Whether or not you believe that entities of an extraterrestrial nature are making contact with humans on Earth, it is difficult to not notice how much more the subject is coming up in all areas, from entertainment to serious claims of scientists and government officials. there should be no doubt, at least, that creatures which come from outside of Earth is a subject which those who are directing the flow of society and opinions want people to think about.

many dates have been predicted about when there could be some sort of public disclosure from governments to citizens about the existence and contact with extraterrestrials. i do expect such a thing to happen, but i do not expect it to happen the way most others do who are expecting it. i expect no announcement from leaders to shocked citizens watching their televisions in disbelief as perhaps Obama or some other nation's ruler introduces an alien standing next to him to the world. what i see happening and what i believe we will continue seeing is a steady progress of small disclosures, first by less mainstream scientists and then gradually more mainstream ones along with events which are witnessed by people in various places of more and more frequent unexplainable events coming from the heavens.

by such a time that a world leader would openly introduce or announce extraterrestrials to the world, people will no longer be shocked. they will be already aware and prepared for the introduction. that is what this time is for the rulers of the world and their allies, who are fallen angels. it is a time of gradually preparing the masses as is always done when they choose to introduce any new condition to humanity. now is perhaps the perfect time for the first words from heavenly realms to reach the ears of humans, even if it remains a carefully controlled rumor.

Last year NASA explained away metallic objects which could be seen orbiting the sun on their SOHO live feed. a police officer attempted to chase tall blonde humanoids at the site of a crop circle formation only to be outran at beyond 50 mph. Israeli military officials earlier this year reported contact with similar tall blonde extraterrestrials who identified themselves as being such. witnesses in various states in the Midwest region have reported several instances of seeing huge fireballs of blue or green which so alarmed them that they reported a possible missile attack on more than one occasion.

On April 5th Intelsat's Galaxy 15 satellite stopped responding to commands. a solar flare is blamed for destroying the satellite's ability to receive communication even though it has continued in its orbit and its C -band telecommunications is still functioning. this piece of equipment can potentially take over the signals of other satellites and it leaves questions as to what would stop it's ability to receive commands as it otherwise is fully functional, now especially, since something strange has gone wrong with another piece of space technology since the Galaxy 15.

Voyager 2, an unmanned space probe launched in 1977, was sent to explore the far reaches of the solar system with a message on board. this message is called the Golden Record. this is a collection of recordings of sounds and images from diverse cultures of life on Earth and are intended to be found by extraterrestrials.

someone has perhaps answered the greeting because on April 22 of this year began sending back strange messages which scientists say they are not able to decode. a German scientist named Hartwig Hausdorf is convinced that Voyager 2 has been intercepted by extraterrestrials and is sending back data from them. the space probe is otherwise functioning properly, just as Galaxy 15.

NASA will almost surely provide an explanation which has nothing to do with the possibility that non humans have responded through Voyager 2. maybe it is an interesting time to consider what the word nasa means in Hebrew and Chaldean.

nasa - to lift or carry away.

nesa - carry away, make insurrection

nasha - (identical Hebrew spelling to nasa minus one vowel point difference) to lead astray, seduce, beguile, deceive.

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The conditioning continued this past few weeks with a program made by "Starz" television called "Torchwood: Miracle Day" .  One of the satellite dish  programs were given to the customers of Dishnetworks this year.n  Starz movies for the whole year of 2011 and they happened to make this mini series for us.  It was loosely based on this verse from the Word: 

Rev 9:6  And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.


The premise was that one day every one in the world stopped dying.  As you can imagine, this had a great deal of stress on the medical. food and population of the earth.  For one,. people who were injured or very sick, just continued to live draining resources such as medications and hospital  services.  There ended up being some "Aushwitz" type round up of those who would have normally died, to end them by incineration.  Quite a horrible death was the only type of death available.  The finale had to do with the blood of one man who had been immortal before "miracle day", and who became mortal as a result of this "miracle"  .  The source of the miracle turned out to be something called, "the blessing" which was a force that lived in the gap between two stones that extended in a hole through the earth that ran from Shanghai to some south american country, I cannot remember, maybe Costa Rica.   This force determined the length of life for all man kind, but had been manipulated by "the elite" in order to bring about control over the population of the world, and in fact to eliminate much of that population, so that an amount more controllable could be obtained and subsequently governed to form a New World Order.    First" the Ev3nt with the black president hiding aliens in Alaska and ending with a planet sitting just sitting in the sky for all to see.  Now this, miracle from hell.  Condition, condition, condition.  Are we there yet???

Gee...the "messiah" of Death...how nice. There sounds like there are a lot of messages being transmitted though that series. Preparation for a false messiah...one who brings his gift of death, whom everyone should love because they should realize that their lives are simply a burden on "mother earth" and be only too glad to sacrifice themselves to the cause of preserving it. The "elite" controllers having the key to physical immortality...not to mention desensitization towards gruesome means of eradicating the "useless eaters".

Bets King said:

The conditioning continued this past few weeks with a program made by "Starz" television called "Torchwood: Miracle Day" .  One of the satellite dish  programs were given to the customers of Dishnetworks this year.n  Starz movies for the whole year of 2011 and they happened to make this mini series for us.  It was loosely based on this verse from the Word: 

Rev 9:6  And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.


The premise was that one day every one in the world stopped dying.  As you can imagine, this had a great deal of stress on the medical. food and population of the earth.  For one,. people who were injured or very sick, just continued to live draining resources such as medications and hospital  services.  There ended up being some "Aushwitz" type round up of those who would have normally died, to end them by incineration.  Quite a horrible death was the only type of death available.  The finale had to do with the blood of one man who had been immortal before "miracle day", and who became mortal as a result of this "miracle"  .  The source of the miracle turned out to be something called, "the blessing" which was a force that lived in the gap between two stones that extended in a hole through the earth that ran from Shanghai to some south american country, I cannot remember, maybe Costa Rica.   This force determined the length of life for all man kind, but had been manipulated by "the elite" in order to bring about control over the population of the world, and in fact to eliminate much of that population, so that an amount more controllable could be obtained and subsequently governed to form a New World Order.    First" the Ev3nt with the black president hiding aliens in Alaska and ending with a planet sitting just sitting in the sky for all to see.  Now this, miracle from hell.  Condition, condition, condition.  Are we there yet???

Nothing in Heaven or Earth is able to touch what YHWH protects. We, though, must also be a proactive participant in our own faith. Continually relying on Him even in the tiny things while those are still our worst adversity, trusting always that He will never allow us to be in a situation that is not ultimately for our good if we respond correctly to it. No adversary nor any of their devices are able to overcome faith in the One true Creator of Heaven and Earth.

Tristran Hepburn said:

Thanks Donald and Prodigal Son for the info. From what you have said, the situation for us is worse than I thought.

Could it be correct to speculate that YHWH's followers are in someway protected from these harmful frequencies?

I remember from last year there was an experiment between athiests and Christians where each person was given a test where many questions could not be answered or were set to make the guy answering them, wrong. The athiests were very angry with the results. The Christians who didn't score any better were so calm that it didn't really bother them if they were wrong or not. Its as if the Christians were protected from anger and rage.

Hey Tristan,

  I believe we are protected to a great extent if we practice a quiet mind.The Scriptures are full of references to meditation. Psalms is loaded 49.3 the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding. In my case Psalm 119.71 it is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I may learn Thy statutes. 40.4 8 And I will meditate in thy statutes.

  On the secular side there is a docu movie called what the bleep do we know. The thing that interested me the most is that thoughts affect water. A Japanese scientist did samples of water all from the same source, a controlled experiment and found when frozen the water that was prayed over or placed in a peaceful environment made intricate snow flake like crystals but the ones that were cursed or exposed to hostile environments made almost no pattern. The most experienced meditaters seemed to make the most beautiful of all. (they used Budist monks).

 Most people are aware that our Brain shifts operating frequencies depending if we are at peace,scared, sleeping meditating etc.I believe that by quieting my mind Daily it keeps me calm in the face of confrontations that would have thrown me out of orbit 10 to 15 years ago. Most negative emotions (fear ,envy quilt etc.) cause an acidification of the blood which in turn is truly the mother of all disease. Anger is like a  mosquito bite.If you scratch at the first urge (how could they,cut me off,spite my best effort etc.) you draw blood which puts one in a frame of mind to tear the flesh to get that itch,it attracts more mosquitoes. Forgive them for they know not what they do.Observe, H'm it's just a little bite. Ice it ,It'll go away quick.

 The Scriptures urge us to seek  the truth and speak it boldly. most anger is caused by not being prepared for those things that bump us.Confusion sets in and the all knowing ego wants to be right so denial is usually the byproduct. No way I failed that test. Anger.            True Christians have learned to automatically turn it over to the Father.He gives us wisdom in a heartbeat when we need it.And peace.

  In my observations people who watch a lot of T.V. big cell users Video game players,most of the modern media gluttons live in only a partially aware world.Those are hypnotic devices emitting detrimental frequencies almost constantly. All things have beneficial and detrimental freq's. that affect their operating hz., cycles per second. I don,t believe we were designed to digest a lot of what is in the air waves.But in the same way that real food cures and prevents many ailments that a heart open to the quiet knowledge received when we meditate is an anti venom towards hostile frequencies.

  Still if confronted by one of the weaponized riot control type frequency generators such as L Rad most all will probably respond with the symptoms they dial in, Bowel movement.burning skin Irritability joy depending on the goal of the controller. Pray for foresite so these new toys may be avoided.Direct intervention if caught in their range.

  Psalm 132.4&5  I will not give sleep to mine eyes or slumber to my eyelids until I find a Place for the Lord, A habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.

  I lay on my back before casting off to sleep,have a single word precept in mind such as patience,kindness,forgiveness..   and relax quietly observing all noises then my body sinking into the mattress,my breathing just happening deep and calm relaxed, I hear the quiet voice sometimes a scripture in a moment so to speak.I give Thanks and Homage to the Almighty and am rewarded with peace.


Previous post was my long way of agreeing with Cyprium.
It was longer And better....much more thorough. Thank you Donald... :)

Thank you Cyprium,

 Not all but Most people make the helicopter motion over their heads when I speak of such things. Rarely does it develop into a discussion,So  I keep my peace.

I haven't developed my beliefs on my own but thru many sources and try to filter all information through Scripture. It's like a hobby only more intense.

While I don't look to others for approval it is uplifting to hear good word from someone I respect. It seems on this site we have truth seekers and wisdom rarely found .Putting it in writing helps solidify my understanding and open the door to realizing not only where I may be in error but also broadens knowledge. 

The narrow path is by far the most interesting.Still so much to learn.

has anyone seen the movie "PAUL"? the main character is the famed Area 51 alien, who is named "Paul" -- he flees the government facility and is discovered by a duo of secular-minded sci-fi fans, who later add a small-town Christian girl to their road-trip entourage.


"Paul" tells the Christian that his race has been around longer, is the source of the human race, and that all religions worship the same god... "Paul" also heals the Christian girl, who is blind in one eye, and her faith starts to dissolve until she becomes a swearing, wanton party-girl fan of "Paul"...


i think the name "Paul" could have been chosen to incite the apostle idea in people.. here is the alien apostle with the good news, and it's going to change people and the world for the better.. and all that. it's also a poorly constructed film, i thought, and didn't find it funny.. but it certainly looked like another generic media billboard for making aliens your friends.

As I just have been going through a cleansing of my home of all the msm that used to flow through my home, but they are all gaming stations and computer screens.  I think we have all been and are being conditioned.  I just am finishing a movie, not so much watching as monitoring it from time to time.  the key phrase  in the whole movie is this


arming the populace with the wisdom of who? SOLOMON  yes Nicky cage what a name, huh, once again promoting the brotherhood of the square.  The truth has been hidden, That's what the ufo thing is about too.  They are going to uncover truth with one hand and kill every body with the other. The  ol' slight of hand, if the very priest of the christian church are actually doing the deeds of the antichrist now then when he gets here in the "flesh" they will be fodder every one of them, they belong to him already and how many is that??? 7 billion minus 144,000.  right? the .002%

Satan has a counterfeit for everything. We know that Yahushua is coming to set up His kingdom on Earth and that we will be with Him. Those that rejected Him will be removed... but the Luciferians have worked toward a counterfeit goal for untold centuries. They have worked towards their own "utopian paradise" which is planned to be preceded by their own version of cleansing. The Georgia Guidestones proclaim their goal...to reduce the population by more than 80%.


This is the basis of their motto: Ordo Ab Chao... Order out of Chaos. They bring their own version of a tribulation along with a massacre of believers and "useless eaters"...then we get their version of a messiah..the Antichrist.


It's the basis of the Green movement in fact... continually brainwashing the masses to believe and support the idea that they are killing the Earth and only a reduction of their numbers can save it.


The Great Delusion might not be rightly thought of as any one thing...but rather the entire body of counterfeit fulfillment of prophecy leading up to the short reign of Antichrist which is an attempted forgery of the Millennial Kingdom.



Good to see you back Barry :)...hope you're enjoying your new home. We just recently relocated ourselves.

I have seen these "out there" on the web, the Chinese from the air, it looks really bad, pics.  Think about Mao and how he treated the educated and intellectuals.  He made owning art a punishable crime, or making music.  Why do they take away the beautiful things?  The Chinese have never had a great regard for human existence as a sacred treasure.  The population is an expendable commodity to whomever is in charge at the moment.  There is no telling also what natural,  industrial or even chemical accidents could have taken place inside China in the last few decades, that we may never have a full story on, because they are thorough when covering up stuff.  I often think and thank Father for allowing me to be born here in the states rather in such a place as China or Bogata or even the Middle East.

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