The New Age movement is busy awaiting a "shift" in consciousness here on Earth. This is supposed to be a shift which moves people into a better state of affairs than has been the case thus far. That cotton candy brand of optimism this idea relates is quite a Disneyland fantasy if you have spent more than 5 years on Earth noting the tendency of mankind to progressively degrade.

We can, in fact, expect a "shift" of a certain which does not lead to the betterment of the state of affairs on this planet, but a shift nonetheless. We can expect a point when the delusion that is pervasive over the majority of humanity becomes so impenetrable, so absolute that the few (very few) remaining who are not swept up in it are entirely unable to awaken them. The Great Delusion as it is termed in scriptural reference.

I can appreciate the willingness to stand firm against the NWO and all its tactics in those of a secular mind set. It is at least refreshing to know that there are non believers capable of recognizing evil when they see it, and in that is perhaps their greatest hope..that if they can remain awake to that fact, then there remains the possibility of seeing to the bottom of the rabbit hole, that this battle is really not one of flesh and blood, but of higher spiritual influences. Unfortunately the secular mind is going to drive toward a secular solution to the problem..and entertain the notion of a human victory.

The bad news is, people of the world, we are not going to see a human victory. There will be no Hollywood-worthy rise of the little guy to overcome the villains of Globalism and Population Reduction. To imagine the possibility is to go beyond optimism into the realm of the have at your disposal some torches and some pitchforks..they have scalar weapons and literally all the wealth of the world to back them. The good news is..we know we're waiting for victory which belongs to our Savior and He will not delay it one second past the appointed time. What is humanly impossible, He will accomplish in one fleeting second as He banishes the users and abusers of His people from the face of the Earth forever. That's worth waiting for.

Between now and then, our objective is not to win a war of politics, wealth or notoriety...our objective is to keep vigilant, to understand as well as possible the next move of the enemy, to guard the soul against deception and to do all that we can to bring those still in the dark into the light before the delusion closes like black waters around them. Our aim is a higher spiritual influence, just as our true enemy's is...ours seeks to open the floodgates of information which will edify toward a deeper understanding of what really eternity with YHWH. The enemy, though is a master of counterfeit. Having never produced a single original thing in all his days, Satan does know how to make cheap replicas which look incredibly convincing.

There is not simply one counterfeit per truth in Satan's designs either...rather he builds layer upon layer of deception. As some rise above the old lie, he produces a new one to encapsulate the recently awoken which appeals to the knowledge just gained, but adds discordant notes of his own. In this way, the world goes though a shift of consciousness every decade or so. In the pre-9/11 America, people were generally oblivious. Ripe for the initiation of the globalism onslaught which was planned for them. Some things go according to the enemy's plan..and some don't. Directly following the events of 9/11, things went amazingly well from the perspective of the global controllers. Caught in a frenzy of patriotic indignation, the American people were happy to embrace the idea of an enemy they could point to on the map and in unison declared "let's get 'em". Then something happened...

People began to shake the fog that had been clouding their sight. They began to ask questions, first to themselves, and then to their baffled friends and finally to their leaders, who responded with such obvious avoidance that the suspicion only broadened. The advent of a world connected to the internet has allowed those questions to be asked out loud, to be answered in turn and to the irritation of those who had it all under control...something of a great awakening occurred. But don't get comfortable truth seekers...

The world is now on the brink of the new flavor of counterfeit...a new shift into a new way of deceiving. Knowing that so many have come to so much information which was never meant to be the privilege of the public to can rest assured that the next step out will take us to a place where truth and fiction become more tangled than ever before. Alternative media might become the new "mainstream" and we will have to regard those who speak of government conspiracy with as much skepticism as we regard Fox news. A lie to cover a lie..a half truth to obscure the whole truth.

Perhaps you can just count my warning as having the relevance of an intuitive guess...because that is what it is. I have, however watched the shifts take place, felt the atmosphere of public awareness before the tide turns and smelled the staleness of the air just before a new storm blows in. These are the metaphorical indications which all seem to be present right now. We have on the Earth now, something which can be likened to the teetering of a balance just before it falls to one side. They know they must act upon the way people think now before it becomes a less advantageous condition to their objectives. They know they have to sell a whopper of a lemon to the public and need a great one liner to do it. It might come like a train wreck, though it is more likely to come as a slow suffocation. It will surely come sooner or later.

Watch and be ready...

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If this world suddenly transforms from an industrial one into a spiritually biased world, then the young of today will be easily tempted by it.

Many of todays youth are at a loss as to what to do with such little opportunity awaiting them.

This 'shift' has been going on for many years if not decades. Its only becoming popular because the young see no hope with the Old World Order.

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