If you have not read the article "The Breaking of Ouroborus" by Cyprium, i recommend beginning there before reading this, as much of what is written in this article will make better sense read second to this one.

The CERN LHC (large hadron collider) is a massive particle accelerator near Geneva Switzerland, costing 9 billion dollars to build. The goals of this machine are claimed to be aimed at understanding the answers to the fundamental questions of physics, including the hope of discovering the hypothetical Higgs boson. In theory, the Higgs boson, often called the "god particle", is a massive scalar elementary particle which gives all things mass. This particle would supposedly be the framework of all things existing in physicality.

The LHC intends to collide particles at a rate slightly under the speed of light and in the process will be potentially creating black holes, exotic matter and wormholes. The worried public has been reassured that nothing disastrous can occur from the experiments which they intend to do at CERN. It is assured, they say, that such things as black holes and wormholes would remain so incredibly small and exist for such a tiny fraction of time that they would be harmless and merely side effects of their intended goals.

So far, though the LHC has encountered many and strange interruptions which has prevented it from reaching it's full potential yet, it has already produced black holes.

"I can confirm that, yes, the first stages of the experiment resulted in the appearance of a miniscule black hole," said the spokesperson to gathered reporters on Monday. "The black hole is being kept under quarantine and our scientists have been monitoring its progression,"


CERN's large hadron collider is expected to produce wormholes as well. Wormholes are a means by which traveling through time is possible, though for one to be traversable it must be much larger than the subatomic size which CERN claims will be the only ones possible with their particle collider. The function of a wormhole can basically be understood by the analogy of piercing two ends of a piece of paper with a needle and then folding that paper so that those two holes connect. The necessity to travel across the paper's surface is bypassed, the paper itself representing time and space.

Two physicists, Irina Ya. Aref'eva, and Igor V. Volovich disagree with CERN's assurances that traversable wormholes are not the direction CERN is headed toward.

"We suggest that there is a possibility to test causality at the LHC. We argue that if the scale of quantum gravity is of the order of few TeVs, proton-proton collisions at the LHC could lead to the formation of time machines (spacetime regions with closed timelike curves) which violate causality. One model for the time machine is a traversable wormhole. We argue that the traversable wormhole production cross section at the LHC is of the same order as the cross section for the black hole production. Traversable wormholes assume violation of the null energy condition (NEC) and an exotic matter similar to the dark energy is required. Decay of the wormholes/time machines and signatures of time machine events at the LHC are discussed."


The LHC is now operating at 7 TeV (teraelecrtronvolts, 1TeV=i trillion electronvolts) with a stated goal of eventually reaching 14 TeV. It is argued that traversable wormholes could not be created on earth since the energy required would be something comparable to stellar explosions, though the amount of kinetic energy necessary to produce results of a certain kind within a collider are less than that required to produce the same results in space.

The formation of exotic matter would be necessary to the formation of a traversable wormhole as a result of the Casimir effect which is a sort of localized vacuum phenomena in which a mass negative region of space-time can exist. Exotic matter violates energy conditions, having negative mass or repulsion to gravity. At high enough energy of collision exotic particles can be formed and have been detected at the LHC.

Time in no straight line, it is a circuit and circuits repeat themselves. Why this should be is not questioned as much as whether it is but the fact that time is a circuit is observable with no doubt. It can be observed as simply as watching the eastern Horizon at sunrise on the morning of the Spring Equinox. As time passes, the sun rises through the houses of the zodiac in a circular pattern which eventually arrives back at it's beginning point. Why time exists in a cycling pattern is directly connected with the origin of sin and that there are beings, including Satan who are interested in maintaining a timepath which never exits into eternity and so to the judgment and defeat which is determined to them.

As these days give every sign of being the last days, Satan knows his time is short in a literal way. Knowing he will not be successful against the Most High, he knows that his chances only rest in a device to maintain or begin anew the next cycle. It would seem that this is what CERN"S Large Hadron Collider has been built to achieve. It is evident not only in the published science involved but the geometric design of the machine. CERN represents it's goals with a statue of Shiva. Shiva is a deity who represents death and rebirth, a being connected with the idea of a circuit of time which folds in on itself to meet end to beginning.

Octagonal Design

In Buddhism a symbolic object exists called a dharma wheel. It is an 8 spoked wheel that represents the noble 8-fold path to enlightenment. It is described as a way which leads to the ceasing of suffering and the achieving of a new and more enlightened consciousness which perhaps can be said to sound quite a bit like the promise of world peace in a "new world order".

The Dharma wheel is one version of the same symbolic reference in many occult traditions. An 8 spoked wheel was found in the tomb of William Sinclair at Roslyn Chapel in Scotland. The Sinclair family is known as one of the blue blood families which grew out of the Merovingian line with strong connections to the Templars and Freemasons. The Chapel was built to incorporate a great deal of Masonic and Templar symbolism. The 8 rayed star is the symbol of Ishtar, a human woman who was wife to a fallen Watcher and is considered a goddess by many names in many different pagan cultures. The octagon is found in Nazi symbolism and at the Vatican as well.

The symbolism of 8 and what its meaning is connected to a circle of time is found in an ancient inscription in Egypt.

"I am One who becomes Two,
who becomes Four,
who becomes Eight,
and then I am One again. "

8 is a number which universally symbolizes the new beginning following the close of a repetitive time sequence. The 8th day in weeks is also the first.

The design of certain components of the LHC will remind you of the symbols just spoken of.

The Aerial view of LHC will remind you of the Ouroborus

The Dharma wheel and 8 fold path is not simply a religious concept. Physics itself involves a theory called the the 8 fold way. This is a theory for organizing subatomic baryons (a composite particle made of three quarks) and mesons (made of one quark and one anti quark) into octets. Both of these particles belong to the hadron family.

It is most interesting to notice that the LHC has repeatedly been prevented from reaching it's intended potential by various strange circumstances which have even led some scientists to wonder if the machine was being sabotaged by itself from a future point or perhaps even time travelers who already understood the dangers of the thing. One occurrence was nothing more than a little bird who dropped a bread crumb into the machine. I believe it is neither the machine itself or time travelers but it is not coincidence either. I believe that YHWH Himself hinders their progress and it remains to be seen if there will come a point when He will allow them to attempt all that they design to do with it.

The latest thing to hinder the LHC's progress is an unknown vibration which they term "the Hump". It is a high frequency vibration between 31 and 38 KHz and has caused beam losses for the collider while in operation. CERN is not able to identify what the vibration is or where it might be coming from except that it either originates directly below or directly above the collider ring. It is just such a vibration as to cause the perfect means for disruption of the machine. It is my conclusion that He has drawn a line which will not be crossed except by His will at His timing if ever and even should this device accomplish to create a continued time loop, He has promised that His plan for eternity will not be thwarted.

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Well, it looks like its now back online.

Tests carried out today on the circuit suggest the remedy worked. “It passed. The short is gone,” says Collier. Engineers must now re-install monitoring and protection equipment before they can re-power the circuit. “However, it looks good,” he adds. “We hope to be ready to take beam sometime during the weekend.”

i have a question. If YHWH paused the main experiment to fit His timetable, who exactly did He anger when then elite and daemons knew that this glitch was going to happen anyway ?

i am taking this idea from the Illuminati game where a card showed 1 skyscraper on fire next to another skyscraper with another card showing the explosion at the Pentagon.

The elite knew the day, month and year long before it happened.

So if the elite knew about Sept 11 2001 and planned it, then what is stopping them from being the ones that initially planned this 'magnet glitch' ?

The end result is still going to be the planned stargate anyway no matter when it happens.

Something just doesn't make sense. Its almost like this whole world is a fake reality where negative entities feed off low vibration frequency energy thanks to the Draconian's (fallen angels) creating bad events. Then they get their conspiracy website slaves to create bad depressing rumours of future 'what can go wrongs' like the current Steven Hawking rumour of a singularity (black hole) implosion that will suck in all of Earth.

From what i have witnessed, the only benefactors are ethereal spiders that are invisible to the naked eye and live off human auras.

Well, with CERN rumored to restart over Easter i was wondering if this could be a sick (anti) version of Easter Sunday when according to Wikipedia, 'some Roman Catholic provinces have moved the observance to the following Sunday'.


Its almost like the 'magnet glitch' was rigged to happen all along so that the main experiment would be delayed to this coming Sunday evening instead.

Full quote from Wikipedia

The Feast of the Ascension is one of the great feasts in the Christian liturgical calendar, and commemorates the bodily Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. Ascension Day is traditionally celebrated on a Thursday, the fortieth day from Easter day. However, some Roman Catholic provinces have moved the observance to the following Sunday.

@Bean. Thanks for the 'You don't say' picture. It pretty much sums up the whole event perfectly and makes me laugh.

i was actually wondering if a nano black hole appeared, sucked some debris towards it whilst absorbing the casing around the magnet at the same time.  This black hole eventually got neutralized with positive matter and vanished leaving a hole behind it. Then the debris entered the magnet chamber through the created hole. Just a crazy idea.

Tristran Hpeburn said:

i have a question. If YHWH paused the main experiment to fit His timetable, who exactly did He anger when then elite and daemons knew that this glitch was going to happen anyway ?

He would have angered the enemy.. there's no reason they would have known what He was going to do.. only YHWH is omniscient.  Pausing the main run would have meant the LHC could not fully function on the vernal equinox..

The traditional elements of the celebration of "Easter" are actually fertility rites in honor of Ishtar, thus it gets its name.

Those who celebrate it as resurrection Sunday might do better to time it in conjunction with Passover - for which the resurrection was an eternal fulfillment.

The enemy does not plan their own sabotage and they do not have knowledge of the future. They make very well educated guesses about future events and time their rituals and devices to complete their desired results, but YHWH does know all things at all times and very often confounds the enemy's plans. This would not be the first time He has done so with CERN

Tristran Hpeburn said:

Well, with CERN rumored to restart over Easter i was wondering if this could be a sick (anti) version of Easter Sunday when according to Wikipedia, 'some Roman Catholic provinces have moved the observance to the following Sunday'.


Its almost like the 'magnet glitch' was rigged to happen all along so that the main experiment would be delayed to this coming Sunday evening instead.

Full quote from Wikipedia

The Feast of the Ascension is one of the great feasts in the Christian liturgical calendar, and commemorates the bodily Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. Ascension Day is traditionally celebrated on a Thursday, the fortieth day from Easter day. However, some Roman Catholic provinces have moved the observance to the following Sunday.

@Bean. Thanks for the 'You don't say' picture. It pretty much sums up the whole event perfectly and makes me laugh.

i was actually wondering if a nano black hole appeared, sucked some debris towards it whilst absorbing the casing around the magnet at the same time.  This black hole eventually got neutralized with positive matter and vanished leaving a hole behind it. Then the debris entered the magnet chamber through the created hole. Just a crazy idea.

so CERN had to go with the next ickiest day on the calendar.. the enemy hates being second-best..

wonder if the original time-line was to start on the equinox, and then look for something subsequently icky to be fueled around the icki-ness of 'Ishtar' day.. losing the equinox meant losing the astronomical alignments of the equinox..  wonder what didn't get accomplished, or didn't get accomplished as well or in the way hoped, as a result of the little mishap..

March 20 - New Moon. The Moon will located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 09:36 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.

March 20 - Total Solar Eclipse. A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon completely blocks the Sun, revealing the Sun's beautiful outer atmosphere known as the corona. The path of totality for this eclipse will be limited to the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans between Greenland and northern Russia.
(NASA Map and Eclipse Information) (NASA Interactive Google Map)

March 20 - March Equinox. The March equinox occurs at 22:45 UTC. The Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere.

April 4 - Full Moon. The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 12:05 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Pink Moon because it marked the appearance of the moss pink, or wild ground phlox, which is one of the first spring flowers. This moon has also been known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Growing Moon, and the Egg Moon. Many coastal tribes called it the Full Fish Moon because this was the time that the shad swam upstream to spawn.

April 4 - Total Lunar Eclipse. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes completely through the Earth's dark shadow, or umbra. During this type of eclipse, the Moon will gradually get darker and then take on a rusty or blood red color. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of North America, South America, eastern Asia, and Australia. (NASA Map and Eclipse Information)


@Bean - Maybe.

However i am just focusing now on Saturday, November 26, 2016 as this is 5555 days after September 11 2001.

Seeing that 555 means death in Christianity, change in numerology and how Iraq got both death and change for the worse on March 2003 555 days after 9/11, it says to me that the world will get death and change 5555 days after 9/11.

Up until then its just going to be more rumors of what could go wrong at CERN.

haha.. at least some things actually did go wrong.. be careful about focusing on dates though ya know..

remember these..?

There shall not be found among you that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, that useth divination, an observer of times, or an enchanter... For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.

Deuteronomy 18:10,14

...and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all... So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed. 

Acts 19:17-20

Also.. five is typically associated with "Grace" in scripture.. regardless of what other books or arts may claim.. six, on the other hand, is typically and widely associated with "Death" and "Sin"..

we can really only rely on what the Holy Spirit teaches us in the Living Word.. all we can really rely on is the truth and He's it ;)

the LHC's second run is planned for early June 

Last night [May 20-21], protons collided in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the record-breaking energy of 13 TeV for the first time.

Test collisions continue today at 13 TeV in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to prepare the detectors ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, LHCf, MOEDAL and TOTEM for data-taking, planned for early June.




i just listened to this Youtube video where apparently, if scientists at CERN are successful in opening a portal, then they are going to break the veil (barrier) between this world and the dark world.

Once broken, all anti-matter that apparently exists in us mortals and everything that surrounds us will be accessible for demons.

The CERN whistle-blower says that the only way one can protect themselves is to have strong faith in Jesus Christ.

It really is going to be hell on earth after 23rd September 2015.

If demons and other negative entities do walk through CERN's portal on 23rd Sept 2015, can domestic animals be used to give a heads up if there is a negative entity close by ?

i have a cat and it just let off a weird meow that i have never heard before.

Is it possible for a permanent link to be setup from CERN to the hexagon shape on Saturn with the use of a quantum computer ?

Its just that in the film "Tron Legacy", the portal at the end of the film was hexagon shaped.

i see that D-Wave's 2048 quantum computer has just over 7 billion options so in conjunction with the dormont G-Cell Towers is it possible that CERN is about to gate through 7 billion demons from their prison and via cell phones electrically transmit each demon into a mortal host, hence result in mass possession, worldwide ?

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