since Adam, man has been meant to live a life of agriculture. to plant and sow, nurture and reap a harvest is in the core of human instinct to do and doing so is a big part of human fulfillment. growing food for living is not only a matter of survival of days past, when people could not simply go to the grocery store to buy food, it is a matter of survival of this day as well. food does not magically appear on store shelves, someone grows it. unfortunately it is the case that fewer and fewer real farmers grow the food that people eat and more so it has become true that food is grown by giant agricultural factories who are not interested in how the food they produce nourishes the people who buy it, but are interested in making the largest profit possible and being an unbeatable competition for real farmers.

this is not just a problem for farmers, it is a problem for you. it is the small, local farmer who is more likely to care that they are not using pesticides and herbicides and gmo seed which people do not wish to consume and which, if one is forced to eat long enough, will destroy the body.

now it is not enough for some that the giant agricultural factories are suffocating the small, local farms, now they wish to implement laws that will not just make it hard, but make it impossible for small farms to continue to operate and even make it impossible for people to have their own gardens. such an evil combination of legislation has been proposed or accepted recently which hurt all areas of a persons ability to eat clean, healthy food and have access to natural cures. these measures greatly benefit the black hearted greed of such organizations like drug companies and gmo food producers like Monsanto.

the evil, though, is deeper than just their greed. they are aware of what it will mean for people if they are forced on to a diet of processed, genetically manipulated and chemically poisoned foods. they know what it will mean to take away the healing herbs which He created and cause people to run to drugs instead for their remedy. as it is already the case that these things are taking many lives in this nation, it will ensure that nearly everyone will live a shorter and a sicker life. and what else will be lost? the joy of spending a day with the family in the sun, tending the garden, watching the miracle of His increase as He gives it upon their labors. no money can buy blessings like those.

it makes me wonder how much of their plans might be thwarted just by a great mass of repentance by people in this nation. it might be that He has handed over the country to those who would destroy it and its people because it is a society so rotten with sin and in love with sin.

Woe is me, for I am like those who gather summer fruits. Like those who glean vintage grapes. There is no cluster to eat of the first-ripe fruit that my soul desires. The faithful have perished from the earth and no one upright among men. They all lie in wait for blood. Every man hunts his brother with a net that they may successfully do evil with both hands. The prince asks and the judge a reward and the high placed utters his evil desire. So they scheme together. The best of them is like a brier, the most upright a thorn hedge. The day of your watchman and your punishment comes. Now shall be their perplexity. - Micah 7:1-4

"S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.

1. It puts all US food and all US farms under Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, in the event of contamination or an ill-defined emergency

2. It would end US sovereignty over its own food supply by insisting on compliance with the WTO, thus threatening national security.

3. It would allow the government, under Maritime Law, to define the introduction of any food into commerce (even direct sales between individuals) as smuggling into “the United States.”

4. It imposes Codex Alimentarius on the US, a global system of control over food.

5. It would remove the right to clean, store and thus own seed in the US, putting control of seeds in the hands of Monsanto and other multinationals, threatening US security.

6. It includes NAIS, an animal traceability program that threatens all small farmers and ranchers raising animals.

7. It extends a failed and destructive HACCP to all food, thus threatening to do to all local food production and farming what HACCP did to meat production – put it in corporate hands and worsen food safety.

8. It deconstructs what is left of the American economy.

9. It would allow the government to mandate antibiotics, hormones, slaughterhouse waste, pesticides and GMOs.

10. It uses food crimes as the entry into police state power and control. "

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"Lament like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth.. Be ashamed, you farmers. Wail, you vinedressers, for the wheat and the barley, because the harvest of the field has perished" Joel 1:8,11
Genetically Modified Food To Make Mankind Retarted Already in 21 Century
Front page / Science / Health
12.05.2010 Source: Pravda.Ru

In the 21st century most couples will not be able to have children. Those who will manage will have mentally retarded kids.
Russian scientists conducted an experiment proving that the main action principle of genetically modified produce (GM) is a “ban for procreation” for next generations of mammals.
This is the effect wanted from GM produce by Microsoft founder Bill Gates who started the struggle against the growth of the world population. Today, the community of billionaires throws GM “bombs,” disguised as charitable intentions, on African and Asian countries. Meanwhile, in Moscow alone where state purchasing of transgenic produce is prohibited, 20 % of local and 35% of imported produce are genetically modified.
In the early 1990s, Nicaragua, Mexico and Philippines were affected by a horrible epidemic, and it took scientists a while to find its source. Perfectly healthy young women had miscarriages during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Further attempts to get pregnant had the same results, followed by infertility. Doctors were at a loss. The only common denominator in all cases was the women’s participation in mass tetanus vaccination supervised by the World Health Organization and funded by Rockefeller’s Fund.
It was hard to question the sincerity of the intentions. However, Roman-Catholic organization Comite Pro Vida based in Mexico decided to test capsules with the vaccine and found something horrible. The solution contained human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is a natural hormone required to maintain pregnancy. But how could the hormone become a part of the vaccine? Further analysis shocked the scientists. Combination of tetanus agent with HCG stimulates formation of antibodies for the latter, making women unable to carry a child. In other words, the vaccine was a concealed form of abortion.
When the plot of the billionaire David Rockefeller and the WHO was revealed, GM continued what they have started. Two year ago, the exact same things that happened in Nicaragua and Philippines occurred in Zimbabwe and Guinea. This time, the women who suffered shared love for canned corn. Despite the expectations, tests of the cans’ content have not revealed any life threatening components, and the amount of preservatives was compliant with the norm.
It was when the first suspicions regarding bio terrorism and destructive influence of transgenic substances on humans were raised by a toxicologist with the South African University.
The epidemic of infertility in the developing countries has not occurred out of the blue. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the wealthiest people on the planet who has the image of a charitable philanthropist, is involved in solving global health issues. He fights lack of food and poverty in Africa, allocating billions of dollars to support the struggle. Recently he openly stated that the goal of his charity is reduction of the planet’s population, first of all, in the third world countries.
“It is an open secret that the world magnates, in particular, the US, Japan, Canada and the EU, are concerned with the deficit of natural resources,” explains Irina Aliverova, Doctor of Sociology.
“The UN has an official document that divides the world population into the main group (golden billion) middle group, who has insufficient natural resources, and auxiliary group, represented by the population of developing countries, including Russia. The last category, nearly five billion people, should be gotten rid of as weeds.”
One of the mechanisms of a horrific program of Gates and Rockefeller currently supported by the US government was once revealed by Mitch Hein, president of biotech company Epicyte. He said that antibodies were taken from women with rare condition, immune infertility. The genes were isolated, and through the methods of genetic engineering they were inserted into the genome of regular corn seeds supplied to third world countries. It means that Africans were sowing on their fields genetically modified corn-murder with inserted hidden contraception. Hein explained what happens to people when they eat this corn. Generally, antibodies get drawn to the surface of sperm. They attach to it and make sperm so heavy that it cannot move forward.
In Russia, production of GM produce is prohibited, while consumption of five transgenic cultures is allowed (beets, corn МОН 810 banned in Europe, soy, potatoes and rice). There is no official conclusion regarding harmful effects of GM on humans. Yet, Moscow Institute of Biology named after Koltsov and National Association of Genetic Safety conducted an independent experiment. They fed hamsters with transgenic soy for a year. The same soy is used in Russia to feed cattle, and it is supplied from Holland as GM-free. This soy is also allowed for human consumption. Now it is clear what it may result in – rodents expressed delayed growth and development and serious decrease of reproductive function that resulted in inability to obtain third generation of hamsters.
“Infertility in third generation of animals grown on GM products means that the nature puts an end to these species and does not let them procreate,” says Alexander Baranov, senior associate with the Institute of Biology. “This means that GM food leads to evolutionary dead end and degradation of species. During the research another interesting fact was discovered. The animals develop pilosis of oral cavity . ”
Although scientists are not sure that it was the GM food that caused mutations, the world had noticed long time ago that toxic proteins and mutant combinations may develop in transgenic products.
No scientist will agree to predict how artificially inserted plant gene will behave in a chromosome. Possibly, three generations later women will give birth to children with hairy mouths, just like those of hamsters. Or, they may not be able to conceive at all. Maybe this is the reason why Russian and foreign manufacturers of transgenic products are afraid to mark the products as GM and prefer paying fines for violation of the law. There is no other method to recognize GM products.
As the number of infertile couples in Russia grows from year to year and today five million families are unable to have children, it looks like the hellish machine of Bill Gates has reached Russia. While scientists are afraid to experiment on humans, everyone who goes to a grocery store unwillingly becomes a guinea pig. Russian Academy of Science suggested introducing a moratorium on GM products until their safety is proven. The scientists’ attempts to get through to the officials were fruitless. Meanwhile, the fund of Bill and Melinda Gates is preparing a new GM bomb, transgenic “golden” rice that causes cillae on fallopian tubes. Again, it is hidden behind charitable intents. Allegedly, the rice replenishes vitamin A and iron in the body. Recently Bill Gates gave a speech at a conference in Long Beach where he mentioned that he was looking forward to a vaccine that will reduce growth of the world population.
What other countries do:
1. India refused the US humanitarian aid in produce at the amount of $100 million a year.
2. China banned sales of GM on its internal market, but its export is still going on.
3. GM produce is not used in Slovenia, Austria, Greece, France, Luxemburg, and Great Britain.
4. In Great Britain the produce has to be labeled even on restaurant menus.
5. Italy does not buy transgenic seeds.
it is not difficult to see how by this means, nations might face famines and still have plenty of food. if gmo food was one day the only food available on this planet, the extinction of the human race would quickly follow. genetically tampered with food does not just have a potential to make people a little sick sometimes or create a few new allergies, it is deadly and not only has the ability to sicken and eventually kill the person consuming it but all generations which proceed from them.

if it is not an issue many people are willing to become aware of and fight back on there will come a time very soon when no food available to the average human being in this country is edible.
Haitian Farmers to Burn Donated Monsanto Seeds
Haitian Farmers Commit to Burning Monsanto Hybrid Seeds

This is a great article, may others follow their example.

Monsanto’s former motto, “Without chemicals, life itself would be impossible,” has been replaced by “Imagine.”

Makes you wonder what they "Imagine"?

“Fighting hybrid and GMO seeds is critical to save our diversity and our agriculture,” Jean-Baptiste said

Keep your dukes up!
Great article, Kathy. It is encouraging to see that there are people out there who will openly defy, sensibly, the powers that be and what is non-sensible to nature and His creation. I am sure most will see this negatively, and instead view a people ungrateful, or some such. We know better, however...

Kathy said:
Haitian Farmers to Burn Donated Monsanto Seeds
Haitian Farmers Commit to Burning Monsanto Hybrid Seeds

This is a great article, may others follow their example.

Monsanto’s former motto, “Without chemicals, life itself would be impossible,” has been replaced by “Imagine.”

Makes you wonder what they "Imagine"?

“Fighting hybrid and GMO seeds is critical to save our diversity and our agriculture,” Jean-Baptiste said

Keep your dukes up!
YHWH bless those poor folks..they have more sense than most Americans who eat that stuff daily and couldn't care less when you tell them.
US Supreme Court lifts ban on sale of GM crop
WASHINGTON, USA (AFP) – The Supreme Court lifted Monday a four-year ban on the sale in the United States of genetically modified alfalfa, which farmers fear contaminates others crops.

A district court judge in California in May 2007 blocked the US biotech giant Monsanto from selling alfalfa seeds that it had genetically modified to resist its Roundup weed killer.

The ruling was upheld on appeal in 2009, but Monsanto went to the Supreme Court arguing that any decision should have awaited the findings of a study by the Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).

"Until APHIS seeks to effect a partial deregulation, any judicial review of such a decision is premature," the Supreme Court said.

The Farmers that fear the contamination of other crops are correct in their fears. Soon organic and non GMO may be a memory.
this is pretty disturbing if they are about to begin spreading a genetically modified alfalfa crop. not only does this mean that this will contaminate all alfalfa crops, but it means farm animals will be raised eating it. people will consume the animals which ate it and in the end, who will be able to avoid eating genetically tampered with food?

Kathy said:
US Supreme Court lifts ban on sale of GM crop
WASHINGTON, USA (AFP) – The Supreme Court lifted Monday a four-year ban on the sale in the United States of genetically modified alfalfa, which farmers fear contaminates others crops.

A district court judge in California in May 2007 blocked the US biotech giant Monsanto from selling alfalfa seeds that it had genetically modified to resist its Roundup weed killer.

The ruling was upheld on appeal in 2009, but Monsanto went to the Supreme Court arguing that any decision should have awaited the findings of a study by the Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).

"Until APHIS seeks to effect a partial deregulation, any judicial review of such a decision is premature," the Supreme Court said.

The Farmers that fear the contamination of other crops are correct in their fears. Soon organic and non GMO may be a memory.
H.R. 5577 The Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act and the Organics Loophole

H.R. 5577 Exempts the USDA Certified Organics Industry from the labeling requirement and testing even if producers use GMO processing ingredients.

H.R.5577 – The Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act was introduced by Dennis Kucinich on June 23, 2010. The bill’s intent is to require labeling of foods if they contain genetically engineered (GMO) ingredients, or are processed with genetically engineered materials.

This is a very good idea, and one that I support. However, does it go far enough?

The following list taken from the USDA National Organics Program’s National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances contains not only non-organic ingredients, but GMO ingredients as well. Notice that there is no restriction on GMOs in this list. Therefore, items such as soy lecithin and cornstarch can be GMO, and most likely are since GM soy and corn dominate the market: ...

H.R. 5577 would require conventionally processed food labels to contain the following warning if any GMO substances were used in processing:


Link to the bill text:

article -
GMO Crop Sabotage on the Rise:

French citizens destroy trial vineyard Early Sunday morning, French police stood helpless as sixty people, locked inside an open-air field of genetically modified grapevines, uprooted all the plants. In Spain last month, dozens of people destroyed two GMO fields. On the millennial cusp, Indian farmers burned Bt cotton in their Cremate Monsanto campaign. Ignored by multinational corporations and corrupt public policy makers, citizens act to protect the food supply and the planet."


In July dozens of people destroyed two experimental corn crops in Spain. In an anonymous press release, they wrote, “This kind of direct action is the best way to respond to the fait accompli policy through which the Generalitat, the State and the biotech multinationals have been unilaterally imposing genetically modified organisms.”


In the late 1990s, Indian farmers burnt Bt cotton fields in their Cremate Monsanto campaign. Monsanto did not disclose to farmers that the GM seeds were experimental. “Despite the heavy use of chemical fertiliser, traces of which still can be observed in the field, the Bt plants grew miserably, less than half the size of the traditional cotton plants in the adjacent fields.”


After the Haiti earthquake this year, Monsanto offered 475 tons of hybrid corn and terminator vegetable seeds in partnership with USAID. In June, 10,000 Haitian farmers marched in protest of the “poison gift” which produces no viable seeds for future plantings and requires heavy chemical inputs. Haitian farm leader Chavannes Jean-Baptiste observed that the biotech plan makes farmers dependent on multinational corporations.


Also this month, a British farmer exposed that milk and meat from cloned animals had secretly entered the food supply. "

a few little people making a difference. very nice
"..The Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India Bill is aimed at creating a mechanism to regulate the use of biotech in agriculture. The bill was cleared by the union cabinet Monday.

"..Some environment groups and members of the civil society allege the bill will open the floodgates to GM food. Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh has earlier said that the bill, once tabled, will address the concerns of the civil society. The minister has also clarified that safety and commercial clearances of GM food will be handled by separate agencies under the mechanism."

"..the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) Bill, cleared by the cabinet early this week, proposes a centralised technocratic decision-making authority..

"..'The BRAI will be the apex authority for taking decision on GM food. It gives no role to state governments in the approval of GM crops..', said Rajesh Krishnan, the Sustainable Agriculture Campaign manager of Greenpeace India.

"..'The BRAI would kill any informed public debate on GM crops in future, one of the aspects that helped in stopping Bt Brinjal,' Krishnan said."

"..China needs to step up agricultural innovation, including development of its own GM varieties, in response to climate change and to reduce reliance on foreign technologies, top agricultural experts and scientists told China Business Weekly last week."

"..'Making technical preparations for transgenic technology is very necessary for China,' said Zhai Huqu, president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences."

"..'China for us today is still a relatively small piece of our overall business but, obviously, with the size of agriculture here, particularly in crops that we are involved in, such as corn, vegetables and cotton, there are opportunities for our business here,' he [Kevin Eblen, president of Monsanto China] said."
the simplest kind of sense is often the best kind of sense. some animals who understand what many humans do not:


For years, a retired Iowa farmer fed squirrels on his farm through the winter months by placing corncobs on feeders. One year, just for the heck of it, he decided to see if the squirrels had a preference for Bt corn or natural corn. He put natural corn in one feeder and Bt corn in another about twenty feet away. The squirrels ate all the corn off the natural cobs but didn't touch the Bt. The farmer dutifully refilled the feeder with more natural corn and sure enough, it was soon gone. The Bt, however, remained untouched.

The retired farmer got curious. What if the Bt variety was the squirrels' only choice? To find out, he didn't refill the natural corn. At the time, Iowa was plunged into the coldest days of the winter. But day after day, the Bt cob remained intact. The squirrels went elsewhere for their food. After about ten days, the squirrels ate about an inch off the tip of an ear, but that's all. The farmer felt sorry for the squirrels and put natural corn back into the feeders, which the squirrels once again consumed. 1

"A captive elk escape and took up residence in our crops of organic corn and soy. It had total access to the neighboring fields of GM crops, but never went into them." 2 -Susan and Mark Fitzgerald, Minnesota

Writer Steve Sprinkel described a herd of about forty deer that ate from the field of organic soybeans, but not the Roundup Ready variety across the road. Likewise, raccoons devoured organic corn, but didn't touch an ear of Bt corn growing down the road. "Even the mice will move on down the line if given an alternative to these 'crops.' " 3

A farmer in Holland verified the food preference of mice when he left two piles of corn in his mice-infested barn. One pile was genetically modified; the other was natural. The GM pile was untouched while the non-GM pile was completely eaten up. Lashmett, who has a background in biochemistry and agriculture, says that animals have a natural sense to eat what is good for them, and avoid what isn't He witnessed this firsthand in another experiment conducted by a feed store in Walnut Grove, Iowa.

They put twenty-three separate vitamins and minerals, each in their own

bin, out where cows could eat them. The cows would alternate their choice of bins in such a way, according to Lashmett, that they received a balanced, healthy diet. Moreover, their preference changed with the seasons and climate, demonstrating a natural inclination to follow the dictates of their bodies' needs."

read of other instances of animals refusing gmo food here:

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