Whether or not you believe that entities of an extraterrestrial nature are making contact with humans on Earth, it is difficult to not notice how much more the subject is coming up in all areas, from entertainment to serious claims of scientists and government officials. there should be no doubt, at least, that creatures which come from outside of Earth is a subject which those who are directing the flow of society and opinions want people to think about.

many dates have been predicted about when there could be some sort of public disclosure from governments to citizens about the existence and contact with extraterrestrials. i do expect such a thing to happen, but i do not expect it to happen the way most others do who are expecting it. i expect no announcement from leaders to shocked citizens watching their televisions in disbelief as perhaps Obama or some other nation's ruler introduces an alien standing next to him to the world. what i see happening and what i believe we will continue seeing is a steady progress of small disclosures, first by less mainstream scientists and then gradually more mainstream ones along with events which are witnessed by people in various places of more and more frequent unexplainable events coming from the heavens.

by such a time that a world leader would openly introduce or announce extraterrestrials to the world, people will no longer be shocked. they will be already aware and prepared for the introduction. that is what this time is for the rulers of the world and their allies, who are fallen angels. it is a time of gradually preparing the masses as is always done when they choose to introduce any new condition to humanity. now is perhaps the perfect time for the first words from heavenly realms to reach the ears of humans, even if it remains a carefully controlled rumor.

Last year NASA explained away metallic objects which could be seen orbiting the sun on their SOHO live feed. a police officer attempted to chase tall blonde humanoids at the site of a crop circle formation only to be outran at beyond 50 mph. Israeli military officials earlier this year reported contact with similar tall blonde extraterrestrials who identified themselves as being such. witnesses in various states in the Midwest region have reported several instances of seeing huge fireballs of blue or green which so alarmed them that they reported a possible missile attack on more than one occasion.

On April 5th Intelsat's Galaxy 15 satellite stopped responding to commands. a solar flare is blamed for destroying the satellite's ability to receive communication even though it has continued in its orbit and its C -band telecommunications is still functioning. this piece of equipment can potentially take over the signals of other satellites and it leaves questions as to what would stop it's ability to receive commands as it otherwise is fully functional, now especially, since something strange has gone wrong with another piece of space technology since the Galaxy 15.

Voyager 2, an unmanned space probe launched in 1977, was sent to explore the far reaches of the solar system with a message on board. this message is called the Golden Record. this is a collection of recordings of sounds and images from diverse cultures of life on Earth and are intended to be found by extraterrestrials.

someone has perhaps answered the greeting because on April 22 of this year began sending back strange messages which scientists say they are not able to decode. a German scientist named Hartwig Hausdorf is convinced that Voyager 2 has been intercepted by extraterrestrials and is sending back data from them. the space probe is otherwise functioning properly, just as Galaxy 15.

NASA will almost surely provide an explanation which has nothing to do with the possibility that non humans have responded through Voyager 2. maybe it is an interesting time to consider what the word nasa means in Hebrew and Chaldean.

nasa - to lift or carry away.

nesa - carry away, make insurrection

nasha - (identical Hebrew spelling to nasa minus one vowel point difference) to lead astray, seduce, beguile, deceive.

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Tristran, that alienhead crop circle reminds me of a peacock.. anger at the controllers of this lost world is natural and i imagine we all have been or will be guilty of it at some point.. it is very sad for them though..


the fallen angels and their fallen leader and all their fallen inventions and those who have fallen to them.. like Cyprium said.. they don't realize how desolate they really are.. very sad state in which to be..


'..thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked..' Rev. 3:17


wanting to knock sense into them is a desire born out of frustration at their refusal to see reality and desperation over their horrible spiritual death sentence of which they either don't know or don't believe.. if it would only work lol.. but truly we are to turn the other cheek to them and pray for them.. and who knows.. Yahushua is able to redeem whosoever is willing.. so there is hope for anyone who is able to choose between right and wrong.


a crop circle that could be interpreted as comedic by so many people could gain a lot of attention, if nothing else, which leads me to wonder if, with a circle like that, more people are paying attention to the circles as a whole.. i mean, it seems like it would be a good way to capture an audience who might not have responded to the more 'mysterious' circles..


if it happens to be true, i think that the world's attention could focus more closely on circles and in turn allow those circles to be a strong visual part of the revealing of the fallen angel 'aliens' to the world.. and, of course, the enemy has something for everyone who has a price for which they'll sell out.. good thing Messiah has paid the price for anyone willing to receive Him.

I would say that this statement "What better way to make the people surrender the last of their rights" is only half of the story... I believe they might indeed stage an invasion of hostile aliens..but only so that they can then present the so-called "good aliens" who will save people from them.

That's really what tempts people to the "dark side".. is a false savior scenario. As for a major reduction of population..well the PTB are all for that. If they allow several million deaths to make their point before introducing the "savior" element...people will be all the more ready for anyone or anyThing to save them...the bonus being that they accomplish part of their depopulation strategy.

All Satan has to do to grasp a soul is to get it to deny the living Elohim...he doesn't care how he gets that job done. If one decides to outright worship him or simply be an atheist...it's all the same in the end.

Tristran Hepburn said:



"What better way to make the people surrender the last of their rights and freedoms then to be presented with an unbeatable enemy from another world??"


I am not sure it is a wise move for tempting humans across to the dark side of the aliens.

If the aliens are being described by MSM as our enemies that pretty much wipes out a lot of the population.

All it takes is for the aliens to cause one american death and the vast majority of american athiests will fight the aliens to save their 'all important' nation.

The result of this scenario will be a vast reduction in the world population as humans won't have much chance of survival against superior technology.

Also how can Lucifer gain hold of lost spirits when there is no chance of temptation to the dark side, because the lost human souls will be more interested in 'kicking aliens backsides' back to their home planet. The athiests won't have a chance to be tempted in joining forces with the aliens in the battle against YHWH because many (if not all) will be dead.

The only result from this scenario will be a major population reduction.

If you look at crop circles then go back 5,500 yrs to ancient Sumarian art and literature you see flying machines,Graven images (symbols) and giants. Now look at corporate logos.There seems to be a coincidence.

 Trillions a year have gone into dark projects for decades and I believe its the spirits of the watchers who came to earth to teach forbidden arts and to play with our women who run these projects funded and governed by blood relations.

 Transhumanism and advanced technology we can hardly imagine has been developed for the big Deception headed this way.

The script has been edited for centuries and the stage is set.The Curtain is opening  ever so slowly........... at 1st,The lead actor wont arrive for a few scenes. When the credits roll and the Judge casts his ballot they wont be getting an Oscar. Don

 Till the return of Yahshua  when he comes and dumps their popcorn I pray for divine guidance of the faith full. Be prepared for shock and practice a calm mind so you won't be mesmerized by this great deception.Check out you tube for Sumarian archeology and blood lin es of the elite.

I keep looking on YouTube for a video that talks about the bloodlines in a way that tells the whole story and doesn't contaminate it with someone's speculation but I can't find find that exactly. I have found videos that really give a lot of good information, but then they add something that just comes out of their own world view and I think twice about passing it along to people. If someone doesn't know anything at all about it, they'll likely adopt someone else's whole view, so I don't want to say "here watch this" when I know 1% of it is crap.
I'll keep looking. I'd like to post a few good ones here if I could find them.

Donald Brady said:

If you look at crop circles then go back 5,500 yrs to ancient Sumarian art and literature you see flying machines,Graven images (symbols) and giants. Now look at corporate logos.There seems to be a coincidence.

 Trillions a year have gone into dark projects for decades and I believe its the spirits of the watchers who came to earth to teach forbidden arts and to play with our women who run these projects funded and governed by blood relations.

 Transhumanism and advanced technology we can hardly imagine has been developed for the big Deception headed this way.

The script has been edited for centuries and the stage is set.The Curtain is opening  ever so slowly........... at 1st,The lead actor wont arrive for a few scenes. When the credits roll and the Judge casts his ballot they wont be getting an Oscar. Don

 Till the return of Yahshua  when he comes and dumps their popcorn I pray for divine guidance of the faith full. Be prepared for shock and practice a calm mind so you won't be mesmerized by this great deception.Check out you tube for Sumarian archeology and blood lin es of the elite.

  I believe If some one honestly is searching and doesn't stop and dwell on every side show it can lead you to the truth. It played an 
  Instrumental   role in getting me here.I've been Reading up on this site the recommended links and it definitely adds clarity but u tube developed the visual side of me  that has to see to believe. I work my six day week and don't have a ton of time for important things let alone play ( I know I'm not the Lone Ranger)so utube searches were easy to start with. So for me throwing my thoughts out there attracts dialogue thru which I gain growth and hopefully your answers will continue to clarify. Don

  Sinclair said:

I keep looking on YouTube for a video that talks about the bloodlines in a way that tells the whole story and doesn't contaminate it with someone's speculation but I can't find find that exactly. I have found videos that really give a lot of good information, but then they add something that just comes out of their own world view and I think twice about passing it along to people. If someone doesn't know anything at all about it, they'll likely adopt someone else's whole view, so I don't want to say "here watch this" when I know 1% of it is crap.
I'll keep looking. I'd like to post a few good ones here if I could find them.

Donald Brady said:

If you look at crop circles then go back 5,500 yrs to ancient Sumarian art and literature you see flying machines,Graven images (symbols) and giants. Now look at corporate logos.There seems to be a coincidence.

 Trillions a year have gone into dark projects for decades and I believe its the spirits of the watchers who came to earth to teach forbidden arts and to play with our women who run these projects funded and governed by blood relations.

 Transhumanism and advanced technology we can hardly imagine has been developed for the big Deception headed this way.

The script has been edited for centuries and the stage is set.The Curtain is opening  ever so slowly........... at 1st,The lead actor wont arrive for a few scenes. When the credits roll and the Judge casts his ballot they wont be getting an Oscar. Don

 Till the return of Yahshua  when he comes and dumps their popcorn I pray for divine guidance of the faith full. Be prepared for shock and practice a calm mind so you won't be mesmerized by this great deception.Check out you tube for Sumarian archeology and blood lin es of the elite.

being pressed for time is something the controllers really count on humanity to continue in.. the busier people are with 'life'.. the less attention they're paying to the rest of reality.. people have lives.. even kids.. it's truly a blessing that any of us have free time for research at all..


i work 40 hrs a week.. and getting good information -- plus connecting in fellowship with other believers in Yahushua -- in the midst of almost no free time during these amazing days, is a really miraculous thing.. that's why i love this site.. true information, and sincere fellowship in Messiah, with no opinions taking precedence over the truth.


Don, the picture gallery also has some ancient archaeology, etc. content.. feel free to post yours as well.. a gallery for Satanic symbols in logos, things like that, would be perhaps a good addition.. crop circles, ancient pagan symbols, corporate emblems.. eventually one sees the patterns, and realizes that there is really just one thing going on.. and that it's been going since before the Flood, and it will continue to go on in this life until the day it is ended by Messiah.


Peace in Messiah

I believe that depopulation efforts have been going on for some time through many different means including biological and chemical agents in everyday things. These will continue as well as planned and unplanned disasters, so by the time there comes a large scale death-toll event like this, there might be many fewer than 4-5 billion left to kill.
Globalists, Little Green Men From Mars and the Possibility of an Extraterrestrial Attack
September 9, 2011 by Infowars Ireland
Filed under Featured
By Keith Johnson
American Free Press
September 02, 2011
With Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden dead and Muammar Qadaffi destined to meet a similar fate, the “war on terror” is in desperate need of a new poster child. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran have been painted as a possible candidate, but most of the world knows that “the threat from Iran” is simply U.S. and Israeli propaganda. So is there anyone left on Earth who can assume that frightening role, or will the powers that be now point to the stars to identify the whereabouts of their next manufactured villain?
Well, as ridiculous as it sounds, the mainstream media has been playing up the idea that an alien invasion from outer space is not only plausible, but might even be inevitable. Not to worry though, according to some globalist mouthpieces. That threat might turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
During a recent appearance on television news network CNN with Fareed Zakaria, Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman suggested that a showdown with hostile life forms could be a good thing for the U.S. economy. He said: “If we discovered that space aliens were planning to attack and we needed a massive buildup to counter the space alien threat, and inflation and budget deficits took secondary place, this slump would be over in 18 months.”
The space alien theme came up again on a segment of Dylan Ratigan’s MSNBC television show where the topic was explored with guest Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist who once defined terrorists as those who oppose world government.
Kaku claimed that NASA’s Kepler satellites have identified 50 planets that are “very much Earth-like.” Though he believes that most of the life forms on these planets would probably be nothing more than basic microbial germs, he doesn’t discount the possibility that a few could be home to intelligent beings—perhaps even more advanced than here on Earth—and that some of them could be hostile.
“The universe is 13.7 billion years old,” says Kaku. “It’s possible they have weapons we can’t even conceive of.”
Sounding like a globalist himself, Ratigan asked Kaku if the threat of an alien invasion could lead to a form of global governance in order to deal with things like climate change, global finance and the sovereignty of individual nations.
Smiling like the cat that ate the canary, Kaku replied by referencing a quote by Ronald Reagan, who in 1985 told the Soviet Union’s Mikhail Gorbachev: “I occasionally think how quickly our differences, worldwide, would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
Then Kaku added: “If we are faced with a common enemy in outer space, it would indeed help to unite the Earth just the way Ronald Reagan said.”
Kaku’s dialogue is classic New World Order rhetoric. In 1993, the Club of Rome published The First Global Revolution that states: “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.”
Thanks in large part to the Climategate scandal of 2009, where a number of scientists were outed for hyping the global warming threat,more people are starting to realize that global warming is nothing more than a hoax, and public support for globalist efforts to curb carbon emissions is on the wane. So is the NWO crowd now resorting to desperate measures—like hyping the threat of an alien invasion—to put their agenda back on course?
In addition to using the recent propaganda about an alien invasion as a pretext to reinvigorate the global warming movement, it could also serve a dual purpose by rallying American support for weaponizing space.
For over a year, covert launchings of military spacecraft have received almost no press at all. Since early 2010, the U.S. has sent two X-37B robotic planes into orbit. Though the Air Force flatly denies that this marks the beginning of space weaponization, some prominent Russians adamantly disagree.
According to South Africa’s Times Live, former Russian Air Force commander Anatoly Kornukov was furious upon learning of the X-37B’s launch in March 2010.
Kornukov said the spacecraft would significantly increase U.S. fighting power and demonstrates that America has ambitions to reach space and threaten Russia.
“The U.S. has completely spat on calls from Russia and the world to abandon plans for the deployment of weapons in space,” Kornukov said. “The aggressors from space could turn Russia into something like Iraq or Yugoslavia

Maybe Aliens can help Michio Theoretical (key word) Physicist Kaku develop his Theory of everything.

 Mine is Gods helmet works better than Aluminum foil.

Just viewed U tube noise video and they list 4 recorded  frequencies in expanded dialogue.

Looking thru my rife frequency charts discovered interesting association.

140.25 hz (listed as 140 on vid.) C sharp.Pluto; Power crisis and changes.

211.23 hz (listed as 211 hz )G sharp,        Venus; beauty,love sexuality, Sensuality,Harmony,

211.44 hz "                                      "       Neptune; the unconcious,secrets, the imagination, spiritual love.

397 &662 listed by musical note.

 I dont see these frequencies listed as any thing beneficial.Except 662hz used in skin cancer treatment sequences.

Some how it seems to fit in my crazy view. Everything I view is crazy. Very interesting though.

They have been using technology for some time that broadcasts various frequencies, usually at levels which are not audible but are often felt as stress and nervous system hyper-sensitivity. Because different frequencies have the ability to effect the hearers both mentally and physically, they are able to use this to shift the public mood in what direction best suits their interest.

Tristran Hepburn said:

Just picked up this link on YouTube.



It sounds like some creature has been let lose underground.

After watching "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", is it possible that this is some form of alien (fallen angel) communication using harmonics because some guys create ambient music similar to what is heard on this video?


This one makes me wonder about tunnel boring machines digging right under these guys house.


Notice they say "there is nothing on TV".

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