Videos and images under "History is happening, pay attention"

These reflect the most current synopsis of the most significant events to occur in the storm. They "summarize" where we are right now. Example: image of Julian Assange's twitter account icon changed to an empty hourglass reflects the point at which there are gathering rumors of Assange's pardon and release. We usually update these entries one to two times weekly.

Videos and images under "#Followthewhiterabbit"

These entries are provided to us by an anonymous source. They are foreshadowings of the upcoming events. They tend to be accurate and there is meaning implied in all aspects of the posts. Lyrics, band names, graphics all will tend to point to significant elements of upcoming Storm events, but they require some deeper thought and deciphering. These entries are usually updated every few days.

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"anonymous source"

Sounds similar to CNN with their 'anonymous sources'.

If a real person, was directly following the exact path that Yahushua wants them to follow, what could possibly go wrong with the world knowing their true identity ?

Is there something going on around us, because with the recent 2018 Golden Globe awards everyone had to wear black and pin Time's Up badges.

On top of that, many people i know are suddenly, instinctively wearing black. It is as if their feelings have transformed dramatically.

Its either time up for Hollywood or the World.

Still waiting for real hard proof of globalists heads rolling. Unless of course, this Q-anon thingy is designed to anger mortals and the demons feed off the anger. Then this information dump makes sense.

The source isn't necessarily annonymous to Everyone here. They wish to remain annonymous in general. It's not really important who they are or what anyone's opinion of that source is. Feel free to imagine them as someone who's simply good at connecting the dots. The information is put up for consideration and interest sake without asking anyone to see it as authoratative or crucial to understanding what's going on. It's added here for our own interest in documenting the events around the "Storm" as much as anything else.

The movement is made up of annonymous people everywhere. I wouldn't doubt their legitimacy as a Christian for not doxxing themselves.

Though i didn't see the GG awards, something is definitely going on and it's definitely a fact that "time is up" for many things. Assange's twitter icon reflected the did the #followthewhiterabbit post on the front page just before that. "The final Countdown".

I haven't noticed a trend in black but there is only one certain demographic that need be in mourning right now, i think. I wouldn't worry. It's not "time up" for us, YHWH's people. .. it's actually our moment to shine.

You've missed some events if you're still waiting. Next week the public will get a little more filled in on those things. Public/Private: 20/80 now goes up to 40/60.

I don't think the demons are enjoying the Q revelations... i know their hosts certainly aren't.

Tristran Hpeburn said:

"anonymous source"

Sounds similar to CNN with their 'anonymous sources'.

If a real person, was directly following the exact path that Yahushua wants them to follow, what could possibly go wrong with the world knowing their true identity ?

Is there something going on around us, because with the recent 2018 Golden Globe awards everyone had to wear black and pin Time's Up badges.

On top of that, many people i know are suddenly, instinctively wearing black. It is as if their feelings have transformed dramatically.

Its either time up for Hollywood or the World.

Still waiting for real hard proof of globalists heads rolling. Unless of course, this Q-anon thingy is designed to anger mortals and the demons feed off the anger. Then this information dump makes sense.

i have missed the events because nothing changes. Everything carries on as if it was the previous month. There needs to be substance. Mentioning DEFCON 1 was a foolish thrill factor statement to make.

This set of events can go either way. Its either genuine or staged.

If staged, then the hosts are fairly grumpy as their time is up and the Antichrist NWO is going to fake a lovey dovey happy world on its people with the 5G GWEN towers blasting out everything into everyones heads. Time was going to be up for the Old World Order anyway.

Or if genuine, then the 7 Year Tribulation is on old for an unknown amount of time. Just remembered the ending of the Matrix and the conversation with the Architect;

Architect: "Just how long do you think this peace will last ?"

Response: "As long as it can."

I don't know; a recent dream could verify that you are correct to state that its now the time for YHWH's people to shine. Or its time for YHWH to gather his people, give them enough sustenance to survive the very short waiting time before exiting this world.

Cyprium said:

It's not "time up" for us, YHWH's people. .. it's actually our moment to shine.

You've missed some events if you're still waiting. Next week the public will get a little more filled in on those things. Public/Private: 20/80 now goes up to 40/60.

I don't think the demons are enjoying the Q revelations... i know their hosts certainly aren't.

"i have missed the events because nothing changes. Everything carries on as if it was the previous month. There needs to be substance. Mentioning DEFCON 1 was a foolish thrill factor statement to make."

"defcon1" was sent by Q to foreshadow the actual missile scare in Hawaii. He also explained why that was done. It wasn't some sensational scare tactic. It was a necessary action to gain access to someone. It's a war, not a game.

If YHWH is with us who can be against us?


It seems to be a game to the people who publish bread crumbs like 'defcon 1' and 'Red October'.

"If YHWH is with us who can be against us?"

Everyone is against the Christians' host body and thankfully the persons soul is sealed with the Spirit of the Lord, so nothing can destroy the persons soul.

So was the Hawaii event real or fake because it seems that its 50/50 with several alternate news sites.

If real and this was Plan A. As it failed, where is Plan B ? There is always a Plan B like a buried nuke in NYC. Unless Plan B is a widespread flu virus that is amplified by cold weather that now covers USA.

There's a good reason for dropping a defcon1 hint then clarifying with (non-nuclear) before the event. Anyone can read Q's drops, including the enemy. How do you think the extraction would have worked out if instead he said "in a couple of days we're going to fake a nuclear threat in Hawaii so we can get in and grab Hillary Clinton"?

That drop wasn't meant to be a warning, it was meant to be a "future proves past" confirmation of Q's drops being legitimate. He does this regularly so we are continually aware that the information is real and credible.

"What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?" - Romans 8:31

It means that with His power behind us, there is nothing we can't do, nor can any enemy prevail against us

The implication of Q's defcon post and the explanation following the event is that the threat was fake and it was faked (by the good guys) to distract the enemy while they gained access to a target. All indications point to the mission having been successful.

Tristran Hpeburn said:


It seems to be a game to the people who publish bread crumbs like 'defcon 1' and 'Red October'.

"If YHWH is with us who can be against us?"

Everyone is against the Christians' host body and thankfully the persons soul is sealed with the Spirit of the Lord, so nothing can destroy the persons soul.

So was the Hawaii event real or fake because it seems that its 50/50 with several alternate news sites.

If real and this was Plan A. As it failed, where is Plan B ? There is always a Plan B like a buried nuke in NYC. Unless Plan B is a widespread flu virus that is amplified by cold weather that now covers USA.


"in a couple of days we're going to fake a nuclear threat in Hawaii so we can get in and grab Hillary Clinton"
Similar to freedom fighters in Iraq. With the truth well known to the US forces, it was only a matter of time before their defenses were worn down enough for the tactic of every object being a potential IED to turning into a real IED.

Russia got run down with the fear of being ambushed one day and not the next, so much that they eventually retreated. Bit like everyone working for Hiliary, eventually throwing in the towel as each Q statement would have to be assumed to be the real deal. When fear and paranoia is 24/7, it grinds people down.

Tomorrow we are going to capture Hilary. Then just repeat that over and over again and eventually Hillary gets caught as they assume its another 'cry wolf' statement.

This is similar to China monitoring and recording every single email sent worldwide. Just create 2 email addresses. Send a encrypted message to the other and create a forward rule to send it back to the sender. Create a script that changes the encryption every time and suddenly China has its servers clogging up with garbage as a few billion email pairs do this circular process. Then 1 real message in a trillion makes its way to a spy in China.
Stalin found this out during his reign as everyone in the entire city informed on the other and the soldiers could not handle the level of 'truthful' information.

"It means that with His power behind us, there is nothing we can't do, nor can any enemy prevail against us"
This brings me back to the same question of, why 'Q-Anon', why not use their true name(s) if they have nothing to fear ?

Nothing can prove the following picture to be true or false. This is what bugs me.

Tristran Hpeburn said:


"in a couple of days we're going to fake a nuclear threat in Hawaii so we can get in and grab Hillary Clinton"
Similar to freedom fighters in Iraq. With the truth well known to the US forces, it was only a matter of time before their defenses were worn down enough for the tactic of every object being a potential IED to turning into a real IED.

Russia got run down with the fear of being ambushed one day and not the next, so much that they eventually retreated. Bit like everyone working for Hiliary, eventually throwing in the towel as each Q statement would have to be assumed to be the real deal. When fear and paranoia is 24/7, it grinds people down.

Tomorrow we are going to capture Hilary. Then just repeat that over and over again and eventually Hillary gets caught as they assume its another 'cry wolf' statement.

This is similar to China monitoring and recording every single email sent worldwide. Just create 2 email addresses. Send a encrypted message to the other and create a forward rule to send it back to the sender. Create a script that changes the encryption every time and suddenly China has its servers clogging up with garbage as a few billion email pairs do this circular process. Then 1 real message in a trillion makes its way to a spy in China.
Stalin found this out during his reign as everyone in the entire city informed on the other and the soldiers could not handle the level of 'truthful' information.

"It means that with His power behind us, there is nothing we can't do, nor can any enemy prevail against us"
This brings me back to the same question of, why 'Q-Anon', why not use their true name(s) if they have nothing to fear ?

Nothing can prove the following picture to be true or false. This is what bugs me.


Q is a mortal(s) and every mortal can lie.

i am Mr Universe and higher than Yahushua. i think you will understand that touch of sarcasm.

The picture is actually bad in the way of numerology that is turning at least 75 million people away from Yahushua. Ace = 1 and the picture shows 1111 which is the Nu Age 'Wake-up Call'.

Then the Ace can be the 13th card which in God's eyes is Rebellion like Judas Iscariot.

Even the symbol for Nazism is black and red and those 4 cards have red and black just like the flag for Antifa.

Edwin said:

Tristran Hpeburn said:


"in a couple of days we're going to fake a nuclear threat in Hawaii so we can get in and grab Hillary Clinton"
Similar to freedom fighters in Iraq. With the truth well known to the US forces, it was only a matter of time before their defenses were worn down enough for the tactic of every object being a potential IED to turning into a real IED.

Russia got run down with the fear of being ambushed one day and not the next, so much that they eventually retreated. Bit like everyone working for Hiliary, eventually throwing in the towel as each Q statement would have to be assumed to be the real deal. When fear and paranoia is 24/7, it grinds people down.

Tomorrow we are going to capture Hilary. Then just repeat that over and over again and eventually Hillary gets caught as they assume its another 'cry wolf' statement.

This is similar to China monitoring and recording every single email sent worldwide. Just create 2 email addresses. Send a encrypted message to the other and create a forward rule to send it back to the sender. Create a script that changes the encryption every time and suddenly China has its servers clogging up with garbage as a few billion email pairs do this circular process. Then 1 real message in a trillion makes its way to a spy in China.
Stalin found this out during his reign as everyone in the entire city informed on the other and the soldiers could not handle the level of 'truthful' information.

"It means that with His power behind us, there is nothing we can't do, nor can any enemy prevail against us"
This brings me back to the same question of, why 'Q-Anon', why not use their true name(s) if they have nothing to fear ?

Nothing can prove the following picture to be true or false. This is what bugs me.

why would you hijack a new user's personal blog... and now our announcement... to repeatedly state you disagree?  we have a forum for discussions and you are free to start one on any relevant subject.

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