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Nothing New
Under the Sun
In spite of the fact that humanity
managed to survive some thousands of
years without the benefit of personal computers, ipods and cell
it would seem by looking at average society that these things are
the basic
necessities of life itself.
Some younger individuals, no doubt, could scarcely imagine their
lives with-
out such conveniences and means of entertainment. It is the digital
baby, you've come a long way...or have you?
As much as these things are considered the cutting edge of
society, the monument of human achievement, the "evolution" of
increasing knowledge...you might be shocked to know how puny,
and backwards the technology is to which average people have
and knowledge.
Not only is high technology not new
or modern...but the most advanced
and most powerful capabilities of technology that exist right now
rarely, if ever, mentioned to the public.
What is "cutting edge" to you actually entered the modern world
five plus decades before it was "new" to the public...and long
before any
of this existed in the modern era, it existed thousands of years
earlier in
the pre-flood world.
The technical society which was introduced and ruled by the
Watchers and their predecessors, Satan's army, exceeded the
capabilities and the efficiency of modern "achievements".
This would naturally be the case since the source of knowledge
which technical innovation comes was the beings which were
present on Earth in those days...all scientific and innovative
in modern times has simply been a process of recovering lost
that existed pre-flood.
The difference in how technology
was used then and now is connected
to the difference between the entire societal structure of the
"Golden Age
of the gods" compared to the modern prelude to the resurrection of
There is a difference..although that difference is not as great as
it might
look on the surface. The world under the governance of the Watchers
an open feudal empire of sorts. The "commoners" were well aware of
was in charge and well aware that it wasn't them.
They understood that they had no rights in the minds of their
that they were subject to, without recourse, whatever the "gods"
and that appeasing them and following orders was the way to survive
not become dinner for one of their gigantic children.
Technology was not for the commoners...it belonged to the rulers
their children...an average human being did not utilize or
understand the
high technology that their masters used.
In this era, the system is (or at
least has been up to this point) much
more covert. The rulers, the descendants of those who ruled during
first era, attempt to maintain a facade over their governance, it
is not
open to the world to see.
In the eyes of the public, individuals live within nations ruled
by various elected or unelected officials that decree specific
that govern their own nation, apart from other countries in the
People in most relatively developed nations appear to enjoy the
of as much cutting edge technology as they can afford to buy and
latest innovations are supposedly open information to all who care
to know.
In reality there are very few "sovereign nations" in existence
today and
those that are, are impoverished beyond hope of recovery and in
process of being assimilated.
The rulers control the policies, the direction, the wars and the
of all nations. They regard the common man as a serf, with no
innate rights
or freedoms.
They allow the bottom of the barrel of their technology to be
to the public, while keeping hidden or exclusive to their own use,
the most
A great deal of the technology they use is geared toward a more
control over their "serfs".
Here are some technologies you
might never have known existed or are
being used today...
Scalar Weapons - WMDs you can't even fathom...
WEAPONS: Read it and weep By C Verismo
Voice to Skull Technology - They are able to transmit speech
directly to your mind.
+ Microwaves and Behavior By Dr. Don R. Justesen
Dimensional / Time travel - Technology which was used as early as
1943 breached
the fabric of space and time...
PFD : Montauk Time Travel Technology
: Montauk Project & Philadelphia Experiment
WWII era Flying Disc Technology - The ability to build this kind of
craft has come
a long way since then and the public is still unaware of it.
WWII German Flying Disk
Smart Dust - Microelectromechanical particles that can spy on
Smart Dust could soon be Spying on You By Duncan Graham Rowe, New
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