It is clear that some radically different lines have mixed over the last approx. six thousand years. Be they human/nephil/chimera/everything in between, mixing has occurred among Every human lineage. Regardless, one's Y (deep paternal) and mtdna (deep maternal) DNA persist for many generations. This is a snapshot into one or more Founder group, genetically-speaking. I welcome anyone here to present any known Y or mtdna haplogroup and we can analyze the situation together. Has anyone tried DNA services like Ancestry or Share information.
I'll share mine I guess:
Y-dna: R1a1a
Mtdna: N1b1b
Views: 449
Hi Charlene, nice to see you around :u)
Don't know mine for sure. Probably someone does. It's always a bit of a creepy concept to me, to have strangers getting a sample of one's DNA, but more than likely 90% of people already have theirs in a database whether they know it or not.
Paternal group R1a is pretty spread throughout Eurasia. The oldest remains supposedly with the group are often attributed to tall, tartan-wearing folks from various supposedly "prehistoric archaelogical cultures" from Europe (mainly eastern) to Asia. This group is associated with the actual historical "Aryans"- who were these people? No doubt not far removed from some elite lines connected to Canaan. There is a sense the Aryans were a wandering "nobility" of some kind.
These mysterious partially preserved "Mummies" in NW China I believe were almost all R1a (well, the males anyway)...
My mtdna haplogroup subclade on the other hand is quite rare in Europe. There is little mainstream research or discussion on it. It remains mostly concentrated in West/S.W. Asia. It can be found in some rare pockets in the areas of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (which my maternal grandmother's lineage goes back to) and a bit of it is found in Italy and Sicily as well. The bearers of this group, if I had to guess, may have been not too far off genetically from full to relatively full semites.
ANyone else know their haplogroups? We are coming to an age where the powers-that-be are deciding it isn't great for most folks to have such knowledge (even if most literature on the subject is full of macro-evolutionary lies). Interestingly, AncestryDNA no longer informs customers of their haplogroups. 23andme still does, but has just as of last October jumped up $99 in price.
Perhaps some explanation as to what YDNA and mtdna is, is in order: The former is passed down from father-to-son relatively unchanged for generations. The latter is inherited through mitocondrial DNA similarly. What is fascinating is the stability of these elements of genetics- all the mixing throughout the generations in the "time between" does not change the haplotypes. In other words, a male inherits the same YDNA as his g g g g g g g grandfather.....mtdna from his g g g g g g grandmother. It is literally impossible to inherit it any other way (for example, your maternal grandfather's YDNA could be "I", but unless that also happens to be your father's ydna as well, it is not passed via that branch).
Sons inherit both their father's YDNA and mother's mtdna, but only pass on the YDNA. They express the mtdna group themselves, but will not pass it on. Their wives, on the other hand, will pass on to the children their mtdna.
Daughters only inherit mtdna, which they have the ability to pass on.
It is also key to remember how spiritual nature is inherited through one's father...and the core physicality from the mother.
Isn't the design of His Creation fascinating?
R1b1b2 is mine, I'm guessing, based on this:
"These S21+ families descend from Sinclair's in the Caithness, Orkney and Shetland areas and a few of them have speculative family stories of descent from the Sinclair Earls of Caithness and Orkney. Although descent from the earldom lines cannot be conclusively proven through paper trails, the collective information, such as the geographical connections, family stories, DNA and with the name matching within this group all pointing in the same direction, one has to come to the conclusion that this could possibly be the case. The DNA results are of the R1b1b2 haplogroup with subclade +S21 or U106. Some have tested further still and now are classified as Z346* which is as far as can be tested at this moment in time."
Doesn't come as a shock to me, considering your ancestry. I would have guessed either R1b or some "I" for you ("I" is I think is mostly Scandinavian).
Sinclair said:
R1b1b2 is mine, I'm guessing, based on this:
"These S21+ families descend from Sinclair's in the Caithness, Orkney and Shetland areas and a few of them have speculative family stories of descent from the Sinclair Earls of Caithness and Orkney. Although descent from the earldom lines cannot be conclusively proven through paper trails, the collective information, such as the geographical connections, family stories, DNA and with the name matching within this group all pointing in the same direction, one has to come to the conclusion that this could possibly be the case. The DNA results are of the R1b1b2 haplogroup with subclade +S21 or U106. Some have tested further still and now are classified as Z346* which is as far as can be tested at this moment in time."
Some fellow by the name of Hugh Montgomery is attempting to prove that those with S21+ are the bloodline of Christ and Odin intermarried.
Perhaps Odin, I can see. Christ, not so much.
"Hugh Montgomery has hypothesized a line of descent in which the descendants of Odin intermarried with a line from the Davidic bloodline of Jesus and Mary. Those who want to follow this line of reasoning are often drawn to look for clues that the Sinclair family is either descended of this line or was somehow involved with it. Montgomery claims that all the major royal houses of Europe and even George Washington are descended of these two lines."
WeightofAudio said:
Doesn't come as a shock to me, considering your ancestry. I would have guessed either R1b or some "I" for you ("I" is I think is mostly Scandinavian).
Sinclair said:R1b1b2 is mine, I'm guessing, based on this:
"These S21+ families descend from Sinclair's in the Caithness, Orkney and Shetland areas and a few of them have speculative family stories of descent from the Sinclair Earls of Caithness and Orkney. Although descent from the earldom lines cannot be conclusively proven through paper trails, the collective information, such as the geographical connections, family stories, DNA and with the name matching within this group all pointing in the same direction, one has to come to the conclusion that this could possibly be the case. The DNA results are of the R1b1b2 haplogroup with subclade +S21 or U106. Some have tested further still and now are classified as Z346* which is as far as can be tested at this moment in time."
Apparently, the earliest N1b (my mtdna group) was found in an individual associated with Natufian remains.
The Natufians are credited by the secular-crowd as having built Jericho. It doesn't help that that general vicinity might beget finds associated with both "sides" of the Flood. I wonder what Natufian can be code for?
I'm rather well-read on archaeo-genetics for a hobbyist (not to break my arm patting myself on the back- there's a lot of useless knowledge there too...). I can't help but think N1b was brought either by Israel or earlier Semites perhaps. Then I get thinking; what is the path mine took to get to my maternal grandmother and then myself? Paternal and maternal haplogroups are not subject to recombination, so what a fine way to track ancient migrations!
N1b1 in general reaches peak frequency in the Caucasus. Although strong frequency and founder effects do not necessarily equal point of origin. My own deep maternal lineage is Slavic, going to Belarus. War brides perhaps? No doubt an ancient connection, either way.
I have a contact in the archaeology biz and he claims that my subclade (N1b1b) was first found among remains belonging to the Tisza culture in Hungary/Romania. This belongs to one of those alleged "Neolithic" tell-site builders. Trying to read between the lines is both frustrating as well as fun. : )
No doubt these monikers they come up with for groups, ("Natufians" and such) are part of an overall attempt to obscure lineages. Rename everything and it's just a bit harder to make connections that would confirm biblical genealogies. Maybe N1B1 was what Abraham was?
On the topic of 23andMe, not sure if you saw these references but check out the connections between Youtube/google, 23andMe and DARPA. You can just imagine what kind of plans were behind all that.
Anonymous ID: 7aec11 No.1064287 ??
Apr 16 2018 09:28:28 (EST)
WHEn do we prick our finger, and drop blood on the home button to confirm our i.d. ?
( see where this is going )
Anne Wojcicki.
Why is this relevant?
Q -1167
Sergey Brin - GOOG [Founder][BORN IN MOSCOW]
was married to…
Anne Wojcicki - 23andme [Founder]
was brother-in-law to…
Susan Wojcicki - CEO of YouTube
Q - 2061
Apparently, the earliest N1b (my mtdna group) was found in an individual associated with Natufian remains.
The Natufians are credited by the secular-crowd as having built Jericho. It doesn't help that that general vicinity might beget finds associated with both "sides" of the Flood. I wonder what Natufian can be code for?
I'm rather well-read on archaeo-genetics for a hobbyist (not to break my arm patting myself on the back- there's a lot of useless knowledge there too...). I can't help but think N1b was brought either by Israel or earlier Semites perhaps. Then I get thinking; what is the path mine took to get to my maternal grandmother and then myself? Paternal and maternal haplogroups are not subject to recombination, so what a fine way to track ancient migrations!
N1b1 in general reaches peak frequency in the Caucasus. Although strong frequency and founder effects do not necessarily equal point of origin. My own deep maternal lineage is Slavic, going to Belarus. War brides perhaps? No doubt an ancient connection, either way.
I have a contact in the archaeology biz and he claims that my subclade (N1b1b) was first found among remains belonging to the Tisza culture in Hungary/Romania. This belongs to one of those alleged "Neolithic" tell-site builders. Trying to read between the lines is both frustrating as well as fun. : )
Not directly related to Haplogroups, but just re-checked something on 23andme. Interesting, noticed my mother was found to have a variant for Hereditary Hemochromatosis (ancestry is mostly Danish and Polish-Belarusian. Blood type A-). My father doesn't appear to have any variants (ancestry is German, Danish, and British Isles/Irish blend. Blood type AB+)
Are iron concerns heavily associated with Eastern Europeans?
I think the greatest incidence of that is in Western Europeans but it can be found in any "white" population and some rare instances in non-white people (African American, Hispanic, etc) that probably have a few white ancestors. My guess is that the mutation is attached to Watcher ancestors.
R1a has two distinct branches today (minus minor lineages, these are rare), the r-m417 branch virtually exclusive to Europe, and r1a-z93 which is the asiatic relative, possibly springing as a west-east offshoot. I am wondering if R1a is the Trojan marker. I mention R1a as it is relatively numerous in some of the more southerly parts of Scandinavia, and scandos have a Trojan-connection. I am not set on this and it very easily could be a median-type lineage. For reference, R1a represents about half of Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Russian men, and the Polish schlachta have a tradition they descend in the paternal live to Sarmatians, one of the Scythian-related peoples. Which is the chicken and which is the egg, I wonder...
Another problem with the previously proposed R1a-Trojan theory is that R1a is low in Iberia and basques are dominated by far by r1b. Now, this doesn’t rule out that a formerly R1a-heavy pop became hijacked by an r1b-heavy elite and retained enough genome-wide Trojan ancestry. Again, chickens and eggs.
if it is r1b=Trojan, I have additional questions...just one of which is, what of Magog? Can r1b represent both? Are all Of Japheth sons r1? Hmm.
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