I know what this is. Think it's a crazy guy that just lost his head one day? Its not. This man was a tool. He was programmed to do this. some of him has no idea that he's done it. The parts that know, don't know why he's done it. He just did it the way he did it in so many practices when the right phone call came or the right music played or the right part of the movie was on the screen. He didn't know when it was going to be real or that it ever was going to be real.

It happens over and over and the public keeps falling for it. This is government operations. These people are killers and they use manipulated people like any other weapon of terror. James Holmes is just one more victim of that crime.

They use this method to get the public to believe there needs to be some new law or to give up another right. They do it to offer sacrifices to their gods.

The only thing standing between me and hating these people is my faith. Might sound harsh but it's just true.

Pay attention to his expression in this court appearance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zef2YFsQJgg

A model of post hypnotic suggestion: http://timenolonger.ning.com/video/derren-brown-the-experiments-s01e01

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Colorado Shooting

THE suspect in the US cinema rampage that killed 12 in one of the worst mass shootings in the country's history has smiled and glanced around the courtroom, in a marked difference from his dazed appearances in the past.

The shocking orange hair was gone, replaced with short brown hair, but he remained silent in court today.


So.. I searched ixquick for current images other than the above sketch... i found one..

printed the screen and cropped...

my first thought was.. is his 'new look' geared towards making him look more like the 'real' James Holmes?  Remember his other incarceration photo?

My second thought was 'why is the area around his eyes so pixelated.. was it because no matter how the new picture was darkened (the background should be blue and his jumpsuit should be orange, not grey background and dark red jumpsuit).. his eye still would have looked a little blue.. but with a pixelated eye region and dark eyes.. one has to wonder.

it's almost like if someone gave the redhead a buzz cut, told him to make the same face the other guy is making, then used an art program to darken the eyes.. after seeing the redheaded guy make that face i think the chance of him being a mind-control victim are at least 51% now.. his natural hair color is clearly light brown, unlike the 'real' JH, who has decidedly dark hair in all the legitimate photos of him which appear online.. but the new picture is unnaturally super-dark.. there is very little definition in it compared to the orange shirt photo.. which would be the case if the contrast was altered to cause darker details, like hair and such... also, there is the soul patch.. in the new, dark picture, the fake JH has a soul patch just like the one in the real JH's picture.. but in the earlier orange shirt picture he doesn't have one, yet obviously has about the same amount of beard going.. it's just all so uncanny.

So.. who is Wesley Holmes..?

Here's a larger, less dark version..

SEpt. 25, 2012

CENTENNIAL, Colo.—A Colorado judge has ordered authorities to collect a palm print and DNA sample from the Aurora theater shooting suspect.

Arapahoe County District Judge William B. Sylvester issued his order Tuesday. Prosecutors argued Thursday that they needed the print from 24-year-old James Holmes to compare with a print found on the inside of a theater exit door, as well as a DNA sample for comparing with other evidence collected by investigators... http://www.denverpost.com/archives/ci_21628219/james-holmes-submit-...

"48,000 murdered during the next President's term"..?  This is what - a fact? yet, it's about the Future... What if 'the next President's term' is only six months?  it could happen.  The kid's pupils look so dilated.. it all reminds me of the 'fifth element' film.

Fellow Inmate insists that James Holmes told him he was programmed:

"...Lieutenant J.D. Knight, who directly supervises booking operations, agrees. "It would be virtually impossible for Mr. Unruh to have any of the communications he has stated," he says.

But Unruh insists the sporadic conversation continued even after Holmes was moved to another cell in the area. He says that Holmes told him "he felt like he was in a video game" during the shooting, that "he wasn't on his meds" and "nobody would help him." He says Holmes also mentioned NLP -- presumably, neuro-linguistic programming, a much-scorned and outmoded approach to psychotherapy -- and claimed to have been "programmed" to kill by an evil therapist.

"When he got out to his car, he wasn't programmed no more," Unruh says. "It sounded kind of crazy. He was trying to run it by me, basically."

Unruh has a phone number that he says Holmes asked him to call. (The number connects to the cell phone of a bereavement counselor, who says she has no acquaintance with Holmes or Unruh.) He has a form that indicates James Holmes tried to send him a letter, but it was rejected by jail authorities. (Knight says he has no record of any letter sent by Holmes to Unruh, intercepted or otherwise.) He claims to have received messages from Holmes via other inmates since that night, but he admits he doesn't know if the sender was actually Holmes.

Still, Unruh's story seems to have drawn interest in one unlikely quarter. He says Holmes told him he "walked up and down the aisles" of the theater three times before he opened fire, and that detail, if true, might have some bearing on the pending litigation by victims' families against the theater chain. Unruh has paperwork indicating that he's been in communication with at least one family member on that point...."


Newtown school shooting story already being changed by the media to eliminate eyewitness reports of a second shooter

The national media is ablaze today with coverage of the tragic elementary school shooting in Newtown, CT, where 27 people have reportedly been killed, including 18 children.

As always, when violent shootings take place, honest journalists are forced to ask the question: "Does this fit the pattern of other staged shootings?"

One of the most important red flags of a staged shooting is a second gunman, indicating the shooting was coordinated and planned. There are often mind control elements at work in many of these shootings. The Aurora "Batman" shooter James Holmes, for example, was a graduate student actually working on mind control technologies funded by the U.S. government. There were also chemical mind control elements linked to Jared Lee Loughner, the shooter of Congresswomen Giffords in Arizona in 2011...

Eyewitness reports of a second shooter now being "scrubbed" from the news
As the story of this shooting was first breaking, the news was reporting a second gunman.

FoxNews reported that this second gunman was "led out of the woods by officers" and then questioned. The original source of this report was the Connecticut Post.

A local CBS affiliate was also reporting the existence of a second gunman and said "Police believe there may be a second gunman and are looking for a red or maroon van with its back window blown out..."

ABC News also originally reported, "A second gunman is apparently at large. Car-to-car searches are underway."

A local CT CBS affiliate was also reporting, "CBS News reports that a potential second shooter is in custody and that SWAT is now investigating the home of the suspect. A witness tells WFSB-TV that a second man was taken out of the woods in handcuffs wearing a black jacket and camouflage pants and telling parents on the scene, 'I did not do it.'"

But the more recent stories being put out by the media are scrubbing any mention of a second gunman and going with the "lone gunman" explanation, which holds about as much water as the "lone gunman" explanation of the JFK assassination.

"A lone gunman killed 27 people at an elementary school here, including 18 children, in a terrifying early Friday morning shooting spree," reports USA Today. It makes no mention whatsoever of a second gunman..."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038352_school_shooting_lone_gunman_media...

Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) is a United States Army facility located near Aberdeen, Maryland, (in Harford County).

APG is the U.S. Army’s oldest active proving ground, established on October 20, 1917, six months after the U.S. entered World War I. Its location allowed design and testing of ordnance materiel to take place near contemporary industrial and shipping centers. The proving ground was created as a successor to the Sandy Hook Proving Ground, which was too small for some of the larger weapons being tested. At the peak of World War II, APG had billeting space for 2,348 officers and 24,189 enlisted personnel.

Edgewood Chemical Activity is a chemical-weapons depot located at APG. Elimination of the chemicals held here was put on an accelerated schedule after the September 11, 2001, attacks, and all chemical weapons were destroyed by February 2006.

The facility was at one point also host to the Edgewood Arsenal experiments.

The Edgewood Arsenal experiments (also known as Project 112) are said to be related to or part of CIA mind-control programs after World War II, such as MKULTRA. Journalist Linda Hunt, citing records from the U.S. National Archives, revealed that eight German scientists worked at Edgewood, under Project Paperclip: see “Secret Agenda: the United States Government, Nazi Scientists and Project Paperclip” St. Martin’s Press, 1991; ABC PrimeTime Live, Operation Paperclip, 1991, and hearings before the House Judiciary Committee, 1991. The experiments were performed at the Edgewood Arsenal, northeast of Baltimore, Maryland, and involved the use of hallucinogens such LSD, THC, and BZ, in addition to biological and chemical agents. Experiments on human subjects utilizing such agents goes back to at least World War I. In the mid-1970s, in the wake of many health claims made from exposure to such agents, including psychotropic and hallucinogenic drugs administered in later experiments, the U.S. Congress began investigations of misuse of such experiments, and inadequate informed consent given by the soldiers and civilians involved.

The Edgewood experiments took place from approximately 1952 to 1974 at the Bio Medical Laboratory, which is now known as the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense. Each volunteer would spend the weekend on-site. They would perform tests and procedures (math, navigation, following orders, memory and interview) while sober. Each volunteer would then be dosed by a scientist and perform the same tests. These tests occurred in the building/hospital under the care of doctors and nurses. At times, the tests would be taken outside to study the effects while in the field. For example the volunteer would have to guard a check point, while under the influence, to see what effects certain drugs had on the subjects.


Aurora Hostage Situation: Four Dead, Including Gunman, Following Shooting In Colorado, Police Say

Posted: 01/05/2013 11:11 am EST | Updated: 01/05/2013 12:42 pm EST  |  View Huff Post Article

UPDATE 11:34 -- Four people including a gunman were killed inside an Aurora, Colo., townhouse Saturday morning following what police say was a hostage situation, 9News reports.

Aurora SWAT team forces shot the gunman, who police have not yet identified, according to the Denver Post.

More from the Associated Press -- AURORA, Colo. (AP) -- Four people, including an armed suspect, died after an hours-long police standoff Saturday at a Colorado townhome, authorities said.

Police Sgt. Cassidee Carlson said a SWAT team was called after gunshots were heard at the Aurora, Colo., home at about 3 a.m. Investigators said three victims, all of them adults, appeared to have been killed before officers arrived.

Carlson said the suspect shot at officers at about 8:15 a.m. and was killed during a gunfight about 45 minutes later when police entered the home. It remained unclear if officers shot the suspect or if he shot himself.

A motive for the killings also was unknown.

"We're just getting in there with our crime scene detectives, so obviously we'll have to determine if it was our rounds or his rounds," Carlson said. "This is a big investigation, and a lot is entailed."

A fifth person escaped uninjured before officers arrived and reported that she saw three people inside the home who "appeared lifeless," Carlson said. The sergeant declined to elaborate about the woman's escape.

Police declined to release the name of the suspect or the victims.

Violence marred Aurora and put the Denver suburb in the national spotlight nearly six months ago when a gunman's bloody rampage inside a movie theater left 12 people dead. Prosecutors will go to court Monday to outline their case against the suspect, James Holmes.


"A fifth person escaped uninjured before officers arrived and reported that she saw three people inside the home who "appeared lifeless," Carlson said. The sergeant declined to elaborate about the woman's escape."

Really?  Who else thinks that's a red flag in this..

The CIA, James Holmes, MKULTRA, and truth-serum torture

In 2002, author Martin Lee wrote an article for Common Dreams: “Truth Serum and Torture.”

It could have been written yesterday, because now a Colorado judge has stated that, if James Holmes pleads not guilty by reason of insanity to the Aurora murders, state psychiatrists can subject him to drugs that will “help him remember his state of mind” at the time of the shootings. The drugging will reveal whether he really was insane that night last summer at the Aurora theater.

Well, when it comes to so-called truth drugs like sodium pentothal, sodium amatyl, scopolamine, mescaline, LSD, and hypnotic benzodiazepines, where are the pros with real experience?

At run-of-the-mill psychiatric wards? No. Those hacks in the Colorado state hospital system have rarely if ever tried out the drugs for the purpose of getting at the truth.

But the CIA has up-to-date interrogators around, and thousands of pages of MKULTRA (mind control) literature, that constitute the best experience in this dark art.

Therefore, it’s highly probable the CIA or their independent contractors will be sitting in on James Holmes’ drug-induced sessions, supervising them, giving advice. It’s the Ghostbusters motto: “Who ya gonna call?”

Martin Lee points out that, even before the CIA was created, its forerunner, the OSS, tried out a cannabis extract as a truth serum. This was back in the 1940s. Lee goes on to trace US intelligence-agency and military “leadership” in truth-drug testing.

In 1947, the US Navy Project Chatter, borrowing from Nazi studies, moved on to experiments with mescaline as a truth drug.

Shortly after its inception, in the late 1940s, the CIA used drugging with sedatives, plus hypnosis, to extract secrets from agents. This method, and barbiturates alternated with amphetamines, were soon rolled up into the infamous and overarching MKULTRA mind-control program, with its hundreds of sub-projects. MKULTRA was all about developing chemical means of eliciting truth from prisoners, along with creating unconscious assassins.

In the 1950s, the CIA employed LSD in Operation Artichoke. People don’t know or forget that, while LSD failed to qualify as a reliable truth serum, its use in very high doses produced extreme terror in people being interrogated. It was this effect, as straight-out torture, the CIA capitalized on. The idea was simple. Demand the truth and threaten with extreme-dose LSD as the alternative.

We shouldn’t discount the possibility that James Holmes, once he enters an insanity plea, and is sent away to a secure hospital for psychiatric eval, will be given drugs that produce the kind of mad panic that will convince him to say, in court, exactly what his handlers want him to say.

Back in 2002, Martin Lee wrote that William Webster, former head of the CIA and FBI, was recommending the use of truth drugs on terrorism suspects under US detention. This statement spurred a significant amount of media coverage at the time.

But in the ensuing years, very few people have bothered to ask the key question: Why should we assume that waterboarding and isolation tanks and sleep deprivation are the only torture methods the CIA/military are employing on these prisoners? What about the drugs?

In particular—because no drug has ever been found to reliably elicit the truth—what about the use of drugs to produce panic and wild terror, as a way to force people to tell what they know, or confess to what they’re told to.

It’s obvious, given the history, that US interrogators have, in fact, been using these drugs on detained terrorism suspects.

Lee ends his prescient article with a chilling quote from former CIA chief of counterterrorism, Vince Cannistraro, that reflects directly the James Holmes situation in 2013:

“Once you’ve used [truth drugs] for national security cases, then it becomes a standard. Sodium pentathol is not that effective, and so you have to use something stronger, It’s a short skip and a hop to LSD, or something worse.”

These drugs are certainly being used in national security cases. Therefore, as Cannistraro predicts, they are now entering the mainstream as the standard. The astonishing statement from the court judge in the James Holmes case, ordering his truth-drug interrogation, couldn’t be a clearer signal:

full-speed ahead in chemically inducing a suspect to give up his right not to incriminate himself;

forget the fact that such truth-drug interrogations are notoriously unreliable;

forget the damage suspects can incur from the effects of the drugs;

and most of all, forget the fact that, although truth drugs don’t work reliably, they can be used to create such terror that the suspect will do or say anything to escape more dosing.

Many people have observed that James Holmes already looks like a man who has been heavily drugged, while in custody.

Whatever Holmes knows about what happened last summer at the Aurora theater; whatever he doesn’t know; whatever role he played or didn’t play; whether he was in the theater doing the shooting or was the patsy set up by professionals to take the fall for the murders…"

Full Article: http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2013/03/18/the-cia-james-holmes-m...

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