (Pacific Ocean) turns bitter (radioactive) ?
This will never stop. What happens when that radioactive core reaches the Earth's crust ? Every bubble will contain radioactive particles as it melts deeper towards the Earth's mantle.
7) The posts by Q-Anon are so far rumors and speculation. This reminds me of the 'Truth' department in the book '1984' where everything the department said was 'fact'. The 'thought' police were also mentioned in the book. In conjunction with nanites this idea of 'thought' police is now possible.
The Mark of the Beast in the forehead.
Where are the mental processes such as planning in a brain ? In the frontal-lobe or forehead. Control those thoughts via nanites and everyone becomes a zombie or one of the Hive.
8) The popular TV series 'eRevolution' got canned after many people joined the dots between nanites, chemtrails and all thoughts being monitored. The devil wants no privacy of thought.
9) Q says that the elitists are being taken to 'Gitmo' on unchartered private jets. Whats to say that they are not vanishing to D.U.M.B's instead, out of harms way before something bad happens on the surface or this Great Awakening stuns everyone ?
10) Pence just stated that the US Embassy will be moving to Jerusalem during the fall of 2019. This means that the 7 Year Tribulation has just been given the Green Light to probably start in 2020 during Trump's Presidency. We will see who is in power in 2020.
As you can see, i have my doubts about Trump being there for the peasants. i see him as a cleaner, cleaning up all the filth of the swamp ready to usher in the Antichrist who is programmed to be Mr-Goody-Two-Shoes.
Views: 328
I answered that question of chemtrails before so i won't revisit it.
2 - It's fundamentally backwards to regard any of this as a "New World Order" since that trend has been a central part of society for the last three decades at least. (always trending toward "progressive" interests). What's happening now is the opposite. A return to fundamental moral values and a nationalist/populist world view.
3 - Oh, Obama just Lawyered up. He's got change coming, for sure.
4 - Pretty much the message i'm getting from you is that no matter what's happening whether it seems good or bad, it's surely bad. The devil gets plenty of credit on earth. YHWH is doing some things too.
5 - Trump has been publicly silent on many things so far. Are you understanding that this is a strategic war and disclosure is coming one drop at a time? You might be more up to date if you'd check out what he's disclosing to the (relatively) small group paying close attention. In case you doubt that, next up: the FISA disclosure that will take down the elite puppets in US agencies. You may have already missed the take down of similar puppets in the social media world.
6. see above. Don't assume because media isn't reporting something that nothing is happening. "The revolution will not be televised".
7. "The posts by Q-Anon are so far rumors and speculation." So wrong. They're proven. Need proof? Really seems like you said that having never read any of it.
8. We're about to get disclosure on FISA abuse.
9. " Q says that the elitists are being taken to 'Gitmo' on unchartered private jets." No he didn't. Read things before opining on them. WE (people watching Q) have drawn that conclusion following evidence of that possibility. Q never claimed it directly.
10. "This means that the 7 Year Tribulation has just been given the Green Light to probably start in 2020 " NO, it doesn't.
I see how you see it. I rather think you like the idea of the tribulation beginning more than not. Millions of believers are on their knees in genuine prayer for good to have the victory over evil. Do you think He's listening? I do.
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." - Mat 18:18
2. "What's happening now is the opposite. A return to fundamental moral values"
Perfectly set up for the fake Christ to make everyone assume that he is the real christ promoting real moral values to the people.
4. The Bible states that the Antichrist will rise, so of course there is only a bad future ahead. Has YWHW given any believer a dream stating that the Antichrist is 'on-hold' ?
5. This strategic war could also be a rigged game on the world stage where everyone has their part to act out. Trump is disclosing information that is currently rhetoric. Give me 1 disclosure that has changed the world for the better the following day ?
Maybe a disclosure that stops 2 billion people living below the 'poverty line' would be a disclosure of real value. Example: free clean 'environmentally friendly' energy generators manufactured and given to everyone world-wide.
All his Twitter joke about Global Warming with USA freezing did was widen the gap between 2 extremes - Climate Change believers and deniers. Classic Divide & Conquer. Keep the peasants fighting one another instead of permanently removing the elite who pull the strings.
"take down of similar puppets in the social media world."
Yet he has done nothing to disband Google as they make outside Internet viewers like Opera grind to a halt.
Similar to doing nothing to protect alternate websites (that he has communed with) like Infowars, that only days ago got a visit by 'swamp' scum.
Facebook, Twitter etc, I don't know because I never waste a single second on those social sites.
7. Where is the evidence to state that Q-Anon is not a puppet for the swamp elite ? Hydras have many heads, so what if a few low ranking heads are cut off ? The rotten tree still bares rotten fruits after a storm of 'change' breaks off a few 'visibly' rotten branches. Pope is still here ready to baptize demons. Many (if not all) elitist clubs are still in place.
8. FISA. Again, this is set to remove 100% of current heads of state that will make the peasants assume that the change is for the better. The Antichrist then steps in and takes control of this 'better' world.
9."WE (people watching Q) have drawn that conclusion following evidence of that possibility. Q never claimed it directly."
Surely freedom fighter Q would have flatly stated that the people were making an incorrect conclusion. Again, let people assume that the swamp is all off to Gitmo so they do not stock up on food as they think that a happy future could be only days away. The words 'Safety & Security' spring to mind as people wrongfully assume that the bad guys are off to Gitmo.
10. Can you prove that the Tribulation is on hold because no current prophets have been given visions of good futures.
One major way to get people to return to Jesus is only the hard way. The Tribulation will give them an abrupt awakening. Otherwise many are still sleeping frogs in a bubbling cauldron.
Secondly, if the Tribulation was on hold, then why would YWHW bother to train believers to be ready for the coming storm if He already knows that their lives will have ended before the event begins ?
A person with their soul sealed with the Spirit of the Lord is of greater use to Him alive during the Tribulation than one that has passed away.
From experience since last August 2017 to today, a major transformation is in play right now that will soon usher in all of the fallen watchers, like Odin, Freya, Thor, Loki etc. The people will love them and that bothers me.
If the return to fundamental moral values is nothing but a sign of the antichrist's rise, what would you prefer? A world that keeps championing the murder of children, the perversion of everything sacred, the destruction of everything good and apathy in the masses to accept it all without a word? The antichrist is going to rise one day. That absolutely doesn't mean i won't fight with everything i have against evil, nor will i make excuses to sit by and simply be a witness of these Unbelievably Heinous crimes against humanity.
"The Bible states that the Antichrist will rise, so of course there is only a bad future ahead. Has YWHW given any believer a dream stating that the Antichrist is 'on-hold' ?"
There is no bad future for His people. We are guaranteed to win. YHWH has never given any person a revelation of when Antichrist would come to power. They've attempted his rise and the rise of the NWO Multiple times and failed. They won't succeed until faith on earth is simply nowhere to be found. Collectively, we were almost there. Hardly 10 people left in Sodom. As believers, we've all been slack and faithless but this is changing. His people will now Fight. And Win.
"Give me 1 disclosure that has changed the world for the better the following day ?"
This is real, not Disneyland. No disclosure in this sleeping world changes much "the following day". We are at only 1% greater public disclosure. The public needs to be deprogrammed because without public outrage, no leader with the best of intentions can do anything. We were told from the start - We are doing this. It's whatever We will. It's up to us to bring this to the world. If you feel impatient about this, why? What do you have to lose waiting another week, month, etc. when you've already waited your whole life and some of us have waited a lot longer?
Climate change is an absolute hoax. Not only should the gap widen but the entire ridiculous theory needs to be trashed and the fake scientists exposed for what they are. Truth should always be divided from lies.
Google, et al. will not exist as you have formerly known them in the very near future. Resignations list (all categories) to date:
"Where is the evidence to state that Q-Anon is not a puppet for the swamp elite ?" Where is the evidence he is? You know Q has never failed to credit YHWH or urge people to call on Him. He repeatedly asks us to pray. The spiritual nature of the war is very central to the posts.
Expect this to take out these individuals bottom to top for this very reason. The foundation is being knocked out first. As much as can be done covertly is being done covertly to avoid societal breakdown. The top IS targeted. Attempts have already been made to execute the top individual.
You don't actually know what elitists clubs are no longer in place. I can confirm the 7th floor is no more.
"FISA. Again, this is set to remove 100% of current heads of state that will make the peasants assume that the change is for the better. The Antichrist then steps in and takes control of this 'better' world."
just pretty much everything ends in "this means antichrist" for you. You actually don't know what's in the memo or who it will bring down.
"Surely freedom fighter Q would have flatly stated that the people were making an incorrect conclusion"
No. That's not what he does and there is a good reason for that. Nothing has conclusively proven one way or the other if the speculation was wrong, either. Be more clever than fake news.Footage/video from Davos is from 2017.
Can i prove that the tribulation is on hold? Wait...can you prove you knew when it was supposed to begin? We're never told when. I can definitely prove that we've been right here in history repeatedly and He's declared "not time".
I disagree that Only the tribulation could awaken His people. They are awakening right now.
What if this generation was trained for this war and not the tribulation? I wouldn't sit this one out if i were you.
"From experience since last August 2017 to today, a major transformation is in play right now that will soon usher in all of the fallen watchers, like Odin, Freya, Thor, Loki etc. The people will love them and that bothers me."
Or maybe there's a wrench in those plans. Stay tuned.
If you ever really have an open mind, come visit this very determined and intelligent group of people:
"what would you prefer?"
I want a World that was well into the Tribulation with a set end date. As everyday ticks by, the misery of billions of innocent people drags on for another day.
Holding back the Tribulation will only continue that misery for them. For many, dieing as a Christian is a welcome relief when compared to the shear utter hell that they have to endure day after day after day.
"If you feel impatient about this, why?" + "Or maybe there's a wrench in those plans. Stay tuned."
Tell me something, is it possible that every Elder Futhark Rune has a unique colour obtained from a binary number ?
On top of that question, dreams have shown me that, before this May, either my time is up on this planet or His chosen ones are currently in a milky white airport waiting room, ready to start working in His name before May 2018. i was in this room dressed in a almost white linen cloak talking to another guy dressed in a similar fashion. After passing through a one-way ticket gate with a few crisps in my hand to feed me whilst i wait, i knew that there was no way of exiting this room. It seems that maybe YHWH will give His followers limited sustance for the short time ahead.
On top of that, in November 2014 i was in a argument with a giant that was (in the low infra-red wavelength) invisible. There was this shimmering 30' high, 10' wide mass, only 10' away from me. i spoke in Latin, 'why are world events moving along so slowly ?'. It bellowed out a deep laugh and said 'events are flowing along perfectly as planned'.
The following day, whilst waiting on the same train platform, 3 teenage Jewish Rabbis popped up out of nowhere and walked towards me. The leader of the 3 asked me 'where is the nearest water body'. i thought, 'urrr, if you look over that way you will see the English Channel only 1 mile away. Dah'.
This was and has been the only time that i have ever seen black hat Rabbis in Cornwall during my entire life.
So 3 suddenly entering the train station focusing on me was a bit odd.
"Where is the evidence he is? You know Q has never failed to credit YHWH or urge people to call on Him."
True. i will therefore give him (them) 3 more months to say 'see I told you so in a coded manner', after a major change (for the better) event.
"Attempts have already been made to execute the top individual."
If that is HRC then she is already dead and a clone has replaced her. She (it) was probably eyeless when 'it' was wearing those blue reflector glasses and dragged to the car after her 'cinderella' shoe dropped off.
"can you prove you knew when it was supposed to begin?"
Well with the 70th Anniversary of Israel taking back its terrortry and the US Embassy move, it either started last Nov/Dec or will begin this June/July if everything stills follows the 70 year time frames.
"They are awakening right now."
True and another recent dream agrees with that. However, many awakened people will be diverted away from Christ into New Age Religions.
"generation was trained for this war"
A worldwide spiritual war is possible. Maybe if the rephaim are released from Tartarus and rise again then yes, there will be a huge physical war amongst them. All humans caught in the cross-fire will perish.
CBTS Stream #620 Q.
1) Twitter % owned ?
2) Other ownership stakes in the US?
3) What happens if seized?
4) Who controls?
5) Who controls the controllers?
6) EO 12/21
7) NEW puppet master.
8) Direction.
9) Not deal.
10) Hostage.
11) No choice.
12) Think others.
13) It's what you don't know.
1) who has stakes in Twitter ? the few world corporations that own the world.
2) Probably China as they own USA.
3) Simple ownership swap between scummy elitist clans.
5) haSatan - top of the pyramid
6) Something happened to someone on 21 Dec 2017.
7) Antichrist to stear world in new direction.
8) Leading world into NWO.
9) Current elitists do not want to lose control.
10) USA is hostage to debt.
11) Only choice available is to let the banking system collapse.
12) Immortal 'off-planet' Outsiders ?
13) This is truths that the peasants will never be told - ever.
And as the weeks tick by its the 'Same ole, same ole'. Now why am i cynical.
Why don't you just trust Him? He knows when the day and hour should be. We do not.
"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." -2 Peter 3:9
Not sure what runes and dreams mean. These aren't the the things we're to put our trust in anyway. Trying to divine the future this way is just asking to be mislead by the enemy. He already gave us all we ever needed to know. Anything beyond that is subject to scepticism. You do all this A happened, therefor it Must mean B. Lots of jumping to conclusions for which there is no evidence other than what seems to be a kind of emotionally based assumption.
I don't think Q or anyone involved is beholden to our deadlines. I've seen a lot of impatience among people for this to become public and that's understandable but we're thousands of years into a well manufactured plan and dismantling it is like diffusing the world's most well-built bomb.
The target was Jacob Rothschild. Hillary may well have a clone but i'm not so sure she's dead just yet. The Clintons are Rothschild puppets.
"Well with the 70th Anniversary of Israel taking back its territory and the US Embassy move, it either started last Nov/Dec or will begin this June/July if everything stills follows the 70 year time frames."
Aren't you siting a prophecy that isn't stated to be fulfilled until after the Millennial reign? I realise religious leaders have pushed the view you're speaking of for a long time but you already know most churches are infiltrated. Did YHWH refer to a secular Rothschild territory when He talked about Israel?
"True and another recent dream agrees with that. However, many awakened people will be diverted away from Christ into New Age Religions."
Sure, but that time isn't now and many who were lost are now found. Something to be thankful for. It says in the end that great delusion of the new age religion will fool even the very Elect..if possible. But it isn't possible. Those that are truly coming to know Him right now are truly His forever.
"A worldwide spiritual war is possible. Maybe if the rephaim are released from Tartarus and rise again then yes, there will be a huge physical war amongst them. All humans caught in the cross-fire will perish."
The clash of the titans isn't in Revelation. There is a real spiritual war raging on this planet right now. What did you expect that to look like? It's a Spiritual war.
Here are the answers to the questions:
1. Twitter % owned ? - Saudi prince Alwaleed owns more of Twitter than Jack Dorsey.
2. Other ownership stakes in the US? - Among other holdings he also owns the top 4 floors of the Mandalay Bay hotel in LV
3. What happens if seized? - Assets that are frozen may not change hands or be otherwise dealt with in any way. (Alwaleed has been arrested and his assets are frozen.)
4. Who controls? - Depends on whether this refers to his assets currently or his person historically. Historically The House of Saud has been subject to the Vatican to the best of my knowledge.
5. Who controls the controllers? - You got that one right.
6. EO 12/21 -executive order signed on 21 Dec. "Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption" - ( a little of that "nothingburger" you think isn't happening.Critical to understanding 1-5. it's a good read.i highly reccomend.)
7. NEW puppet master - B Obama answered to Alalweed. Since that person no longer has power Obama has sought a new handler to back him.
8. direction & 9. Not deal - Can't clarify on an exact meaning yet, however it has been stated numerous times that NO DEALS will be made with these people.
10. Hostage - the only option left to the cabal is hostage taking in the form of whole countries/populations. The recent government shutdown was a hostage situation to block the release of the FISA memo.
11. no choice - they are out of options.
12. think others - can't claify this yet.
13. it's what you don't know. - can't clarify for certain but it may refer to the 60% info that is remaining private. 40/60 public/private.
This is how bread crumbs work.
Tristran Hpeburn said:
CBTS Stream #620 Q.
1) Twitter % owned ?
2) Other ownership stakes in the US?
3) What happens if seized?
4) Who controls?
5) Who controls the controllers?
6) EO 12/21
7) NEW puppet master.
8) Direction.
9) Not deal.
10) Hostage.
11) No choice.
12) Think others.
13) It's what you don't know.1) who has stakes in Twitter ? the few world corporations that own the world.
2) Probably China as they own USA.
3) Simple ownership swap between scummy elitist clans.
5) haSatan - top of the pyramid
6) Something happened to someone on 21 Dec 2017.
7) Antichrist to stear world in new direction.
8) Leading world into NWO.
9) Current elitists do not want to lose control.
10) USA is hostage to debt.
11) Only choice available is to let the banking system collapse.
12) Immortal 'off-planet' Outsiders ?
13) This is truths that the peasants will never be told - ever.And as the weeks tick by its the 'Same ole, same ole'. Now why am i cynical.
i trust Him all the time. Its just that i know where many are going on Judgment Day and i see this Q breadcrumbs as a diversion away from Him even if he mentions God now and again.
"The clash of the titans isn't in Revelation."
How about these raphas possessing the mortal bodies transforming them into the heartless Super Soldiers that Vladimir Putin recently warned the world about ?
i will take your advice and shut up concerning all the other points made.
i guess the difference between us is i see America and the World as Sodom & Gomorrah whilst others see America as Ancient Nineveh with Trump giving America time to repent.
i guess emotions will rise with this 'memo' that can be 'exploited' right before the major pagan 'super blue blood moon'. Quite a coincidence ?
that land is your land, that land is my land... that land was made for you and me
you don't believe it.. and no one can convince you.. we are all entitled to our own opinions
all the same.. will there be a better time than now to make a wager on the faith of His believers..
it costs nothing.. except the price of believing He keeps His word.. the payoff is a priceless treasure
Happy National Freedom Day
"Happy National Freedom Day"
Well, as everything is possible with God, lets hope that mankind will now be free from the chains of the 'system'.
Time will tell.
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