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I hope they succeed. So many American farmers have tried and failed up against the monster Monsanto, losing their livelihoods, money and homes in the process. It would be encouraging to see someone win one against the bad guys.
Feral pigs in the south do a lot of damage to land and crops and are hunted and people are paid to rid them off of their land. What has happened is some of these are caught and raised as livestock and have in the genetic past also been raised and those pigs down the trial of time are in the farmers stock. This will not happen with other kinds of livestock based on this situation. But that a man who is controlling his stock having to destroy it, is just wrong. If that "train of thinking" were applied across the board:
Feral cats can overtake neighborhoods and cause problems for people, but that doesn't mean we should destroy all the cats in someones home ( even if we are dog people). And they will find a reason to harm the little guy. This is the way the small farmer is harmed once again. To catch and control wild pigs and use that as income is the thing. "They" want the farmer to buy stock not tame it. Just like monsanto not wanting farmers to be able to use seed they grew, instead of buying it from them. I am not disagreeing with you, but want you to understand the reason this couldn't happen with other kinds of livestock. Other than long horned cattle, I cannot think of a domesticated stock of animal that could be taken from a "feral" source. And longhorns are not roaming in any kind of feral way any longer.
Don't they really just need a different excuse for each kind of livestock? I wonder if it is a near future mandate that livestock be vaccinated or they must be destroyed.
Bets King said:
Feral pigs in the south do a lot of damage to land and crops and are hunted and people are paid to rid them off of their land. What has happened is some of these are caught and raised as livestock and have in the genetic past also been raised and those pigs down the trial of time are in the farmers stock. This will not happen with other kinds of livestock based on this situation. But that a man who is controlling his stock having to destroy it, is just wrong. If that "train of thinking" were applied across the board:
Feral cats can overtake neighborhoods and cause problems for people, but that doesn't mean we should destroy all the cats in someones home ( even if we are dog people). And they will find a reason to harm the little guy. This is the way the small farmer is harmed once again. To catch and control wild pigs and use that as income is the thing. "They" want the farmer to buy stock not tame it. Just like monsanto not wanting farmers to be able to use seed they grew, instead of buying it from them. I am not disagreeing with you, but want you to understand the reason this couldn't happen with other kinds of livestock. Other than long horned cattle, I cannot think of a domesticated stock of animal that could be taken from a "feral" source. And longhorns are not roaming in any kind of feral way any longer.
I agree with you, totally. "They" will find any excuse to regulate the little guy out of existence. In this case though the absurdity of it is this "feral" strain. When does something become "feral"? I say when you domesticate it , put it in an enclosure and control it. The government is making a precedent of it not being what it does, but what dna it is. So in this case it is the dna of the parentage of the animal that "they" are naming as the source of a problem that needs to be wiped out. I am saying its even more inconceivable as the right theng to do based on the situation. But that this precedent applied to another species of animal, I just couldn't think of one. The Buffalo and the long horn, bunnies, maybe could be taken from the wild, domesticated and raised for food. I also think there are kinds of fish or shellfish that this could apply to, that's all. Yes, they will come after the small farmer that isn't buying at the big guys store, if they can, in any way they can. They have just classified these pigs as feral based on dna and not what the definition of feral really is:
not domesticated, see, while these pigs are definitely domesticated by the farmer. Its the precedent of the dna of that animal that makes it "feral" in the eyes of the law, now. I think that is the strangest part of this whole thing. I also think its a way to just make folks angry. Its the energy of the emotions stirred in us that , I think, is the "reason" for this an so many other strange standards and regulations. Even the events of Florida and the death of that young man have an agenda in the spiritual realm that is tied to what "they" are doing to people. Obviously this man is not keeping Biblical law, or he would not be raising pigs as food. Of course we don't know he isn't, but it would seem as tho he were not. And people are up in arms all over the country about it. Upset folks in farming, in PETA and other folks that just know what feral means, are all angry about this and at who? "THE GOVERNMENT", I think this is just another one of those things. And like I said, I agree with you about how stupid and wrong it is for the government to have required this man to kill his livestock, no matter what kind of livestock it is. And they do make people give certain chemical enhancement in order for any animal to enter into the USDA food chain, and its not good, or natural, any of it. Its another source of a way to harm the general public in its "job to protect" us from ourselves. But I don't think even the guy who was out there enforcing this mans actions to kill has a clue as to the why of his actions. I cannot say why "they" are doing these things either, as I do not totally understand the ins and outs of the other side of the spiritual realm and what it is doing to the population, but I see the results: the emotions and the feelings of the people to their action. Its the stupidity of governement that seems to be at the forefront of this. Why they want us all to have this in our minds? I am sure it is not for a good reason. Not good for us, but most likely good for "their" agenda in the days ahead.
We are in the midst of a very important time spiritually. On "our" side, this is the 12th day of the counting of the Omer. And on "their" side, they will culminate with the highest unholy day at the end of this month. The spring equinox has always been a real spiritual battle. I am thankful I only really understand YHWH's side of this, while, not totally, cause I am not sitting in His seat, but, I think this incident has more to do with feeding emotions than with pigs. The good news for us is, at the end of the counting of the Omer comes for us a very important time spiritually also. The Pentacost. The giving of the Rauch Ha Kodesh being poured out on someone other than a regal king is a very big event, in Israel and so in our lives. I just was observing the whys of this rather than the events. Like I said, I agree with you in so many ways about this.
Here is another example of "them" ,and we must include the media in this whole game, doing and bringing to the forefront an indecent that is raising anger and feelings of helplessness against a huge unseen enemy of us all.: http://www.blacklistednews.com/Public_Schools_In_Action%3A_Teacher_...
first baby piglets, last week teenagers, now kindergarteners.
Its a spiritual game of gotcha. I am just not what a Godly response to any of this really is. Outrage is a correct response sometimes. I am just saying these guys are up to something we are not focused on, the forest and the tree thing.
Interestingly enough, the visit by the FBI agents to the Minneapolis Animal Rights Coalition comes on the heels of two other very bizarre encounters with alleged animal rights “activists” who were encouraging and attempting to use both violent and illegal tactics. Rising stated that about a week before, an individual called the office saying that he was aware of a farm in Wisconsin that was abusing animals. He told her he wanted to “get in there” using Animal Liberation Front tactics and that he wanted the help of the Animal Rights Coalition to do so.
So about my point here, that "they" are up to no good , but in a way we are not looking at.
here is the whole article:
And its interesting to me Barry that you chose that vid to place here too. I wonder if it was a sub conscience or a conscience decision?
wow..Chaucer.. it's been a while. Speaking of Codex Alimentarius... Major General Albert (Bert) N. Stubblebine III (U.S. Army, Retired), prominent figure in the military remote viewing project, Stargate, who was placed on retirement after overseeing the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), is president of the Natural Solutions Foundation (healthfreedomusa.org) where his psychiatrist wife, Dr. Rima Laibow, who apparently helped him as co-creator of the DHS military AEGIS system, is Medical Director. Their Natural Solutions Foundation claims to work against Codex Alimentarius. Hmm...
really, I have to say I haven't read Chaucer in a very long time.
But no accusation, Barry, observation is all. Who would be angry over anything written by any of us here? I just thought it interesting that the whole thing took you back to the days or your youth when revolt was in your mind , and that it was done through mis reading a word. Yes, indeed. what is the difference? The only one I could imagine is if you were a paid dis information person by the agencies to cover and divert, to send minds to a place "they" desired the masses to go. The big difference here is we are not the masses. We are the few, the called out. Those that take the way less traveled, less likely to be trampled in the stampede of the mass. So if you are, good luck with this herd, we might tend to just sit and not be afraid of the herder. You know, stand . And if you are, good, stick around and stand along side us when it is necessary. Either way, I assure you my love and caring is real, not a mask of anger put on to divert your attention. I really am concerned for you Barry. As I am for all mankind. I pray yours is also.
and Bean, it is interesting that a retired agency man would work against the system he retired from. But that is the beauty of a system of individual characters. They can chose what side they will serve when the rubber meets the road. But also the system of chaos has in it the elements of sides. Boaz and Joachim. The sides that everyone has to "choose from" . Which in itself is a lie. Some times there are more than two sides, and most of the time, I find I don't want to be any where near any kind of action either side is promulgating, promoting or positioning themselves about. I just think so much of what is being fed to us in the non main stream system is sending the same messages to us as "they" desire to send to those sleeping. Making up the two sides of their battle to keep us from the actions we really need to be about, Fathers business.
Barry L Brumfield said:
And all along I thought you were the DIS, "cold blooded murder of piglets" etc, just an observance. The words to Not Gonna March Anymore referred to people that no longer would march blindly off to war at the whim of the US Government. Same mindset that Christians (should) have through the teaching of the Lord. BTW, who's the "they" in your comment "they are up to no good"? The government or the animal rights people?
Bets King said:really, I have to say I haven't read Chaucer in a very long time.
But no accusation, Barry, observation is all. Who would be angry over anything written by any of us here? I just thought it interesting that the whole thing took you back to the days or your youth when revolt was in your mind , and that it was done through mis reading a word. Yes, indeed. what is the difference? The only one I could imagine is if you were a paid dis information person by the agencies to cover and divert, to send minds to a place "they" desired the masses to go. The big difference here is we are not the masses. We are the few, the called out. Those that take the way less traveled, less likely to be trampled in the stampede of the mass. So if you are, good luck with this herd, we might tend to just sit and not be afraid of the herder. You know, stand . And if you are, good, stick around and stand along side us when it is necessary. Either way, I assure you my love and caring is real, not a mask of anger put on to divert your attention. I really am concerned for you Barry. As I am for all mankind. I pray yours is also.
and Bean, it is interesting that a retired agency man would work against the system he retired from. But that is the beauty of a system of individual characters. They can chose what side they will serve when the rubber meets the road. But also the system of chaos has in it the elements of sides. Boaz and Joachim. The sides that everyone has to "choose from" . Which in itself is a lie. Some times there are more than two sides, and most of the time, I find I don't want to be any where near any kind of action either side is promulgating, promoting or positioning themselves about. I just think so much of what is being fed to us in the non main stream system is sending the same messages to us as "they" desire to send to those sleeping. Making up the two sides of their battle to keep us from the actions we really need to be about, Fathers business.
Sal Alinsky taught how the King Solomon Jews could take over elite gentile America via movements, mafias, & political distractions where two sides would fight on opposing teams and never suspecting the King Solomon Jews and their agenda.
I suppose this will suffice .
Bets King said:
Barry L Brumfield said:And all along I thought you were the DIS, "cold blooded murder of piglets" etc, just an observance. The words to Not Gonna March Anymore referred to people that no longer would march blindly off to war at the whim of the US Government. Same mindset that Christians (should) have through the teaching of the Lord. BTW, who's the "they" in your comment "they are up to no good"? The government or the animal rights people?
Bets King said:really, I have to say I haven't read Chaucer in a very long time.
But no accusation, Barry, observation is all. Who would be angry over anything written by any of us here? I just thought it interesting that the whole thing took you back to the days or your youth when revolt was in your mind , and that it was done through mis reading a word. Yes, indeed. what is the difference? The only one I could imagine is if you were a paid dis information person by the agencies to cover and divert, to send minds to a place "they" desired the masses to go. The big difference here is we are not the masses. We are the few, the called out. Those that take the way less traveled, less likely to be trampled in the stampede of the mass. So if you are, good luck with this herd, we might tend to just sit and not be afraid of the herder. You know, stand . And if you are, good, stick around and stand along side us when it is necessary. Either way, I assure you my love and caring is real, not a mask of anger put on to divert your attention. I really am concerned for you Barry. As I am for all mankind. I pray yours is also.
and Bean, it is interesting that a retired agency man would work against the system he retired from. But that is the beauty of a system of individual characters. They can chose what side they will serve when the rubber meets the road. But also the system of chaos has in it the elements of sides. Boaz and Joachim. The sides that everyone has to "choose from" . Which in itself is a lie. Some times there are more than two sides, and most of the time, I find I don't want to be any where near any kind of action either side is promulgating, promoting or positioning themselves about. I just think so much of what is being fed to us in the non main stream system is sending the same messages to us as "they" desire to send to those sleeping. Making up the two sides of their battle to keep us from the actions we really need to be about, Fathers business.
Sal Alinsky taught how the King Solomon Jews could take over elite gentile America via movements, mafias, & political distractions where two sides would fight on opposing teams and never suspecting the King Solomon Jews and their agenda.
I suppose this will suffice .
I post scripture in everything you consider DIS, so consider the source , Barry.
If YHWH said it it will be done, period. I think you forget that sometimes is all.
You sure have a lot of information, Barry.
Dogma is when you take Genesis through Revelation and say that for this or that spiritual understanding , the Words no longer apply. Kind of like, Sabbath is not necessary or that if you are keeping the commandments you are working toward your salvation and therefor nullifying what Yahushua did for us on the cross, both of which are "traditions of men, and not scriptural" hence Dogma. Father YHWH gave us rules because they were good for us, not as a punishment to be saved from.
Thanks for all your information.
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