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Some workers at Traverse City hospital up in arms over flu shot mandate; firings possible
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — A major northern Michigan health care group has issued an ultimatum for employees: Get a flu shot by Dec. 31 or get fired. Munson Healthcare, which includes its flagship Munson Medical Center in Traverse City, says individual rights must be sacrificed for the welfare of patients whose health could be threatened if exposed to flu. Medical Center chief operating officer Kathleen McManus tells the Traverse City Record-Eagle (http://bit.ly/rdKbd6 ) that officials decided to make it mandatory because voluntary compliance has never topped 65 percent. "The people we serve here are very sick," McManus said. "And I will not put a patient at risk." But some employees are up in arms over baring an arm. About 50 turned out for a recent meeting of Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines, a Detroit-area group that promotes vaccine choice. Employees also circulated petitions and hope to get the community behind them. "I have a really hard time believing I'm going to be forced to do something against my will," said nursing administrator Dianne Lopez-Wild, who works in an office. "It's like something out of a sci-fi movie. It's bizarre to me. It seems so unreal." Lopez-Wild said it's a "civil rights issue." There are limited exemptions to the vaccine mandate, such as allergies or faith-based objections. But a religious exemption requires a letter from a pastor. Munson has seven hospitals and provides services to people from 24 counties. "I'd be willing to wear a mask rather than get a vaccination," said Roberta Mesko, a Munson nurse. "I just think we need to be able to choose to make educated decisions about what is injected into our bodies." McManus expects some workers will quit. "I will let them fire me," said Cathy Sanborn, a nurse with 35 years of experience. "I think, personally, I have to take a stand and draw the line somewhere. It's against my rights." The Record-Eagle says Munson is not alone. The newspaper says hospitals in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Petoskey, Royal Oak and Ann Arbor have similar vaccine policies.
Hope others follow Roberta Mesko and Cathy Sanborn's example.
My favorite commercial says if you don't get vaccinated you put others at risk. Well if the Vaccine works why worry about me .Emotional manipulation thru guilt and fear. So if my unvaccinated kid plays with my neighbors vaccinated kid and he gets sick I'm to blame.I'll take the risk and stick to natural cures.
It's Armoni's job to hermetically seal the population and be impervious to outside influences. I'm sure Cathy Sanborne and most other nurses have seen the side affects of shots they themselves have injected into others.Now that the needle points their way it has to be a serious wake up and lose your job or stay asleep to keep your job moment. A good way to establish loyalty and cull the dissenters. Fear is a hypnotic emotion.
When your sick and scared and some guy in a lab coat with a big degree says take this shot and take these pills or your gonna croak, it tends to get 100 per cent of one's attention.Usually a trance like state is induced thru fear and ultimately the end game of Hermes or Armoni represented by the Caduces of ushering all souls to the gates of hell is acheived.
Yahweh did not give us the spirit of fear. Knowledge is power and everything we need for our well being is here usually in very simple form.Good diet is a great start.While there is still some good food left.
They have to condition us for the mark by lining us up to accept their foul concoctions.Roll up that sleeve?I don't think so.
Over the weekend, I hosted a cookout with my family and aquaintences. To my surprise, my mother started a discussion about the flu vaccine and vaccines in general. My surprise was not only that she listens to what I have said about them, but the debate that started to become rather heated between guests. It was interesting to listen to each side, and the points made by each. I noticed the pro vacc guests, had several immunity issues, celiac disease, skin disorders, thyriod issues and medications they are prescribed for long term usage. To where the few who chose not to get vaccinated, had no long term health issues. As I pointed this out and handed out daquries, the discussion quieted down. It was curious to see how quickly a few guests stood hard on thier choice to be vaccinated. They seemed very educated on the side of vaccines but not so much on the results of. I hope the time is taken to research some of the choices that are made to be injected and not just the word of someone with a DR. in front of thier name. The information is out there if you look.
Kathy and Prodigaland + crew,
I've been ignorant of many facts which have put me in danger and occasionally seeing the threat saw no way out but to jump in head 1st.
I joined the army to run away from home at 18.
. I fully trusted the gov and felt they would do me no harm but accepted I may be put in harms way. After the full round of vaccines the drills came out one day and said they lost everyone's shot records and we were getting the full round again... in one day.That made me uneasy but what's a soldier to do? follow orders. They had me by the frontal lobe, already conditioned to respond without question.I was in a state of hypnotic control.
Those were the last vaccines I ever took.Trust was broken.Many of us got pretty sick on a long force march and 20 yrs later almost to the day I developed Diabetes.Can't say without a doubt that is what caused it but feel pretty certain in my own mind it was a major contributer. I've seen many since get comatose ill,kiss death and barely recover from shots.I haven't lived a stellar life so must accept responsibility for where i'm at but have been trying to find a way out for 14 yrs now and discovered much that helps without a Doc.
Now the natural industry is under attack and will probably be completely destroyed by Codex Alimaterious.
Many natural practicioners have been harrased and convicted ,Jailed or forced to relocate to a different country.The public is told they were quacks and breath a sigh of relief. This has caused a mass mindset for all but the few who fight the bondage of denial and choose a different path.
Many I've encounterd have attacked my methods because of something they saw on TV. I rarely start the conversation but when asked offer what has helped me freely (I enjoy ridicule). Fradulant articles on Homeopathy, Herb & mineral supplements etc.pretend doctor shows all contribute to thier conventional wisdom. Some have awakend to realize wow there is so much to learn about all this being healthy stuff, life is too busy for all that and the Major media reinforces that mindset subliminally and overtly.
My mentors have been Kevin Tredeau, Robert Scott Bell and Royal Raymond Rife.Rife makes you think deeply about frequency.They ruined him in the early 1900's
Strategy is the key word with a big part of that strategy being prepare for your strategy to be compromised.
Even the UN's WHO symbol uses the Caduceus which implies hermetically sealing (the population?)
There is a long list of restrictions by local on what and when you can forage let alone hunt.
Learning how native tribes,Miners, explorers etc. survived is very helpful and basic.
But to live now as they did then is to go to jail.
It is hard to understand why so many don't consider what fake food is setting them up for.
I do believe though without a strong conviction that a Holy Creator has designed everything we need and more,
it;s easy to be misled by the imagery of modern advertizement,you can have more energy and get chicks now if you drink this with triple six on the can.Our society is conditioned to want it and get it now. False promise served cold for $1.99 a can.
Was there a hypnotist fallen angel /Watcher? Most people recite the popular lies of all forms like their own name.I don't watch t.v. but my guess is its a subtle mind control,over time along with cell phones,video games modern rat race life literally blocking the Lords voice frequency.
Merck vaccine scientist admits presence of SV40 and AIDS in vaccines - Dr. Maurice Hilleman
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