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Follow up to the link by Prodigal Son above...Iranian man's personal testimony of Giants in his homeland:
"February 21, 2011
Dear Mr. Quayle:
Hello, I hope things find you well. I am writing regarding your appearance on Coast to Coast AM. I have waited a few days to let the post-show e-mail "flurry" die down so there is a chance you may read this. I have always wanted to write you but, I have never wanted to bother you, as you probably have more important things going on. I believe now based on some things that you mentioned on the show, I finally have a legitimate reason. Call it the Holy Spirit or the Lord, but I feel now is the right time. I am under no illusion that my material is somehow earth shattering, only that you might find it interesting.
I am a second generation Iranian man, born in Iran but raised in the States. Before finally settling down here, me and my parents and as well as many members of my extended family have lived all over the world. When you mentioned Iran on the show, I thought it was appropriate to send an "info-dump" your way.
1. Giants
My mother told me stories about them. They are very tall. In fact, the Farsi word for giant today is the word, Deev, the same word we get the word devil from...."
read the rest here: http://www.stevequayle.com/News.alert/11_Global/110221.alert.Iran.g...
Descendants from the House of Este
Portrait of Leonello de Este showing the same elongated head
take a look at the Este crest on that site....a white, crowned phoenix on a blue field. Can we say some Watcher symbolism is going on there?Maybe post some info on that...you know so much more about it. I do not know very much about their symbolism. It is so ocrazy though, how all those families are related...also I was thinking about how the oldest mummies of the pharaohs have red hair.
Estes Coat of Arms 1239-1431
Estes Coat of Arms 1231-1452
Fresco in Estes castle, in the Lion's Tower 'Chamber of Dawn'
'Located inside the Lion's Tower, the Chamber of Dawn is decorated with a sumptuous ceiling representing the four parts of the day: on the right (coming in from the chapel) is the Dawn, a young winged Goddess who advances pulling the horses of the sun’s chariot by their reins. Proceeding then in a clockwise direction is the Day, when the chariot of the sun proceeds in all its shining glory, preceded by Dawn with two torches in her hands; then the Dusk, with the chariot of the sun going away towards the horizon; and Night, where Diana, with the lunar disc on her forehead, rejoins her lover Endymion. At the centre is an old man representing the Time, seated between the three Fates - Goddesses of Life and Death. In the lower part is a long procession of cherubs on chariots drawn by every type of animal.' (wiki)
the blue background and white phoenix of the older crest call to mind the Watchers who fell.. the supposed 'white' side of the enemy coin.. as well as the high nose bridges and sloped foreheads that Leonello and Beatrice show.
i've wondered before if 'profile' depictions came into being to show the features which are demonstrated in Watcher bloodlines.. from the front, the way a regular portrait is depicted, those Watcher traits are not as obvious as they would be from the profile view.. even the white phoenix, whose head is shown so often in profile, has a high (beak lol) bridge and a sloping forehead.
Neanderthal Babies All Around: Synthetic Biology Is Closer Than You Think
George Church—he of the beard, tall man’s lope and overwhelming credentials—has hit the circuit to promote a new book: Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves. As the title explains, the book explores the field of synthetic biology, which centers on how man can program DNA to create things ranging from new fuels to seeds that grow into fully-formed houses. This subject often veers into the fanciful, and Church keeps up that tradition. Yet when he says things about bringing Neanderthals back to life, you have to take notice instead of chuckling.
For about the last 35 years, Church has been at the cutting edge of genetics and radical biology in academic and entrepreneurial settings. Today, he’s the professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, the super-sought-after adviser to more than 20 companies in genetics and synthetic biology, and co-founder of a handful of companies. Church, 58, relishes the academic side of his work and has scores of researchers doing cutting-edge stuff at his Harvard lab. That said, he likes to make sure that people see him as a man of action and not just some big brain in an ivory tower. “I still do things with my own hands,” he says...
The thought experiment turns more intriguing when the subject of Neanderthals comes up. Church has tests running in the lab around Neanderthal cells as he tries to determine what this species might have looked and acted like. “I am 3.8 percent Neanderthal,” says Church, who has had his genome sequenced. “One of my ancestors mated with a Neanderthal, and I am not embarrassed by that.”
Church figures it’s only a matter of time and proven safety before people start picking out traits for their offspring and cloning entire children. “Almost all technology in this area is banned until it works,” Church says. “In vitro fertilization was banned, and now it is immoral to deny an infertile couple their birthright to have a child produced by their bodies. At some point, someone will come up with an airtight argument as to why they should have a cloned child. At that point, cloning will be acceptable. At that point, people will already be choosing traits for their children. What politician will tell a parent that they can’t spend their hard-earned money on getting an extra 50 SAT points for their child as long as it’s safe?”
Right, but what about the Neanderthals? I can’t let that one go.
“We have lots of Neanderthal parts around the lab. We are creating Neanderthal cells. Let’s say someone has a healthy, normal Neanderthal baby. Well, then, everyone will want to have a Neanderthal kid. Were they superstrong or supersmart? Who knows? But there’s one way to find out...”
Read More: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-11-01/neanderthal-babies-...
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