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Well now it seems that scientists are going to run an experiment on March 20 2015 to replicate the particles created during a 'SUPERNOVA'.
Now, for a supernova to occur, a sun (of x3 or more times our sun mass) has to come to the end of its life span and explode.
What i find interesting is, quite often, after a supernova occurs, the left over of the sun will implode in on it self shrinking to such a small size and have a high enough gravity that not even light can escape; hence a black hole is born pulling in everything around it until the matter is neutralized by an equal amount of physical mass.
So if there is a explosion, CERN + part of Switzerland + some of the earths crust disappears then we will know that CERN just imploded taking a lot of matter with it.
If the name of this experiment (supernova) has been named this way, then their 'black hole' / 'worm hole' could actually be their alias for 'star gate' or 'portal', thus allowing negative entities from above and below to enter this dimension.
Here are 2 more weird co-incidences.
1) Its only 1 day away from the Spring Solstice which is very occult and pagan
2) There is a solar eclipse here in Cornwall during the morning where the moon will cover 98% of the sun. Here is a weird fact. The last time Cornwall had a solar eclipse was Aug 11 1999. My aunt said that during the event all she could hear were people, cars and sea waves. If anyone has lived on the coast, they will know that seagulls never ever shut up, even at 3:15 AM. Squawk. Lol.
i can only assume that there were a lot of negative entities around that day during that solar eclipse. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if there are going to be negative entities around again.
Apparently this solar eclipse will be giving CERN a 90% cover.
Now i am wondering if this eclipse is going to limit some form of natural protection (magnetic ?) that our sun gives us everyday.
Solar eclipse is seen as an opportune time to perform rituals or tasks pertaining to change and transcendence. Its particular timing will surely be used to the greatest advantage of those who want to bring about a new order.
There are always a lot of negative entities around. Always. The only thing that changes is greater access those entities have to manipulate things here on earth.
@Bets - "I am so thankful for the round robin time , you and I and others here had for learning about spirits..."
I don't think Tristran ever received the emails in the exchange that you're referring to. I think myself, admins, you and a couple others were the only ones.
Oh how the Lord makes the facts of how close we are to what could be Revelation 9:7-8.
i recently updated my website and thought it wise to add an entry concerning the LHC. Whilst reading Revelation i found chapter 9 with creatures being let lose from the Bottomless Pit.
The nearest free picture i could find was as follows :-
Now, we all know how unusual it has been for Vladimir Putin to have not been seen for the past 10 days.
Well, that is until now. The first picture i saw of his reappearance was the one on http://www.allnewspipeline.com/Putin_Monday_Life_Is_Boring_Without_...
Now focus on the sculpture above the door way.
Is this a message to the elite stating that these exact creatures are about to be released from CERN ?
Thought this interesting about the possible effects on solar winds /magnetics.
couldn't embed it but there is the link.
this also doesn't look reassuring..
The Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment (AWAKE) is an accelerator R&D project based at CERN.
It is a proof-of-principle experiment investigating the use of plasma wakefields driven by a proton bunch to accelerate charged particles.
AWAKE will use proton beams from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) in the CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso (CNGS) facility (see image above for proposed location).
These protons will be injected into a 10-metre plasma cell to initiate strong wakefields. A second beam – the “witness” electron beam – would then be accelerated by the wakefields, gaining up to several gigavolts of energy.
Following AWAKE's approval in autumn 2013, the first proton beams are expected to be sent to the plasma cell at the end of 2016.
just sayin'.. CERN decided to run the LHC double-strong earlier than planned.. AWAKE could also happen earlier than initially planned..
This would allow future colliders to achieve higher energies over shorter distances than is possible today.
we definitely don't want them waking up anything.. =| it seems like the LHC reboot could pass without catastrophes noticed by the general populous.. but with catastrophes nonetheless... whatever we 'expect' might be a good indicator of what isn't likely to happen.. makes it easier for the establishment to point the finger at truthers and call them alarmists and doomsdayers when 'the world doesn't end' that day..
subtlety probably never went out of style for the enemy, and the LCH is probably no exception.. just something to think about amidst all the hype.
It now looks like there is a fault with a magnet that has put the main experiments on hold for a couple of days to a couple of weeks.
i was wondering if the experiments so far have been successful in opening portals between parallel universes. If yes, then those stargates will be open for some time now whilst the LHC is offline.
Is there any way for a person to see a negative entity or black eyed person (mortal who has been possessed by a demon) coming through CERN thus verifying if this magnet failure was deliberate.
Very interesting if something interfered with the operation of CERN again. The initial experiments supposedly searching for the "god particle" were also delayed and obstructed by strange phenomena. You can find descriptions of those events earlier in this thread.
I do not expect that the failure was coincidence nor would i guess any servant of the devil is involved. As before, i believe that all things must wait for YHWH's timing and it is He who hindered their progress.
Tristran Hpeburn said:
It now looks like there is a fault with a magnet that has put the main experiments on hold for a couple of days to a couple of weeks.
i was wondering if the experiments so far have been successful in opening portals between parallel universes. If yes, then those stargates will be open for some time now whilst the LHC is offline.
Is there any way for a person to see a negative entity or black eyed person (mortal who has been possessed by a demon) coming through CERN thus verifying if this magnet failure was deliberate.
Tristran Hpeburn said:
It now looks like there is a fault with a magnet that has put the main experiments on hold for a couple of days to a couple of weeks.
Early last Saturday morning, while full-scale tests of all systems were ongoing in preparation for beam injection, an earth fault developed in the main dipole circuit of sector 3-4 of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)....The fault is located in the vertical tube that leads from the magnet enclosure to the diode box. The most probable scenario is that a small piece of metal has found its way into this tube and is making contact between the tube (earth) and one of the cables that leads to the diode...
The first beam was circulated through the collider on the morning of 10 September 2008... On 19 September 2008, a quench occurred in about 100 bending magnets in sectors 3 and 4... Investigations following the incident in Sector 3-4 of the LHC on 19 September have confirmed that the cause was a faulty electrical connection between two magnets.
i agree something sinister is likely not at the root of these LHC hiccups..
maybe.. "God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty" 1Co 1:27..?
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