In reading these verses, if i suspend all foreknowledge of any reference i've heard to the rapture, i find it difficult to come to the organic conclusion that a pre-tribulation rapture event is being spoken of. I do think believers will be taken out of the way of the final wrath, but not the "tribulation".
Matthew 24 - is a chronological rundown of the last days:
1. false Christs - Mat. 24:4,5
2. wars and rumours of wars - 24:6,7
These are called "the beginning of sorrows"
3. Christian persecution and martyrdom - 24:9,10
4. false prophets deceiving many and the falling away - 24:11,12
Note this next (added bold): Mat. 24:13 "But he that shall endure UNTO THE END, the same shall be saved."
5. Gospel spread to the entire world - 24:14
6. The abomination of desolation standing in the holy place (the end has come) - 24:15
7. directive to His people to flee - 24:16-18
8. Warnings for those with infants, fleeing on the Sabbath because NOW this is the Great Tribulation. - 24:21
Note here (added bold): Mat. 24:22 - "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: BUT FOR THE ELECT'S SAKE, those days will be shortened
9. Do not believe reports Christ has come in secret: 24:23-27
10. sun,moon darkened, stars fall, heaven shaken "IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TRIBULATION" OF THOSE DAYS"- 24:29
11.Christ appears for the whole world to see with His angels gathering the elect.
When we're taught something and have scriptures pointed out and explained that they mean something it's hard to not see that interpretation in these isolated verses, but just reading it in the order it was given with no pre-conceptions arrives at a simpler conclusion; that He told us these events in the exact way they would happen one after the other.
Iwanttoknoweverthing said:
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.
Matthew 24:37-39
As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
Matthew 24:40-44
Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.
Just a few x
Sinclair said:@Tristran "The simulation is for us sinners to learn the hard way concerning how much destruction sins really cause other spirits."
What is the Simulation simulating? Real Life? Because you just described real life.
There is no rapture mentioned in the bible, though.
Hopefully i am wrong, in speculating that no one here can prove me wrong, concerning the possibility that everything is for nothing.
i have an idea as to why certain things have happened in my life and i know Jesus knows them all as well and the reasons why.
So to raise a person's hopes, would it be logical to assume that there would be some form of spiritual intervention, that would prove beyond a doubt that this universe exists and that there are 7 billion real people surrounding me on this physical planet ?
Note: the devil thinks he is cunning, when in actual fact, when one of his targets has faith in Christ Messiah, all of his tactful moves only makes the target stronger.
But again: stronger for what ? stronger to be enrolled into a army to endure a permanent spiritual war ?
"Hopefully i am wrong, in speculating that no one here can prove me wrong, concerning the possibility that everything is for nothing."
I can totally prove you wrong in that. The bible is the book of "Everything is for something".
"i have an idea as to why certain things have happened in my life and i know Jesus knows them all as well and the reasons why."
See, you just said it yourself. He knows the reasons. There are reasons.
"would it be logical to assume that there would be some form of spiritual intervention, that would prove beyond a doubt that this universe exists and that there are 7 billion real people surrounding me on this physical planet ?"
Do you believe YHWH is real? Are you a believer in Him? if so you already know it's real and if it's not, who made the simulation and again, what does it simulate and who made whatever reality it simulates? No matter where you go with this it all comes back to a Creator.
"But again: stronger for what ? stronger to be enrolled into a army to endure a permanent spiritual war ?"
No, not permanent, but this temporal age and this present earth is a battleground. No question about that. The fight is worth it. Every person will take what they did with this battle in this very short time here into eternity. The war will no longer be raging in eternity but we'll forever have the rewards of what we did or didn't do.
Tristran Hpeburn said:
Hopefully i am wrong, in speculating that no one here can prove me wrong, concerning the possibility that everything is for nothing.
i have an idea as to why certain things have happened in my life and i know Jesus knows them all as well and the reasons why.
So to raise a person's hopes, would it be logical to assume that there would be some form of spiritual intervention, that would prove beyond a doubt that this universe exists and that there are 7 billion real people surrounding me on this physical planet ?
Note: the devil thinks he is cunning, when in actual fact, when one of his targets has faith in Christ Messiah, all of his tactful moves only makes the target stronger.
But again: stronger for what ? stronger to be enrolled into a army to endure a permanent spiritual war ?
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven - Mt 6:20
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. - Rev 14:13
Sinclair said:
"The war will no longer be raging in eternity but we'll forever have the rewards of what we did or didn't do."
"...but we'll forever have the rewards of what we did or didn't do."
Does the "didn't do" apply to "couldn't do" as well ?
The "didn't do" reminds me of Matthew 25:25 where the lazy couch potato watched TV 24/7, down in the house basement.
'Could not do' is ok, like the many people who now cannot do much as TPTB have burried their talents for them since 2008.
Were the talents buried because YHWH has basically told everyone that they must now turn their pitchforks and ploughs into blades and war vehicles ? Similar to give up their old jobs and choose to fight for Yahushua or His enemies.
Sinclair said:
rewards of what we did or didn't do.
"Does the "didn't do" apply to "couldn't do" as well ?"
Of course He knows what we do, what we don't do, what we can't do, what we tried to do and failed and all the rest. He knows the contents of our hearts. All of it. He knows how truly hard each of us fought (or didn't) to "win the race". He won't miss a thing, i promise.
Faith is hard, i'll be the first to admit. It's so simple to understand but to really expect the miraculous is a huge challenge to the human mind. I don't say this from a point of high-horse self-righteousness but there is truly no such thing as CAN'T. We limit ourselves. He doesn't limit us, because He has no limits. But it is hard FOR US, and He does know that. That's why it's a fight.
The "talents" are figurative money. It's what we have been given in spiritual riches. "burying talents" means not doing for His Name's sake what you could have done. Maybe many have buried theirs in the recent years and maybe lots of believers have hid their light under a basket but this has all got to change now.
There is a time for peace and a time for war, is there not? We don't go to war because we love conflict or hate peace or want to see violence done in general, we go to war because there is something GOOD and Right to defend. If we don't, what are we but people who allowed the thug to attack our friends, our family and OUR CHILDREN without saying a word?
David struck down Goliath, Israel leveled Jericho and Messiah beat the bloody hell out of the bankers in the temple.
Tristran Hpeburn said:
"...but we'll forever have the rewards of what we did or didn't do."
Does the "didn't do" apply to "couldn't do" as well ?The "didn't do" reminds me of Matthew 25:25 where the lazy couch potato watched TV 24/7, down in the house basement.
'Could not do' is ok, like the many people who now cannot do much as TPTB have burried their talents for them since 2008.
Were the talents buried because YHWH has basically told everyone that they must now turn their pitchforks and ploughs into blades and war vehicles ? Similar to give up their old jobs and choose to fight for Yahushua or His enemies.
Sinclair said:rewards of what we did or didn't do.
There was one person in MKUltra who once said that this world, our galaxy and the Universe was surprisingly close to the story/game, 'The Horus Heresy'/'Warhammer 40k'.
If true, then this planet is completely screwed in the Warp.
Maybe China has developed that Station of Extreme Light (SEL) to try to zap the Milky Way Emperor
SEL: "is designed to produce laser pulses with 100 million billion watts (100 petawatts, or PW) of power"
Interesting how the The Eye of Horus in the game resembles the Ever-seeing Eye on Dollar bills.
If plausible then Jesus and God is the undying Faith that Horus witnessed from the peasants to the Emperor.
This explains why Horus (Lucifer) hated mankind so much, especially Christians.
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