Indignation against the onslaught of ever-increasing oppression in this
country is rising, and rightly so. People are sick of it...the taxes, the
mandated health care, the invasion of privacy that has gotten as far
as machines that reveal your whole naked self to strangers. "They"
know people are sick of it too...and as much as they don't care in
the least what the citizens of this country may want, they do care a
bout the means which the people have at their disposal to hinder
their goals.
As far as the means which the people have at their disposal to hinder
their's not a lot, it's not impressive, it's not intimidating, but
thank our Creator in Heaven, t has been a small stone smacking a big
giant in the forehead. It has been the voices, a million small voices,
raised in their individual indignation and desperation at the steady
progression down the road of utter depravity this country and the
world at large is headed.
Those voices have been loud enough to wake up a lot of slumbering
people, they have been loud enough to push mainstream media
against the wall and force them to mention some things they'd
rather not...they've been loud enough to make the Powers That Be
Now they know they have two options to stop the flood...either
silence us by removing our access to a free internet, or paint a
horrific picture of those who oppose tyranny for the viewing of the
masses. It's already begun...there was Joe Stack of course who
supposedly grew so irate at the IRS he flew a plane into an Austin
office building.
Never mind the screaming, obvious signs that this man never had
any such intentions, such as the fact that the plane flew into the
front door, rather than the side or top...just as a plane would that
is being guided by gps remotely, or the fact that authorities were
waiting in the wings to jump on the scene, or that he wrote an
impossibly long manifesto, revised 27 times and posted it on the
internet just so we could all understand that he disliked the
Next we had the raid of the Hutaree Militia...a militia they billed
repeatedly as "Christian" everyone could know exactly who
the crazy and dangerous people were. We aren't supposed to think
about the fact that is was federal agents who proposed and initiated
the threats on law enforcement for which they were charged.
Unconfirmed reports have reached me that there was at least one
person shot in the head during the raid in Michigan which, to this
day, has never been brought up by the media. With great shows
of concern, the NWO-loving stooges present their whining
complaints about Tea Party activists and 9-11 Truth activists as
if they are discussing rabid mobs of bloodthirsty criminals hell-bent
on gunning down politicians and IRS agents.
It's a myth we can't let happen. Those who are doing all they can
to stand and shout against a system that they understand has risen
straight out of hell in direct opposition to our Almighty Creator are
individuals who care about life...who care about souls..who do not
seek death and mayhem and hurt for others, even their enemies.
If "David" has one more pebble in his pocket, it's time to take aim
with it, because as days go by we draw nearer and nearer to the
point when "they" will stage a grand, horrific catastrophe with which
they will frame all of us who despise death and have chosen Life.
If there was ever a time to raise your voice, it's now. If you've never
had the courage before...understand that the result of silence will be
far more horrible that the discomfort of being a bit uncharacteristically
outspoken. It is necessary we let the world know..we are not violent
lunatics, we are not lovers of death, we do not perform suicide
missions to take the lives of ourselves and others to make a point.
Start a registry..allow individuals and organized activist parties to
sign a publicly available pledge of peaceful intent, let the world know
where you stand and for what you stand. Wear it on your clothes,
write it in your blogs...tell your neighbors, tell your friends, tell your
pastor, get a bumper sticker, a sign..hey, even a billboard if you can
afford it.
We don't need another 9-11 staged event in this country...
or anywhere. This time they won't blame it on radical foreigners...
they'll blame it on you.
Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in
the light and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will
be proclaimed on the housetops. And I say to you, My friends,
do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have no
more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear.
Fear Him who after He has killed has power to cast into the valley
of Hinnom. Yes, I say to you, fear Him!
- Luke 12:3-5.