What would the world do if no one could any longer deny some uncomfortable information? How would people respond to knowing, without the ability to ignore it, that something which seemed so necessary to their lives had been introduced to Earth by a being who had opposed the Creator? If information which had such deadly potential and consequences that the Creator has not only punished the rebel who brought it here, but has utterly condemned it's use among mankind has craftily become the normal way of things in the world, shouldn't anyone want to know. Of course they do not though, and people do have the ability to deny what they wish, but at what cost is willful denial of His warnings?

The book of Enoch, called 1 Enoch describes a list of chiefs of angelic rebels and the area of knowledge which they possessed and taught to mankind. It is not difficult for believers in YHWH to agree that Azazel teaching warfare to humanity was harmful to them, or that Barakyel, who taught what seems to be a description of divination by stars taught a forbidden thing. There might be few who call themselves Christians who have a life which relies on things like warfare and astrology, but then there is one named Armers or Armoni, and this one, it is written, taught the remedies of sorcery. (1 Enoch 8:4)

This too, could be cause for little concern for those who understand sorcery as being some sort of long abandoned practice of magic, conjuring demons or casting spells but this is a misunderstanding. The name of this one fallen chief of the Watchers becomes the key to understanding what it is he really brought to earth and how it infects the whole world today perhaps more than ever. The name Armoni or Harmoni is a derivative of the same word which the mountain of the Watchers descent (Hermon) is from: charam, which means a thing devoted or a thing dedicated to destruction, a curse or an oath. The Greek manuscript of 1 Enoch renders this name: Pharmaros.

Pharmaros became the root of Greek words such as Pharmakeia, Pharmakon and Pharmakeus or Pharmakos, these likewise became the roots of English words like pharmacology and pharmaceutical and pharmacist. The definition of the Greek words does not differ at all from the definitions of the English words which grew out of them. pharmakeia meant the making and the use of drugs, pharmakon meant drugs, and pharmakeus or pharmakon meant a druggist.

Scripture is very clear about YHWH's view on the practice of pharmacology, it could not be made any more obvious that He despises it's practice and looks unfavorably on those who would use "pharmakon". What has made the realizing of this difficult for readers of the canon of the bible, or even readers of 1 Enoch is that in both instances the translations into English render the practice "sorcery".

"And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries (pharmakeia) or their sexual immorality or their thefts." - Revelation 9:21

"The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth. For by your sorcery (pharmakeia) all the nations were deceived" - Revelation 18:23

"But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers (pharmakeus), image worshippers, and all liars shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."- Revelation 21:8

"But outside are dogs and sorcerers (pharmakon) and sexually immoral and murderers and image worshippers, and whoever loves and practices a lie." -Revelation 22:15

We must make note that there is no distinction to be made that there is a difference between a use of these cursed things and the abuse of them. It simply would make no sense to try to make such distinction where there is absolutely no basis in the text to do so and no logical reasoning behind it either.

The whole world of this present age is devoted to, relying on, profiting from and consuming sorcery which is nothing more and has never been anything more than the unnatural chemical concoctions which are made and prescribed for every sort of illness real and imagined, under the sun, otherwise known as drugs. Scripture does not mention good ones as opposed bad ones, it does not mention too much as opposed to a an acceptable amount or a good reason as opposed to a less good reason to use them. It simply condemns them entirely.

What the world has been taught that are parts of a great lie to destroy spiritual understanding as well as physical health are -

1 - That present day pharmacology is new and modern and a mark of human achievement.

2- That sorcery is a mystical and ancient practice which has nothing to do with physical applications or components.

3- That humanity was generally sicker, weaker and had shorter lives before the use of drugs as remedies became commonplace.

4- That there are some diseases which can only be treated with pharmaceuticals and anything else would be less effective or not effective at all.

5- That drugs are generally safe or they would not be made available to people to use.

6- That living a life without drugs is impossible or at least will be a short life full of ailments.

What people do not realize is that this art of creating compounds of unnaturally combined chemicals, elements and isolates originates before the great flood and became ever after part of a body of secret knowledge which elite societies and mystery schools have kept and they, if not the public, understand to this day that this is the root of that practice which has taken over the whole world.

Ancient Egyptians and Babylonians understood and practiced pharmacology and the link that it has with the beings that were worshipped as deities in their cultures (fallen angels) was obvious in the fact that these practices were taught and learned in temples and by priests. Remedy has always been the focus of pharmacological medicine, as can be seen in the description of the Watcher who taught it ("Armers taught the remedies of sorcery") and can be seen still in how it is used today. Remedies, never prevention, because a prevention does not allow for the profit of those who make remedies. Compare this medicinal method to what is taught in the Word of YHWH. Guidelines in how to remain clean, laws regarding the touching of dead things or of the dead touching that which is used or eaten, the separation of the ill from the well, all of these things are preventative, which real medicine should always aim to be.

The physicians of ancient Greece were dedicated to the deity which represented remedies - Asclepius, who's shrines were the centers of the medical practice of that culture. There they performed surgeries and even used anesthetic. Spiritualism and a connection with forces which operate outside of the human, physical world, gods, angels and demons have always been connected to pharmacology in the traditions of those who have practiced it. It is no different today.

The original Hippocratic oath beings this way:

"I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement:"

It is maybe no coincidence that an oath sealed the decision of the rebel Watchers to comingle with human women and to teach forbidden knowledge to them or that the Watcher who specifically taught pharmacology is himself named in reference to an oath or devoted thing. Today an oath is still a part of becoming a practitioner of modern medicine.

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Caduceus with Asclepius statues (Vatican Museum)
Another nod to the worship of Armoni...
"Recently the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, held an invitation-only call.
The call was co-sponsored by the U.S. Health and Human Services, the Office of Minority Health, and CDC.
Conspicuously, the end of the invitation read:
“This call is off the record and is not for press purposes” -- but it became public when it showed up on the HHS website.
Fortunately one of our staff was able to get on the call.
The focus of the call was on getting faith-based organizations to sponsor flu clinics with Walgreens.
Basically, they want to move inside your church, mosque or synagogue, and set up shop, with your pastor, priest, imam and rabbi on hand to convince you to get a flu shot.
As an example, they cited a priest who stopped in the middle of mass to roll up his sleeve and get vaccinated, inspiring the rest of his parish to line up behind him.
Talk to God, Get a Shot
The idea of holding out your arm and getting a shot in the middle of a worship service, with your pastoral leader urging you on, really seems to be pushing it. The reason they’re doing this, health officials said on the phone, is that they’ve found that non-traditional settings such as worship services can be highly effective in influencing people’s decisions.
Speaking directly to church leaders, Joshua DuBois, executive director of the White House Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnership, said:
“As trusted messengers, you’re able to spread messages and help get people vaccinated.”
Zeroing in on minorities, particularly older adults, blacks and Latinos, health officials said churches, mosques and schools are places where barriers to vaccinations can be taken down, and these minorities can be convinced to get vaccinated. Besides hosting flu shot clinics, churches can also help by putting reminders in their bulletins, and by church members personally reminding others to get their shots, officials said.
They even went so far as to encourage the churches to pay people’s insurance co-pays so they’d be more inclined to get the shots. For those who simply can’t pay anything, there’ll be 300,000 free shots given out as part of the flu vaccine crusade..."
Argentina Baby Alive After 12 Hours In Morgue
"BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — A mother in Argentina says she fell to her knees in shock after finding her baby alive in a coffin in the morgue nearly 12 hours after the girl had been declared dead.
Analia Bouter named her newborn Luz Milagros, or "Miracle Light." The tiny girl, born three months premature, was in critical but improving condition Wednesday in the same hospital where the staff pronounced her stillborn on April 3."
"Bouter said the baby was quickly put in a coffin and taken to the morgue's refrigeration room. Twelve hours passed before she and her husband were able to open the coffin to say their last goodbyes.
She said that's when the baby trembled. She thought it was her imagination – then she realized the little girl was alive and dropped to her knees on the morgue floor in shock."
"A week later, the baby is improving. Bouter said she still has many unanswered questions about what happened. She said she had given birth normally to four other children and doesn't understand why doctors gave her general anesthesia this time. She said she also doesn't know why she wasn't allowed to see her baby before it was put into a coffin.
She said she had to insist on going to the morgue's refrigeration room, where she brought her sister's cellphone to take a picture of the newborn for the funeral. Her husband struggled to open the lid, and then stepped aside to let her see inside."
"That was when I fell to my knees. My husband didn't know what to do. We were just crying and I laughed and cried, cries and laughter. We must have seemed crazy."
She says the family plans to sue the staff at Hospital Perrando in the city of Resistencia for malpractice, and still wants answers. But they've been focused for now on their little girl, whom she described as amazingly healthy despite being born after just 26 weeks of gestation. So far, she hasn't needed oxygen or other support commonly provided to preemies, she said.
"I'm a believer. All of this was a miracle from God," she told Telam, Argentina's state news agency."

Mandi McKee, Formerly William McKee, Claims Generic Baldness Drug Turned Her Into A Woman

"...Mandi McKee, formerly known as William McKee, began taking a generic version of Propecia (finesteride) in October 2008 to combat male-pattern baldness, the New York Post reports. At that time, McKee was a married man, and was "energetic, focused, sharp and athletic," according to her blog.

McKee took the medication for nine months, during which time she says she developed an array of side effects. She says her mental alertness severely decreased, and she lost work as a result.

Even more alarming, however, were the physical changes. On her website, McKee writes that her "rock-hard chest" softened and began to turn into breasts, her shoulders were "literally 'falling into a more feminine position," and her "hips were loosening and becoming wider, as on a woman's body."..."

"McKee is not alone in her experiences with the drug. A study published earlier this month in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that some men taking Propecia experience sexual side effects that can last years after the individual has stopped taking the drug.

Men in 27 states have filed lawsuits against Merck on the grounds that Propecia affected their sexuality. However, the courts do not permit lawsuits from those who took the generic version, and so McKee is unable to take legal action, according to MSN. "

full article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/23/mandi-mckee-william-propec...

could FDA actually stand for 'Feminizing Drug Authority'?... just wondering.

Mammograms a medical hoax, over one million American women maimed by unnecessary 'treatment' for cancer they never had

"Mammography is a cruel medical hoax. As I have described here on Natural News many times, the primary purpose of mammography is not to "save" women from cancer, but to recruit women into false positives that scare them into expensive, toxic treatments like chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

The "dirty little secret" of the cancer industry is that the very same oncologists who scare women into falsely believing they have breast cancer are also the ones pocketing huge profits from selling those women chemotherapy drugs. The conflicts of interest and abandonment of ethics across the cancer industry is breathtaking.

Now, a new scientific study has confirmed exactly what I've been warning readers about for years: most women "diagnosed" with breast cancer via mammography never had a cancer problem to begin with!

93% of "early detection" has no benefit to the patient
That's the conclusion of a groundbreaking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

...Chemo, radiation, cancer surgery largely a hoax
According to these scientists, "Breast cancer was overdiagnosed (i.e., tumors were detected on screening that would never have led to clinical symptoms) in 1.3 million U.S. women in the past 30 years."

That's 1.3 million women who were told by their lying oncologists: "If you don't agree to treatment, you'll be dead in six months" (or two years, or whatever fraudulent scare schedule they use).

Under the threat of this fear, most women cave in and agree to start "treatment" -- often on the very same day they are falsely diagnosed. This so-called "treatment" consists of a highly toxic injection of deadly chemicals that the oncologist makes a small fortune selling to the very same patients he falsely diagnosed. Yep, that's right: Cancer clinics and oncology treatment centers make huge profits on the chemotherapy drugs they sell to patients -- the very same patients they scared into treatment through a false positive mammogram.

..."Better" technology leads to more false positives
There is no more apparent example of modern-day medical quackery than the cancer industry. Armed with ever-more-precise mammography machines, the rate of false positive diagnoses has shot through the roof.

As Dr. Welch writes in the New York Times:

Six years ago, a long-term follow-up of a randomized trial showed that about one-quarter of cancers detected by screening were overdiagnosed. And this study reflected mammograms as used in the 1980s. Newer digital mammograms detect a lot more abnormalities, and the estimates of overdiagnosis have risen commensurately: now somewhere between a third and half of screen-detected cancers...."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038099_mammograms_false_positives_overdi...

Eight-year-old girl to be given forced vaccinations against mother’s will after court ruling



Dec 5, 2012

An Australian mother who desperately tried with all her might to protect her young daughter from being poisoned with vaccines has lost the battle, according to News.com.au. Judicial tyrants in the Victoria region of Australia recently ruled that the eight-year-old girl, whose mother had chosen to avoid vaccines and instead feed her child organic, biodynamic, and unprocessed foods, would have to subject the girl to the government-mandated vaccine schedule from here on out into the future.

The mother, who has not been publicly named due to legal restrictions, had made the conscientious and informed decision from the time when her daughter was first born not to have the child vaccinated. Instead, the mother chose to administer safe, side effect-free homeopathic immunizations to her daughter, in addition to feeding her healthy food and clean water, and exposing her to fresh air, dirt and other natural immunity boosters.

But trouble arose when the little girl’s father, who is divorced from the mother and lives elsewhere, decided to have the girl vaccinated behind her mother’s back while in his custody. According to reports, the father secretly allowed his new wife to take the girl to a medical center and have her vaccinated several years back for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B, polio, HIB, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), and meningococcal C, in total violation of the mother’s trust.

State decides homeopathic remedies are ‘ineffective,’ orders mother to inject her child with poison

All the dedication and hard work that the young girl’s mother had invested into keeping her daughter safe from being injected with formaldehyde, mercury (Thimerosal), aluminum, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and the dozens of other chemical adjuvants commonly added to vaccines, in other words, was destroyed in an instant with just a single covert visit to a state-run medical office. And the vindictive former husband who allowed it all to happen told a family court later that he had planned to continue “secretly vaccinat[ing]” the girl against her mother’s wishes.

The mother, whose hopes for her child’s health had been grossly violated, tried to stop her former husband from continuing to have the girl vaccinated by filing an injunction against him. But when the issue was finally brought before family court Judge Victoria Bennett, it was determined that, because a senior pediatrician from Royal Children’s Hospital personally believed there was not enough evidence to prove the efficacy of homeopathic immunizations, the girl’s mother would have to continue having her daughter vaccinated in accordance with the official vaccine schedule.

So the state, rather than the parent, has once again made the final determination about what will be forcibly injected into a child’s body, proving that parental sovereignty is no longer recognized and respected by many that occupy positions of power in government. And if parents are no longer free to choose what medical procedures are appropriate for their own children, then there is no more freedom, and tyranny has won.


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