I wont be abel to comunicate like i have .I dont have computer ,or phone.I am tired of america and dont care for the country any more .i am not in any type of danger over here pepole here are not so hard to get along with .I am glad i made the move i made.I love you guys ,but i dont think i will be on the net anymore .I beleave the lord is going to put us all threw the fire for purefying the church .The great tribulation is on the way.Love Paul Radford
Added by Pau Radford on November 18, 2012 at 7:37am — 1 Comment
1987 Kansas City
Added by Bean on November 11, 2012 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments
Grab your jelly bracelets and teasing comb...
and join us as we follow Constance Cumbey, witty author of "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow," on a journey through her 7-part, fact-filled expose regarding the sins of the "New Age" movement,…
ContinueAdded by Bean on November 2, 2012 at 2:30pm — No Comments
Added by Bean on November 2, 2012 at 1:00pm — No Comments
Where did the popular belief that the righteous go to heaven and sinners are plunged to hell come from?Why is it that people want to go to heaven?
The belief in a heaven,or a hell beyond the grave,is a recognized tenet of the creeds of virtually all nations and races from the beginnings of recorded human in history.
David was a man after Yahushua is own heart(Acts 13:22)yet the scriptures plainly state he did not go to heaven.
This same promise is reaffirmed in the New…
ContinueAdded by david omweno ongori on November 2, 2012 at 9:12am — No Comments
A short laugh, smile or thought for the day.
Flashing back a few years, watch Constance Cumbey, author of "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" in a video detail titled, "JUST ONE Christian MESSES up Maitreyas Plans! LOL!"…
ContinueThere is much evil in the world today, as there has always been (I John 5:19). A person who is sensitive and caring will end up being hurt. Out of that sensitivity and "broken-heartedness," we have the opportunity to seek Yahushua in purity and humility. That purity and humility of heart is a great victory in the eyes of an all-powerful and holy Yahushua.
Psalm 34:18…
ContinueAdded by david omweno ongori on October 22, 2012 at 3:35am — No Comments
I was driving home from work today trying to decide what I wanted to write about tonight and for the life of me, I couldn't make up my mind! So I asked God, "God, what do You want me to write about?" And God said, "Tell them about my Goodness." Okay then.
About 2 years ago, I had a vision of God's Kingdom.
In my vision of the Kingdom, I was standing up on a very high montain and I could see all around me forever. It didn't…
Added by Laura Ing on October 16, 2012 at 8:16pm — 3 Comments
Christ is called The Way, The Truth and The Light. So I want to explore the nature of truth.
Truth is one of the most powerful things known to man. No one has the power to change the truth because the truth contains its own inherent power.
The Truth does not have to convince nor cajole anyone into believing it because by its nature, the truth will assert itself. The truth doesn't care if you like it, if you deny it or if you lie about it because…
ContinueAdded by Laura Ing on October 14, 2012 at 11:24pm — 2 Comments
I noticed something interesting in the Bible that I'd like to share with you. In the beginning, one man, Adam, condemned the entire human race to death thru sin. And one man, Jesus Christ lifted all of mankind out of sin, if they choose to believe. One man, Noah, was tasked with building the ark. One man, Judas, brought about the crucifixion of our Savior. One man, John the Baptist, prepared the way for the Christ.
And what about now? One man, Hitler, has the blood…
ContinueAdded by Laura Ing on October 14, 2012 at 10:06pm — No Comments
I had a vision the other day and in this vision, I saw a huge sheet of glass. In this glass, I saw holes as if made by a ball ping hammer and from these holes, cracks radiated outward. I understood in that moment, that every word we say and every action we make, is felt through all eternity.
The holes in the glass, are acts or words of cruelty and the cracks that radiate out, touch the people closest to them. Consider the hole that Adam and Eve put in the glass of…
Added by Laura Ing on October 14, 2012 at 9:53pm — No Comments
In these uncertain times, I thought I'd share a vision I had a few months back. In this vision, I saw a huge sheet of blank paper. Then, I saw a huge screen cover the paper. As I continued to watch, I could see that colors began to fill the little squares defined by the screen. There was no rhyme, no reason and no discernible pattern to the colors or their placement. Some little squares didn't even get color, they remained blank. After a few minutes, the screen was removed and all I could…
ContinueAdded by Laura Ing on October 14, 2012 at 7:18pm — 3 Comments
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