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Governments, at least, can't totally collapse. The Beast System obviously continues so possibly various disasters have actually been planned for. They do believe they will happen, even though they don't honor YHWH. Ordo Ab Chao? They want chaos in order to disrupt the common people's lives and make them more able to be oppressed. Since most people seem to be the living dead lately, that won't be difficult.
This is from the TNL welcome page -
head and hand: isn't this also a Hebraism for what you think and do? Just like phalachataries the Jewish men place on the forehead and left hand, I think sometimes these are not understood. I think I have a different understanding than many, but I think that the so called Mark of the Beast could be all in our head. here is the verse used:
Exo 13:9 And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the LORD'S law may be in thy mouth: for with a strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out of Egypt.
what is Father talking about doing? teaching our children about what He has done for us.
When you know in your mind what He did and you do what he tells you to do, then you have this sign, a signal, to Him that you are His. That word in Hebrew is the same:
Probably from H225 (in the sense of appearing); a signal (literally or figuratively), as a flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, etc.: - mark, miracle, (en-) sign, token.
YHWH also talks about Sabbath as a mark, as a sign that you belong to Him.
If the fact that you cannot buy or sell without the mark bothers you on this count, there are many reasons why this could be a block to such an end. For one thing buying and selling on Sabbath are forbidden. So if the adversary were to come pretending to be Jesus. He is here, reigning on the earth for his time, until YHWH ends it and the true Messiah comes to end things. So here he is pretending to be Jesus, bringing peace and prosperity to the earth. And he says when you come to worship me, I will hand out to you your script or you will receive your allowance, then we would not have ours now would we?
I cannot tell you how many many times we as a family are just outside the system, based on sabbath. We missed Roger Crieger just this past Friday, cause it would have meant me breaking sabbath. I am not saying Roger is a spawn of the beast system, but he sure is a pawn of it. In order for me to see him I would have to break the deal I have with Father, so we just don't go. Its like that a lot. I don't know who among us keeps sabbath, but if you do, you know you and the world are just not on the same time table. So this sign is already keeping me outside the system, even before the adversary is here.
Technology has much more to to with the spirit than many might suppose, i'd say. Being able to manipulate bodies, minds, the environment, matter, energies.... that has everything in common with what people would once call "magic", and probably more appropriately so. Remember the magicians and Moses? They did Almost everything he did. They were capable of mimicking His power to a point with their lying signs and wonders.
The enemy can't know all the thoughts and intentions of people...that's a power YHWH holds. They can, however, manipulate His creation in such a way to Almost produce the same results in order that they, like He, can mark their own (and note their enemies).
Electronic skin tattoo has medical, gaming, spy uses
A hair-thin electronic patch that adheres to the skin like a temporary tattoo could transform medical sensing, computer gaming and even spy operations, according to a US study published Thursday.
The micro-electronics technology, called an epidermal electronic system (EES), was developed by an international team of researchers from the United States, China and Singapore, and is described in the journal Science.
"It's a technology that blurs the distinction between electronics and biology," said co-author John Rogers, a professor in materials science and engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
"Our goal was to develop an electronic technology that could integrate with the skin in a way that is mechanically and physiologically invisible to the user."
The patch could be used instead of bulky electrodes to monitor brain, heart and muscle tissue activity and when placed on the throat it allowed users to operate a voice-activated video game with better than 90 percent accuracy.
"This type of device might provide utility for those who suffer from certain diseases of the larynx," said Rogers. "It could also form the basis of a sub-vocal communication capability, suitable for covert or other uses."
The wireless device is nearly weightless and requires so little power it can fuel itself with miniature solar collectors or by picking up stray or transmitted electromagnetic radiation, the study said.
Less than 50-microns thick -- slightly thinner than a human hair -- the devices are able to adhere to the skin without glue or sticky material.
"Forces called van der Waals interactions dominate the adhesion at the molecular level, so the electronic tattoos adhere to the skin without any glues and stay in place for hours," said the study.
Northwestern University engineer Yonggang Huang said the patch was "as soft as the human skin."
Rogers and Huang have been working together on the technology for the past six years. They have already designed flexible electronics for hemispherical camera sensors and are now focused on adding battery power and other energy options.
The devices might find future uses in patients with sleep apnea, babies who need neonatal care and for making electronic bandages to help skin heal from wounds and burns.
'..mechanically and physiologically invisible to the user..'
umm.. does not sound beneficial.. sounds like possibly an easy entry point for subjugating the will and blurring the lines between suggested reality and actual reality.
Recently i was wondering if this military exercise called 'JADE Helm' is a test run for how a quantum computer named JADE2 is efficient at protecting America from multiple enemies attacking all US borders by taking the 'Helm' of the USA.
So in a way, this JADE2 AI computer is the fictional 'SkyNET' in the film 'Terminator' series. The only difference is that it is on America's side.
Then with the nanobots contaminating every American person as in the TV series 'Revolution' it seems possible that this is a test run for Satan to replicate YHWH's omnipresence on a micro scale. This explains why the TV series 'Revolution' was banned. Too many people were joining the dots of where America was heading.
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