Armed task force to patrol streets

"In response to a recent increase in crime, Paragould Mayor Mike Gaskill and Police Chief Todd Stovall offered residents at a town hall meeting Thursday night at West View Baptist Church what could be considered an extreme solution — armed officers patrolling the streets on foot.

Stovall told the group of almost 40 residents that beginning in 2013, the department would deploy a new street crimes unit to high crime areas on foot to take back the streets.

"[Police are] going to be in SWAT gear and have AR-15s around their neck," Stovall said. "If you're out walking, we're going to stop you, ask why you're out walking, check for your ID."

Stovall said while some people may be offended by the actions of his department, they should not be.

"We're going to do it to everybody," he said. "Criminals don't like being talked to."

Gaskill backed Stovall's proposed actions during Thursday's town hall.

"They may not be doing anything but walking their dog," he said. "But they're going to have to prove it."

Stovall said the foot patrols would begin on the east side of town and would eventually snake into the Pecan Grove area.

He said the police would follow where crime was taking place in order to snuff it out.

Normally, police would not stop individuals for simply walking on the street, but Stovall said the level of crime in certain areas and concerns from residents gave his officers the right to institute the actions announced at the town hall event.

"This fear is what's given us the reason to do this. Once I have stats and people saying they're scared, we can do this," he said. "It allows us to do what we're fixing to do."

Stovall further elaborated on the stop-and-ID policy Friday morning, claiming the city's crime statistics alone met the threshold of reasonable suspicion required to lawfully accost a citizen.

"To ask you for your ID, I have to have a reason," he said. "Well, I've got statistical reasons that say I've got a lot of crime right now, which gives me probable cause to ask what you're doing out. Then when I add that people are scared...then that gives us even more [reason] to ask why are you here and what are you doing in this area."

...Should an individual not produce identification, Stovall said his officers would not back down. Individuals who do not produce identification when asked could be charged with obstructing a governmental operation, according to Stovall.

"I'm hoping we don't run across [any] of that," Stovall said. "Will there be people who buck us? There may be. But we have a right to be doing what we're doing. We have a zero-tolerance. We are prepared to throw your hind-end in jail, OK? We're not going to take a lot of flack."

Full Article:

Anonymity is key to real freedom and that right is nearly gone. The talk of one town's possible future is a shadow of things to come in many cities and towns across the nation.

Every person willing to hand over their ID to a police officer when no crime had been committed are willing fodder to fuel this insanity which calls people to give up anything to be "safe". We need to be a little braver than livestock....a cage is safe, but since when is Life simply about trying not to die?

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police officers need to be to be taken to school and learn how to apply knowledge and wisdom,they have been cursed and they kill but soon they will be put to hell.

City Where It's Now Illegal to Smoke in Your Own Home

"The town of San Rafael, Calif., has passed a ban on smoking that city officials have called the most stringent in the nation. The new ordinance makes it illegal for residents to smoke in their own homes if they share a wall with another dwelling. The ban applies to owners and renters alike, and it covers condominiums, co-ops, apartments and any multi-family residence containing three or more units.

Rebecca Woodbury, an analyst at the San Rafael City Manager's office, helped craft the ban, which took effect Nov.14. "We based it on a county ordinance," she told ABC News, "but we modified it, and ended up making it the strictest. I'm not aware of any ordinance that's stronger." Cities with similar but less severe smoking restrictions include Cambridge, Mass., and other California cities, including Walnut Creek and Tiburon.

In June, the Related Companies became the first developer and property owner to ban smoking in all 40,000 of its rental residences in 17 states. New York City bans tobacco sales to anyone under 21. Jessica Scaperotti, a spokeswoman for Related, said the ban had been popular. "There are more people who want to live in smoke-free environments than there are apartments available. Demand far exceeds supply."

The provisions that make San Rafael's rule unique, said Woodbury, include the prohibition on smoking in dwellings that share a wall, including owner-occupied condos, duplexes and multi-family units. "It doesn't matter if it's owner-occupied or renter-occupied. We didn't want to discriminate. The distinguishing feature is the shared wall." As justification for the rule, she cited studies showing that secondhand smoke seeped through ventilating ducts and walls, even through cracks. "It depends on a building's construction," she said, "but it does affect the unit next door, with the negative health impacts due to smoke."

The ordinance cites such studies, plus a 2011 study by UCLA that found that California property owners paid up to $18 million a year to clean apartments vacated by tenants who'd smoked. Asked if there was opposition to the ordinance, Woodbury said there was hardly any. "We have a very low percentage of smokers in the county," she said, referring to Marin.

George Koodray, New Jersey state coordinator for Citizens Freedom Alliance and the Smoker's Club, called San Rafael's rule and ones like it "mischievous." Years ago, he said, when restrictions on smoking were first introduced, "the spirit of the legislation was supposedly to protect people who did not want to be exposed to smoke." Today, he said, the motivating spirit had changed: People disapprove of the habit, and wish to restrict it whether or not it affects them directly. Bans like San Rafael's, he believes, are far removed from being a sincere effort to bring about a health benefit.

"I don't believe it's rooted in science," said Koodray, who is president of the Metropolitan Society, a group of New Jersey cigar smokers. "Someone smoking in a sealed apartment endangers the health of others in the building? The science for that is spurious at best."

Steve Stanek, a research fellow at the Chicago-based Heartland Institute, which he calls a free market-oriented public policy group, views the San Rafael ban as part of a wider trend: a proliferation of rules of all kinds.

"I don't like cigarettes, and I've never taken a puff," he said. "My sympathies aren't with smokers because I am one, it's because of the huge growth in laws and punishments and government restricting people more and more." Illinois' criminal code was 72 pages long in 1965, he said; today it's more than 1,300 pages long. "The encroachment of government is astonishing," he said.

A look around the U.S. finds towns and cities busily regulating anything and everything:..."



Supreme Court Makes Big Decision On When Cops Can Enter Your Home

(Understand that "occupant", in the following excerpt does not mean resident. The person who gives police permission to do a warrantless search in your home may be any person under your roof, resident or not, any age, any mental capacity. You can be arrested for disagreeing with a mentally handicapped 12 year old whether or not to allow police to come in.)

WASHINGTON (AP) — "The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that police may search a home without a warrant when two occupants disagree about allowing officers to enter, and the resident who refuses access is then arrested.

The justices declined to extend an earlier ruling denying entry to police when the occupants disagree and both are present.

Justice Samuel Alito wrote the court's 6-3 decision holding that an occupant may not object to a search when he is not at home.

"We therefore hold that an occupant who is absent due to a lawful detention or arrest stands in the same shoes as an occupant who is absent for any other reason," Alito said.

Police found a shotgun, ammunition and a knife when they searched the Los Angeles apartment that Walter Fernandez shared with his girlfriend, Roxanne Rojas.

Fernandez told police they could not enter. But shortly after his arrest, officers returned to the apartment and persuaded Rojas to let them in.

Fernandez is serving a 14-year prison term on robbery and guns charges..."

Full Article:


"From July 15th to September 15th, 2015, the U.S. Army Special Operations Command is conducting a massive military drill in an area covering the entire American   Southwest. At first glance, I thought this drill was a response to the massive military drills being conducted by Russia. I wrongly assumed that Jade Helm 15 was a drill designed to protect the Southwest from an invasion by Russian-backed Latin American military forces (i.e. Red Dawn). However, after reading the operational plan of Jade Helm, it is clear that this drill is about the brutal martial subjugation of the people of Texas, Utah and Southern California who have risen up against some unspecified tyranny. Further, this drill is also about martial law being used as a preventative measure in states which “might” lean towards civil war against the United States government (i.e. California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico).

The operational elements and impact of Jade Helm 15 cannot be considered in isolation. A careful analysis reveals how this drill is connected to Army policies associated with the confinement of detainees in what is commonly called FEMA camps! This drill is undoubtedly the most frightening thing to occur on American soil since the Civil War..."

Jade Helm and the Forced Relocation of Tens of Millions of Americans

"The EKS Group LLC, on behalf of The Department of Defense (DoD) is advertising the following position which has special relevance to the topics of Jade Helm 15 and the implementation of martial law. The following excerpts for this job advertisement are listed below:

Surveillance Role Players             
Location:  Phoenix, AZ
Travel:  CONUS/Approximately 50%

Job Description:

We have an exciting opportunity for Surveillance Role Players (SRP) in the Phoenix, AZ area. SRPs will provide surveillance role player services to the Department of Defense. For this position, EKS is looking for part-time personnel to play a vital role in assisting with this security related training. All candidates irrespective of qualification level or prior background will be evaluated for their ability/suitability to provide surveillance role playing that results in fully trained DOD professionals.  Candidate will operate as a member of a surveillance team conducting static, foot, vehicle and/or multi-mode surveillance of personnel in urban and rural environments and under all weather conditions.  Candidate will record and maintain appropriate vehicle and surveillance logs in accordance with EKS techniques and procedures.  This position is part time as needed.

·       Minimum of 21 years of age
·       Must be a U.S. Citizen
·       Maintain a Secret DoD clearance
·       High school diploma, or GED
·       Generally physically fit; with the ability to walk up to 18 miles per day for up to twelve consecutive days; with the ability to drive or ride in a vehicle for up to twelve hours per day
·       Successful completion of a 40-hour Surveillance Operations Course
·       Maintain an valid state driver’s license and a 36-month clean driving record
·       urnished in written, oral, diagram or schedule form
·       Ability to operate communication devices such as cell phones and walkie-talkie type radios GPS devices, and surveillance photo/video equipment ethically and in accordance with established EKS policies and procedures
·       Basic computer skills

Work Environment:
·      Exposure to extremely hot conditions (over 100 degrees)
·      Exposure to cold conditions (below 32 degrees)
·      Exposure to wet and/or humid conditions
·      Required to perform in both rural and urban environments
·      The noise level in the work environment usually is moderate

Pay Range:  $14.00/hour
Status:  Part-Time as Needed
Benefits:  Not eligible.."

Cyprium said:


"From July 15th to September 15th, 2015, the U.S. Army Special Operations Command is conducting a massive military drill in an area covering the entire American   Southwest. At first glance, I thought this drill was a response to the massive military drills being conducted by Russia. I wrongly assumed that Jade Helm 15 was a drill designed to protect the Southwest from an invasion by Russian-backed Latin American military forces (i.e. Red Dawn). However, after reading the operational plan of Jade Helm, it is clear that this drill is about the brutal martial subjugation of the people of Texas, Utah and Southern California who have risen up against some unspecified tyranny. Further, this drill is also about martial law being used as a preventative measure in states which “might” lean towards civil war against the United States government (i.e. California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico).

The operational elements and impact of Jade Helm 15 cannot be considered in isolation. A careful analysis reveals how this drill is connected to Army policies associated with the confinement of detainees in what is commonly called FEMA camps! This drill is undoubtedly the most frightening thing to occur on American soil since the Civil War..."

Prodigal Son said:

Jade Helm and the Forced Relocation of Tens of Millions of Americans

"The EKS Group LLC, on behalf of The Department of Defense (DoD) is advertising the following position which has special relevance to the topics of Jade Helm 15 and the implementation of martial law. The following excerpts for this job advertisement are listed below:

Surveillance Role Players             
Location:  Phoenix, AZ
Travel:  CONUS/Approximately 50%

Job Description:

We have an exciting opportunity for Surveillance Role Players (SRP) in the Phoenix, AZ area. SRPs will provide surveillance role player services to the Department of Defense. For this position, EKS is looking for part-time personnel to play a vital role in assisting with this security related training. All candidates irrespective of qualification level or prior background will be evaluated for their ability/suitability to provide surveillance role playing that results in fully trained DOD professionals.  Candidate will operate as a member of a surveillance team conducting static, foot, vehicle and/or multi-mode surveillance of personnel in urban and rural environments and under all weather conditions.  Candidate will record and maintain appropriate vehicle and surveillance logs in accordance with EKS techniques and procedures.  This position is part time as needed.

·       Minimum of 21 years of age
·       Must be a U.S. Citizen
·       Maintain a Secret DoD clearance
·       High school diploma, or GED
·       Generally physically fit; with the ability to walk up to 18 miles per day for up to twelve consecutive days; with the ability to drive or ride in a vehicle for up to twelve hours per day
·       Successful completion of a 40-hour Surveillance Operations Course
·       Maintain an valid state driver’s license and a 36-month clean driving record
·       urnished in written, oral, diagram or schedule form
·       Ability to operate communication devices such as cell phones and walkie-talkie type radios GPS devices, and surveillance photo/video equipment ethically and in accordance with established EKS policies and procedures
·       Basic computer skills

Work Environment:
·      Exposure to extremely hot conditions (over 100 degrees)
·      Exposure to cold conditions (below 32 degrees)
·      Exposure to wet and/or humid conditions
·      Required to perform in both rural and urban environments
·      The noise level in the work environment usually is moderate

Pay Range:  $14.00/hour
Status:  Part-Time as Needed
Benefits:  Not eligible.."

Cyprium said:


"From July 15th to September 15th, 2015, the U.S. Army Special Operations Command is conducting a massive military drill in an area covering the entire American   Southwest. At first glance, I thought this drill was a response to the massive military drills being conducted by Russia. I wrongly assumed that Jade Helm 15 was a drill designed to protect the Southwest from an invasion by Russian-backed Latin American military forces (i.e. Red Dawn). However, after reading the operational plan of Jade Helm, it is clear that this drill is about the brutal martial subjugation of the people of Texas, Utah and Southern California who have risen up against some unspecified tyranny. Further, this drill is also about martial law being used as a preventative measure in states which “might” lean towards civil war against the United States government (i.e. California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico).

The operational elements and impact of Jade Helm 15 cannot be considered in isolation. A careful analysis reveals how this drill is connected to Army policies associated with the confinement of detainees in what is commonly called FEMA camps! This drill is undoubtedly the most frightening thing to occur on American soil since the Civil War..."

Position Description

PD#: ST445380


Replaces PD#:  

Sequence#: VARIES





Agency: VARIES

Army Command: VARIES

Command Code: VARIES

Region: WEST






Classified Date: 02/11/2015



FLSA Worksheet: EXEMPT

FLSA Appeal: NO


Drug Test Required: VARIES  



This description is to be used for
Title 10 Excepted Service,
Defense Civilian Intelligence
Personnel System positions only.

Career Program: VARIES

Financial Disclosure Required: NO  

Acquisition Position: NO

Functional Code: 00

Requires Access to Firearms: VARIES

Interdisciplinary: NO

Competitive Area: VARIES

Position Sensitivity: VARIES

Security Access: VARIES

Competitive Level: VARIES

Target Grade/FPL: 12

Career Ladder PD: NO

Emergency Essential:  

   [ ]

Bus Code: VARIES

Personnel Reliability Position: VARIES

Information Assurance: N

Influenza Vaccination: NO

Army Enterprise Position: VARIES

Supervisor Status: VARIES

Position Designation: VARIES



Position Duties:

Serves as an Intelligence Exercise Planner for the USASOC JADE HELM Planning team. The Exercise Planner receives guidance and direction from the Exercise Chief, who provides the general assignment objectives, highlights areas of special interest and determines priorities of work. The Exercise Planner is responsible for subsequent planning and execution of the work and reports progress to Exercise Chief in occasional conferences, while receiving guidance on unusual technical problems. Completed work is reviewed for adequacy (overall concepts rather than details) and conformance with applicable USSOCOM, Joint, and Army policies and guidance.

1. Develops, plans, coordinates, manages and monitors the overall intelligence concept of operations for Exercise JADE HELM, a USSOCOM sponsored Unconventional Exercise program. Ensures exercise development includes and nests with intelligence training objectives and the exercise concept of operations. Provides advice and assistance concerning intelligence policies, programs and projects as related to exercise development and simulations interfaces. Performs exercise architecture planning duties and maintains liaison with counterparts as required to ensure for exercise completeness and support. When required represents the JADE HELM staff at conferences and working groups. Prepares and presents briefings on all intelligence aspects of exercise development and status during command and staff directed in-progress reviews (IPRs) (40%)

2. Project Management. Establish project management processes of initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing assigned projects. Develop and maintain project continuity files, establish exercise milestones, conduct in-progress reviews and exercise design (intelligence and threat) as required. Develop, prepare, and coordinate Intelligence Warfighting Function and threat input to exercise directives. Monitor and coordinate with SOF Component Commands, and joint manning documents to ensure the command deploys a trained and capable intelligence support staff. (25%)

3. Red Team. Serves as point of contact for threat related exercise events as required. Develops, coordinates and manages intelligence planning and execution milestones for all Intelligence Warfighting Function- supported exercise and training activities related to JADE HELM. Understand and incorporate the contemporary operational environment (COE) opposing forces doctrine into intelligence planning, the military decision making process (MDMP) and exercise/simulations concept of operations. Provide knowledge of threat doctrine and capabilities during joint intelligence preparation of the battle-space (JIPB), and the effects assessment process in plans and exercise development and execution. (20%)

4. Simulations. Design simulations architecture and exercise structure for intelligence operations. Ensure ISR capabilities are replicated within the simulation and exercise design, whether virtual, simulations driven or through master scripted events list (MSELS). Ensure a realistic intelligence flow to stimulate overall exercise objectives and integrate the full-spectrum of intelligence systems and capabilities into current battle simulation systems. (15%)

Performs other duties as assigned.


Must have a broad knowledge of basic principles, concepts, and methodologies in the intelligence subject matters of military science, social, political, and economic affairs; fundamental knowledge and experience-based skills in research techniques, simulations and Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) procedures. Basic understanding of US intelligence and both Joint and Army Special Operations structure and functions at tactical, operational, and strategic levels. Knowledge of military organizations and intelligence disciplines (HUMINT, SIGINT, GEOINT, OSINT) and contemporary operational environment (COE) opposing forces doctrine as applied to intelligence planning. This experience and training is applied to the Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) mission and directed toward mission fulfillment. Expertise and knowledge in the management processes of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, evaluating, and closing assigned projects. Must be able to develop and maintain project continuity files, establish exercise milestones, conduct in-progress reviews to evaluate effectiveness and provide recommendations for improvement. Thorough background and demonstrable expertise in developing, planning and coordinating intelligence concept of operations for bi-lateral and joint task force type exercises. Ability to ensure a realistic intelligence flow to stimulate overall exercise objectives by integration of the full-spectrum of intelligence systems and capabilities into current battle simulation systems. Knowledge and expertise of Army and Joint Special Operations. Ability to combine operational and tactical level training and intelligence objectives with exercise objectives. Knowledge of foreign disclosure regulations. Expertise in simulation interfaces. Ability to develop intelligence and simulations architecture to support exercises. Ability to maintain liaison with personnel at all levels of command as well as national agencies. Ability to communicate factual information clearly both orally and in writing. Experience in making presentations and briefings at conferences and working groups.

FACTOR B - GUIDELINES Degree B-4, 70 Points

Guidelines include Army regulations, intelligence production manuals, SOPs, policy letters, memorandums, recent intelligence products, and verbal guidance. Guidelines are not always available or applicable to cover a specific tasking. Employee is required to use judgment in adapting and applying the guidelines for the formulation of the exercise plans, architecture and simulations. The employee uses initiative and resourcefulness in deviating from traditional methods or researching trends and patterns to develop new methods, criteria, or proposed new policies in developing new projects.


The variety of work and activities requires frequently shifting work assignments to meet the requirements of various types of exercises. The employee will have a large degree of autonomy for resolving complex technical problems based on the interpretation of regulations, practices, and procedures, making decisions, and developing exercise plans. May be required to alter work methods to meet changes in requirements and shifts in workload. Decisions result in either finished plans or the basis for supervisor to make more complex planning decisions. .


Daily contact is required with DOD intelligence organizations. Employee establishes and maintains liaison with counterparts in U&S Commands, MACOMS, DA and national agencies. When required represents the USASOC intelligence community at conferences, working groups and interagency committees. Prepares and presents briefings on all aspects of exercise development and status during command and staff directed in-progress reviews


The employee receives guidance and direction from the supervisor, who provides the general assignment objectives, highlights areas of special interest and determines priorities of work. The employee independently analyzes requirements, interprets policies/procedures, and develops solutions in accordance with established mission objectives. The employee works within a framework of priorities and objectives and is responsible for subsequent planning and execution of the work. Employee and supervisor develop a mutually acceptable exercise plan that identifies timelines, scope, and delineation of workloads. The employee reports progress to the supervisor and receives guidance on technical issues when required. Employee is required to complete plans, render evaluations, reports and recommendations in the form of oral, visual, and written presentations. Work environment is very dynamic and priorities constantly change. The employee may have to adjust priorities without direct supervisor input based on a variety of factors. Experience and judgment will be important in determining the correct priority. Completed work is reviewed by the supervisor for conformation to stated goals and objectives and success of plans ultimately judged by results of the exercises.

Total Points: 270
Points Range: 245-294 = GG-12


1. Employee must be able to obtain and maintain a Top Secret security clearance based on an SBI with eligibility for sensitive compartmented information (SCI).

2. In accordance with Change 3 to AR 600-85, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Program, employee must successfully pass a urinalysis screening for illegal drug use prior to appointment and periodically thereafter.

3. TDY Travel is required 30% or less of the time.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Determination = (EXEMPT)

  Administrative Exemption:
     * Primary duty consistent with 5 CFR 551 (e.g.; non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or its customers), AND job duties require exercise of discretion & independent judgment.

FLSA Comments/Explanations:

Poition duties require exercise of discretion & independent judgment.

Position Evaluation:

None provided.

i think this may be the ickiest part.. a surveillance team conducting static, foot, vehicle and/or multi-mode surveillance of personnel in urban and rural environments and under all weather conditions.  ...icky!  Endangering civilians.. asking for trouble from people who may not be quite 'all there'.. it's a shame anyone would let this happen.. can we get some "I'm not an experiment" t-shirts for this?

They are not true believes of our father Yahushua and that's why they do shoot the innocent.

This is interesting...  link above is the entire article w/ documents

JADE HELM is not new, JADE HELM is at the end of its exercise. We are just now learning about it just before the trap snaps shut.

JADE is an app
Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution

from the document
JADE (Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution) is a knowledge-based mixed-initiative system that supports force
deployment planning and management. JADE uses case-based and generative planning methods to support the development
of large-scale, complex deployment plans in minimal time. JADE incorporates the technology of three tools:
Prodigy-Analogy (a combined case-based and generative planner developed by Carnegie Mellon University); ForMAT
(Force Management and Analysis Tool) that supports case-based force deployment planning developed by BBN
Technologies); and PARKA (a highly-indexed knowledge based management system developed by the University of
With JADE, a military planner can build a preliminary force deployment plan, including the Time Phased Force

Amen, brother David..

Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say, Amen. (Deu. 27:25)

david omweno ongori said:

They are not true believes of our father Yahushua and that's why they do shoot the innocent.

I attended one of the biggest graduation ceremony of the army police officers they start without prayer and they finish without prayer that means they do not focus to our father Yahushua our creator.

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