Want a shot at the beast? Urgent request for assistance in the grass roots investigation of the World-Wide network of child sex trafficking and mind control.
The entirely unimaginable is happening. There is currently a huge movement of internet investigators, just average people, who are literally taking on the beast.
What a few of us have known for a long time - that there is a global cabal of Satanic rulers who govern the world in secrecy and who abuse children as part of their sick religion - is now on the cusp of becoming mainstream knowledge.
Beginning as a stunning revelation coming out of the Podesta/Clinton emails released by Wikileaks and others, online activists fighting to expose Clinton for various other crimes discovered in the correspondence a building picture of a vast pedophilia network tied to the occult and the Clintons.
The mountain of evidence keeps piling up ever higher as thousands of people volunteer their time and risk their freedom and their lives to fight this Goliath. Researchers on 4chan and reddit, primarily, this won't be the first time in the last several months that these awakening individuals have fought and won against the enemy. We have never had a better time to hope that, Father willing, we are going to see a victory for the truth.
I am asking any and every soul who is able and willing and cares about the fate of thousands of children to do whatever you can to help. If only so much as learning about it and spreading the word, you have my thanks. For the fearless of heart, come help dig for evidence and research at r/pizzagate. BUT PLEASE BE CAREFUL! Use proxies and be prepared to take all measures to protect your anonymity. These evil people have real power to mess with your lives.
Follow these links to the resources concerning this matter:
Wikileaks Podesta Emails: all Podesta emails. Thousands of them. People are still needed to search these:
"Pizzagate (reddit)", so named because of the internal code words used to describe children and acts against them in the emails. "Pizza", a much used code term stands for "little girl". You will find the compilation of researchers' evidence gathered here:
A summary article of the investigation and key pieces of evidence can be found here:
Please pray, everyone, for the safety of the researchers and the children in slavery and for the defeat of this evil in Messiah's name. Rak Chazak! :uD
Views: 550
FIRST DAY OF OFFICE ON JANUARY 21, 2017, DONALD TRUMP WILL be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old on HIS FIRST DAY IN OFFICE…777
Many believe Trump is going to be working for God. I actually believe the opposite. Obama was made so bad, that as Trump brings back US jobs, the people will love him.
On Friday 23 December 2016, the US deliberately abstained allowing the UN to demand end to Israeli. Standard pregnancy is 9 months so Sept 23 2017 coincides with the Pope's visit (Sept 23 2015) and the antichrist entering the 3rd Temple of Jerusalem.
Notice how Trump is pro-Israel and moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. So many people trust Pence and Trump. Oh how they are all being led into the antichrist NWO, hook line and sinker.
The middle date of Pope Francis's visit to Cuba, the United States, and the United Nations, was the 23 September 2015. Christians have been massacred world wide for the past 2 years. This coincides from when Russia launched a major attack in Syria during late September 2015.
A comparison can be made with Matthew 2:16, where 'Herod ... put to death all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were TWO YEARS old and under, according to the time he had learned from the Magi'.
With the Inauguration of Trump, the position of Jupiter in Virgo, the stars of Leo with 3 planets, Revelation 12 is now in play. 2017 is the final year for Christians to fill their lamps, light them and let them burn brightly, because according to a dream I had recently, if a person reaches Jan 1st 2018, then the Gates to Heaven will be closed for 7 years.
With 16 being love, 17 as victory and 18 equaling bondage, it all makes sense now that if a person makes it into 2018 then they will face being bonded to this Mammon world with the Mark of the Beast.
If the banksters do introduce a cashless society and give willing people 1 million New World currency credits to jump start the New World economy, who will say no, especially after Trump forces alien disclosure and allows free energy to be distributed world wide ? Answer: almost no one.
Many will be begging for the Mark on a Smart Card, RFID in their right hand or nanites in their blood stream.
I agree with not trusting anyone who holds that office, but Trump has basically nothing to do with the revelations that brought us Pizzagate other than perhaps the sheer horror of those revelations destroying the Soros/Rothschild attempt to get Clinton elected instead.
If Trump has any legitimacy at all he will see to the investigation and prosecution of these people... if not (and chances are this) he is as complicit as anyone.
Tristran Hpeburn said:
FIRST DAY OF OFFICE ON JANUARY 21, 2017, DONALD TRUMP WILL be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old on HIS FIRST DAY IN OFFICE…777
Many believe Trump is going to be working for God. I actually believe the opposite. Obama was made so bad, that as Trump brings back US jobs, the people will love him.
On Friday 23 December 2016, the US deliberately abstained allowing the UN to demand end to Israeli. Standard pregnancy is 9 months so Sept 23 2017 coincides with the Pope's visit (Sept 23 2015) and the antichrist entering the 3rd Temple of Jerusalem.
Notice how Trump is pro-Israel and moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. So many people trust Pence and Trump. Oh how they are all being led into the antichrist NWO, hook line and sinker.
The middle date of Pope Francis's visit to Cuba, the United States, and the United Nations, was the 23 September 2015. Christians have been massacred world wide for the past 2 years. This coincides from when Russia launched a major attack in Syria during late September 2015.
A comparison can be made with Matthew 2:16, where 'Herod ... put to death all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were TWO YEARS old and under, according to the time he had learned from the Magi'.
With the Inauguration of Trump, the position of Jupiter in Virgo, the stars of Leo with 3 planets, Revelation 12 is now in play. 2017 is the final year for Christians to fill their lamps, light them and let them burn brightly, because according to a dream I had recently, if a person reaches Jan 1st 2018, then the Gates to Heaven will be closed for 7 years.
With 16 being love, 17 as victory and 18 equaling bondage, it all makes sense now that if a person makes it into 2018 then they will face being bonded to this Mammon world with the Mark of the Beast.
If the banksters do introduce a cashless society and give willing people 1 million New World currency credits to jump start the New World economy, who will say no, especially after Trump forces alien disclosure and allows free energy to be distributed world wide ? Answer: almost no one.
Many will be begging for the Mark on a Smart Card, RFID in their right hand or nanites in their blood stream.
Cyprium said: If Trump has any legitimacy at all he will see to the investigation and prosecution of these people
Well with no official UFO technology disclosure and no 'exotic' (UFO) technology being given freely to us peasants to work on, he is just as rotten to the core of Adams Apple.
Fine. Time to just start Judging the entire planet because the peasants are screwed again.
Nothing has changed.
Why do we want UFO technology? The governments have had "alien" technology for ages. Humanity first received it before the flood from the Watchers and that "disclosure" was condemned by YHWH. It's still condemned and humanity itself will never be any better for knowing it.
As far as disclosure goes, i'm sure it will happen but it won't be some great thing for us. It's a fine opportunity for the PTB to feed us a line of crap about how they are our gods/creators, though. WHen disclosure happens it's not like we will be hearing the truth about the nature of these beings so it's irrelevant for the most part.
I literally don't care what Donald Trump is about. He might be a rebel with a cause, he might be the antichrist, he might be just the same old, same old or he might be a Satan worshipping pedo himself. Who knows. We don't need him to do what we're doing, and we are doing it. We really are. Not the TPTB, not a politician or a hero out of left field, but we, the regular people. The plebians. We're doing it. Just watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxvVk-r9ut8
Tristran Hpeburn said:
Cyprium said: If Trump has any legitimacy at all he will see to the investigation and prosecution of these people
Well with no official UFO technology disclosure and no 'exotic' (UFO) technology being given freely to us peasants to work on, he is just as rotten to the core of Adams Apple.Fine. Time to just start Judging the entire planet because the peasants are screwed again.
Nothing has changed.
That sounds similar to what a globalist would say.
Their words would probably go like "Don't give the little peasants any hope. Just let them all starve to death. If they live, create a war and bomb them to death."
Syria, Libya, Iraq .... Russia, Europe, USA.
Judgement Day is going to be so entertaining watching all mortal and immortal entities getting judged for all the human blood dripping off their hands.
Yahweh happily allowed his fallen ones to give technology to the Nazi's in WW2. Yet he won't give it to his peasants via alien disclosure.
Yahweh gets angry at the peasant who buried his single talent. Yet he has done nothing against the globalists who have buried millions of talents since the banking crisis of 2008.
As Jesus said, 'Always Judge an entity by the fruits it bares'. Only a dictator would hold back the talents of peasants.
Sinclair said:
It's still condemned and humanity itself will never be any better for knowing it.
"You have been in heaven, but ⌈all⌉ the mysteries had not yet been revealed to you, and you knew worthless ones, and these in the hardness of your hearts you have made known to the women, and through these mysteries women and men work much evil on earth." 4. Say to them therefore: "You have no peace."'
1Enoch XVI:2
This addresses the technology you're speaking about. There's no hope it it, there never was. There is nothing good, beneficial or in the interest of the welfare of humanity whatsoever in these things.
YHWH can no more be accused of "happily allowing" Nazis to utilize the worthless mysteries any more than He can be said to be happily allowing millions of children to be hurt by the elite.
Which brings us to priorities.. The Priority for believers is to be His example on earth. This is epitomized in caring for the "least of these"..which is why this thread exists. So..back on topic. Let's be a force for good against the powers that torture and kill the most innocent and defenseless members of human society.
By Will Hobson Dec. 28, 2017
"Six years after the Sandusky scandal rocked Penn State, university leadership is still fighting a civil war over the case, a conflict fueled, in part, by weaknesses that have developed in investigations that concluded top Penn State officials covered up for the convicted child molester."
WAPO's intent may have been to make Sandusky or others look less guilty, but the article really only accomplishes to put the name Sandusky out there as a convicted pedo... and everyone knows about his close ties to HRC... and, 'member when Sandusky's son was charged for being a pedo early last year?
Fabio talking about Jerry Brown releasing a bunch of "non-violent" criminals from prison because CA is broke... in reality, "the majority of criminals, they are sex offenders, child molesters, human traffickers, sex with minors"...
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