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Choose Between The Rock & The Hard Place
Yahushua said to them, "Have you never read in the scriptures,
stone that the builders rejected has become the chief
This was Yahuwah's doing and it is marvelous' " - Matthew 21:42
Of all the beliefs, opinions, theories and ideologies i have heard
out of
the mouths of all kinds of people, all over the world, i have not
yet heard
anyone try to tell me that we exist in a perfect world. If there is
else everyone can agree on, we can at least all agree that this is
problematic world, rife with suffering, injustice, violence,
greed and sadness. Though the most optimistic philosophies
counter with pointing out the "good side of life"...love, hope,
and compassion...in the end, even the most optimistic mind when
perfectly honest with itself, is left feeling a deep
dissatisfaction with
what is greatly under-estimated as the imperfection of this
It is pointless to imagine that one day with enough
with evolutionary steps forward, with greater technology or
people might begin to behave themselves. History is enough of a
teacher to dash all hopes of mankind spontaneously becoming
kind of super-benevolent creature who will do "right" all by
As time goes on, people grow colder, more selfish, less inclined to
a neighbor or show mercy. Wars increase, generosity decreases,
emotional continence erodes into childish mindsets, morality
more and more subjective..and eventually a non-issue altogether.
be honest..we all know it's not right..we all know it ought to be
it should be better..a deep void in the spirit of every person
cries out for
a state of genuine goodness and fulfillment, a paradise lost.
How is it that the answer could have been there all along, the
already secured.. and there are still so many who will not (or can
comprehend it? We have fallen.. we have lost paradise, and each
individual who dwells in this earth can appropriately look in the
mirror for
the one to blame. The truth is, there are no good people...there
are no
such things as naturally righteous sinners. If one small sin was
the only
sin that had ever been committed anywhere, in all creation...it
have been sufficient to corrupt, entirely, all of perfection.
But the world just doesn't see sin this way any longer..in fact, a
creature so hates the burden of responsibility for their own
actions that
the very word "sin" has all but been stricken from the common
We all want to believe in our own goodness...we want to believe we
what it takes..that we're decent, that we are valuable and our
is an asset to others. It's wishes like those that lead the world,
instead of
running for a remedy to their condition...to deny they have a
condition at all.
You have a Creator. That Creator is Perfect Righteousness, Perfect
Perfect Truth and Perfect Love. He did not design a problematic
with countless flaws and inevitable suffering. He designed a
perfect creation,
but the law of perfect love is that by it's very nature, it can not
be compulsory.
There must be a choice to love in order for such a thing to be
and that is sadly where creatures have gone wrong. The free will
choice to
obey or disobey our Creator comes with consequences. you are free
make any choice you like..but the result of a bad choice is
anything but
without cost.
He has not been unfair in warning His creation...the wages of sin
is death.
Like unlearned and careless children, we who have dealt with a sin
tend to want to do the moral equivalent of smashing our toys to
stomping on the pieces..setting fire to them and then angrily
wailing at our
Parent for the loss we feel when we have nothing left but ashes. We
do not
deserve pity after all this...but astonishingly enough, He has pity
for us.
If a person was fortunate enough to have the sort of friend who one
pulled them from a burning building, though it cost them their own
life, that
person would naturally and rightly feel overwhelming
some guilt and certainly a loving memory of that friend that would
for the rest of their days. We have a Messiah who has suffered and
His life, to not just save temporary, mortal lives, but Eternal
A Savior who came to pull sinners from unquenchable hellfire...
the Humble, Selfless Act of a Creator Who has no obligation for
or debt owed to any creature. So why does the world say no to
Why crawl and scratch and stumble our way through an existence
remains empty and pointless in spite of scrambling for fleeting
of euphoria?
The world responds this way to Him because they are literally in a
of sin-blindness. Among one of the most unsearchable of mysteries
is the
ability of the sinning mind to deny and accept - based upon the
involved in what is denied or accepted, whether or not it flies in
the face
of every evidence to the contrary...but i conclude that with His
all things are possible, because every day, the dying, wretched,
masses find hope and forgiveness and the peace of knowing they have
secure future in the Incredible act of Mercy of Yahushua.
If you have never known Him...don't let the day go by before you
ask yourself what the consequences of ignoring this truth will be
for you
if it is indeed The Truth. Will you forfeit your eternity for what
you can get
here and now...or will you Seek the Remedy before it's too
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