In 2008, not long before a man named Barak Obama took the office of president, another man, supposedly one who had served as the pastor of the future president, made a statement which greatly upset the United States government and many citizens besides and perhaps caused Obama a great amount of discomfort to be associated to him, so near his goal of taking office.
The statement spoken by the pastor, Jeremiah Wright was this: "The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of colour. The government lied." Since then, Jeremiah Wright has been presented as a traitor to his country, a mad man and a racist and yet, the evidence minus any of this emotion, supports that he is correct.
This information does not come easily, as it is full of emotional triggers attached to one's own ethnicity. It is not popular to point out that there are genetic ethnic differences, even when those differences are scientifically provable and do not in the least of reasonable ways promote one ethnic group over another. It also comes as hard information to hear that one's own ethnic group has been the cause of the suffering of another, but it must be taken in without personal offense if the truth is to ever be available to the public. Human beings are individuals, each having a choice to be consumed with the vain things of the world or the choice to love their fellow humanity regardless of color. The ethnicities which have been the victim of negative eugenics are not without their own guilty members, some of whom are willing to sign a deal with Satan to comply with the evils done to their own people in return for worldly gain.
In 1887, the US began to research the causes of epidemic diseases under the leadership of a man named Dr. Joseph J. Kinyoun, a eugenicist and known racist. Mycorplasmas were identified which were able to transmit disease and it became evident that these were able to be used to purposely cause epidemics in cattle and in tobacco crops. In 1902 the research turned to understanding diseases which were ethnically selective. A modified flu virus from an avian source was unleashed on the public, killing millions in 1918, known as the "Spanish flu".
In 1921 a eugenics philosopher, Bertrand Russell publicly declared that there was a necessity for organized plagues to reduce the black population. Aids was first tested in sheep and covertly in a portion of black Americans ten years later. In 1848 the US began to be serious in combating what was said to be "overpopulation" of certain racial groups as can be seen in a State Department memo describing a necessary genocide of millions.
The way the HIV virus could be transmitted was tested on a large scale on black Americans in 1951, using tainted cargo crates. Other methods of infecting victims were tested on sheep and goats. Gerald Ford gave the Pentagon permission to deploy biological weapons six years later and in 1962 the Special Virus Program was initiated. February 12th of that year began what was supposedly cancer research under a contract with Pfizer.
1967 began the biological attack on Africa through the National Academy of Sciences by way of introducing the pathogen through inoculations. This practice is still ongoing. The progress reports of the Special Virus Program state that by 1977, 15000 gallons of HIV were produced. It was distributed by vaccine in Africa as well as the US. You can download an exact reproduction of a flow chart belonging to the U.S. medical research archives here:
"The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular biology led us to investigate the relevance of this field of science to biological warfare. A small group of experts considered this matter and provided the following observations:
1. All biological agents up the present time are representatives of naturally occurring disease, and are thus known by scientists throughout the world. They are easily available to qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive purposes. 2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon when we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease. 3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million. 4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program. Molecular biology is a relatively new science. There are not many highly competent scientists in the field., almost all are in university laboratories, and they are generally adequately supported from sources other than DOD. However, it was considered possible to initiate an adequate program through the National Academy of sciences - National Research Council (NAS-NRC, and tentative plans were made to initiate the program. However decreasing funds in CB, growing criticism of the CB program., and our reluctance to involve the NAS NRC in such a controversial endeavor have led us to postpone it for the past 2 years."
It is a fact that HIV is a virus which is much more able to successfully infect those who are of African descent. There are several genetic factors in those of European descent which differ from those of African descent that contribute to the much higher probability of HIV infection in those of African descent. Among those is what is known as the Duffy blood factor. The Duffy factor is present in most white people a negative Duffy factor being very rare in whites. The contrary is true of people of African descent. About 68% of black Americans have a Duffy negative factor while those living in Africa are nearly 100% negative. It is because of this clear division that the factor is used in genealogical studies to indicate mixed backgrounds.
In a study on black American Air force personel it was found that those who carried two copies of the Duffy negative variant had a 40% higher chance of contracting HIV, although once contracted, the Duffy positive individual has a more rapid progression of the disease. It is also the case that the Duffy negative phenotype inhibits contraction of malaria. Plasmodium vivax thrives on the glycoproteins of the Duffy positive factor.
The perverse philosophy behind the reasoning for targeting minority ethnicities is one which derives from occult societies. It is kept a very well preserved secret and core belief that those of European descent carry the genetic markers of a non-human origin. The nephilim rulers of the pre flood world exercised tyranny over humanity and they are both the beginning of mystery schools of forbidden occult knowledge and the beginning of eugenics, as they were born in an effort to produce a hybrid creature which would be, in the minds of their fallen angelic fathers, a better product than unaltered humans.
Those who are often called "elite" today are simply the descendants of the same who believe that it is their right and duty to remove the greater part of those from the earth who do not carry a high percentage of the desired bloodline. Eugenics is in its definition a so-called science of weeding out the supposedly worse genes for the supposedly better and so unless it can be proven beyond a doubt that such a science does not and has never existed, then we must face the truth of the matter, that is that there is a bloodline which these men are working to preserve, and one they are working to destroy.
This does not mean that those in the general populace who have these genes desired by them are safe from their homicidal tactics. These ones do not only desire a specific bloodline, but also a specific spirit and a controlled population under a specific number. They will not tolerate opposers to their desired world order, they will not tolerate the mind that craves liberty or the spirit who clings to YHWH no matter the genetic descent of the body which holds them. Any person who hates evil, who despises the shedding of innocent blood and who loves the Creator is an enemy of these who would cull the Earth's population.
It is they who should be pitied perhaps, because while they saturate their souls in a demonic pursuit of obtaining a Devil's paradise on Earth, they have no paradise to look forward to unless by a miracle they should be broken and repent, only a lake of fire.
It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher and a servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Ba'al Zebuwb, how much more will they call those of his household! Therefore do not fear them for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed and hidden that will not be known. Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light. And what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in the valley of Hinnom. Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore. You are of more value than many sparrows. - Matthew 10:25-31