Views: 912
lol they are so cute when they are little aren't they?
I want to add Barry I am not accusing you, I said all those last posts with tongue in cheek. The reason for the question about conscience of un conscience was you kind of proved my point. "They" and I will clarify that point with another word description, LUCIFARIANS, got you right to the old feelings of rebellion in you, right? That you do not any longer feel that is the way is clear you have matured. I do love and care about your well being. I am not trying to get you to believe like I do. I would like you to see what Father actually says in the Word and to realize that obeying Him and believing Him no matter what dna you have, is wisdom and life for everyone, not just a certain bloodline. But I really do care about you and your walk with Him just because I care about all those Father loves and I know that you qualify on that alone. okay? I don't debate on the net any more, so I didn't continue to persue past your last post on the feasts that time, because of that love, ok? Not worth proving any point to make you feel you need to defend yourself . Really sorry I made you feel that way. Okay? btw, I care about the disinfo agents too. And I think they are mostly coming from a place of mis placed loyalty. I think they signed up as an agent out of loyalty to country and that in this age has become a very twisted place to hang your heart. Not that they are bad, some are just trying to get to retirement so they can stop being what they don't want to be any more cause they see it, the truth... and their error. My opinion.
ha ha, Barry...and getting this thread back on the track it was intended to be on, here is a Kultured Karaite audio on the home and how to on making things that are a healthier way to clean.
Be Blessed and Shabbot Shalom, Ya'll
<IFRAME SRC="http://www.vidxden.com/embed-ae319a7asz2y-width-653-height-362.html" FRAMEBORDER=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 SCROLLING=NO WIDTH=475 HEIGHT=263></IFRAME>
this vid shows mutated produce and dandelions in Michigan that look like the ones in Fukushima. I am careful not to buy produce cheese and milk from California since the "accident" but, I am thinking it might be time for an all out self sufficient food output around here. I am blessed with a wind off the Gulf that more often than not keeps any other errant wind from my door. Be safe, Ya'll.
they are curious roamers, Barry, if a door is open and they are near it, they are likely to. The biggest problem you'd have is training the dogs not the eat chicken dinner. Our weir vomited a whole one up on my favorite rug once. That was the beginning of his training, now he just points at them and dreams of chicken dinner. Check out this coop to solve both problems and have fresh eggs, your wife will learn to love the hens after a couple of these in her kitchen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj4oMt4MWSg
Radiation from Japan has been detected in drinking water in 13 more American cities, and cesium-137 has been found in American milk—in Montpelier, Vermont—for the first time since the Japan nuclear disaster began, according to data released by the Environmental Protection Agency late Friday.
Milk samples from Phoenix and Los Angeles contained iodine-131 at levels roughly equal to the maximum contaminant level permitted by EPA in drinking water, the data shows. The Phoenix sample contained 3.2 picoCuries per liter of iodine-131. The Los Angeles sample contained 2.9. The EPA maximum contaminant level is 3.0, but this is a conservative standard designed to minimize exposure over a lifetime, so EPA does not consider these levels to pose a health threat. The FDA, not the EPA, regulates milk.
Someone did perform safety studies the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should have mandated be performed and vetted BEFORE numerous vaccines were released into the public sector for mass vaccinations.
Lead investigator Laura Hewitson, PhD, probably dropped a bombshell when she and her colleagues completed a macaque monkey (primates) study of the very same vaccines given to children during 1994-1999, i.e., the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and several Thimerosal mercury-containing vaccines injected into children during that time frame when the autism spectrum disorder skyrocketed.
I'd like to see this approached by someone who is more accustomed to these plants in their natural state. Farmers and outdoors people tend to have a good eye for what isn't normal. The dandelions are actually not terribly abnormal. I might worry if this was beginning to be the majority of dandelions but, as a rule, dandelions tend to come up with some weird formations and there's hardly been a time in memory that children didn't go out in their yards and marvel over the "siamese twin" flower heads and gnarled stems. This can result from poor soil and deficiencies of minerals.
I do think we have a much bigger problem with radiation from Japan that we'll ever hear on the news...the odd dandelions just probably aren't reflecting that as well as some other sources.
Bets King said:
this vid shows mutated produce and dandelions in Michigan that look like the ones in Fukushima. I am careful not to buy produce cheese and milk from California since the "accident" but, I am thinking it might be time for an all out self sufficient food output around here. I am blessed with a wind off the Gulf that more often than not keeps any other errant wind from my door. Be safe, Ya'll.
We're planning for having some chickens ourselves. We're converting an old pump shed into a coop and we'll let them free range. They'll mix nicely with the neighborhood of other free range chickens. Also on the future list are some goats and maybe game birds. We do have coyotes and hawks to be watching out for but hopefully we won't see a lot of them picked off. Maybe we need to invest in a sheep dog to guard the critters.
Bets King said:
they are curious roamers, Barry, if a door is open and they are near it, they are likely to. The biggest problem you'd have is training the dogs not the eat chicken dinner. Our weir vomited a whole one up on my favorite rug once. That was the beginning of his training, now he just points at them and dreams of chicken dinner. Check out this coop to solve both problems and have fresh eggs, your wife will learn to love the hens after a couple of these in her kitchen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj4oMt4MWSg
So many people seem to think that Ron Paul will be the Saviour of the US constitution. Don't believe it for a minute. Anyone who gets the job was already in the club. Take a look at what his son is up to -
"Rand Paul Votes NO on GMO Labeling
Thought that endorsing Romney was bad enough? In another turn of events that exposes the corporatist leanings of Rand Paul, Senator from Kentucky, he has voted NO on a GMO labeling amendment to the farm bill “to permit States to require that any food, beverage, or other edible product offered for sale have a label on indicating that the food, beverage, or other edible product contains a genetically engineered ingredient.” "
"So while there is evidence we should be concerned about GMOs, we should also be careful not to lose our constitutional perspective simply because the end result is one we may desire."
I'm not sure i understand these lines. Evidence we should be concerned about! Also, Isn't the end result what the purpose is? Guess it depends on whose end result you desire.
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