Estimated for 2015 in big pharma in order to prevent supply chain counterfeiting - this was simply a conversation I had with one developer, he is by no means the only one. You have seen this technology, stuck on items in shops to prevent theft, the one that sends the alarm bells ringing and already implanted in pets and some people today, Alzheimers patients you will read below! so this means the global pharma indistry is behind! This is a classic case of problem, reaction and solution. This is a global solution to counterfeiting, ID theft, am sure you can think of plenty others. Here is some stuff off google. At present it is illegal for employers to force this device on people.
Long checkout lines at the grocery store are one of the biggest complaints about the shopping experience. Soon, these lines could disappear when the ubiquitous Universal Product Code (UPC) bar code is replaced by smart labels, also called radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. RFID tags are intelligent bar codes that can talk to a networked system to track every product that you put in your shopping cart.
Imagine going to the grocery store, filling up your cart and walking right out the door. No longer will you have to wait as someone rings up each item in your cart one at a time. Instead, these RFID tags will communicate with an electronic reader that will detect every item in the cart and ring each up almost instantly. The reader will be connected to a large network that will send information on your products to the retailer and product manufacturers. Your bank will then be notified and the amount of the bill will be deducted from your account. No lines, no waiting.
RFID tags, a technology once limited to tracking cattle, are tracking consumer products worldwide. Many manufacturers use the tags to track the location of each product they make from the time it's made until it's pulled off the shelf and tossed in a shopping cart.
Outside the realm of retail merchandise, RFID tags are tracking vehicles, airline passengers, Alzheimer's patients and pets. Soon, they may even track your preference for chunky or creamy peanut butter. Some critics say RFID technology is becoming too much a part of our lives -- that is, if we're even aware of all the parts of our lives that it affects.
A human microchip implant is an integrated circuit device or RFID transponder encased in silicate glass and implanted in the body of a human being. A subdermal implant typically contains a unique ID number that can be linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact information.
Some stuff I thought was interesting!
In January 2012, the VeriTeQ Acquisition Corporation acquired the VeriChip implantable microchip and related technologies, and Health Link personal health record from PositiveID Corporation. VeriTeQ is majority owned and led by Scott R. Silverman, former Chairman and CEO of PositiveID and VeriChip Corporation. PositiveID has retained an ownership interest in VeriTeQ.
7-Eleven has been working alongside MasterCard to promote a new touch-free payment system. Those joining the trial are given a complimentary Nokia 3220 cell phone – after activation, it can be used as an RFID-capable MasterCard credit card at any of 7-Eleven's worldwide chains.
It all makes sense, that everything from the barcode must lead up to this! The whole system is satans master plan!
Views: 128
I have a reference from 2010 that details a plan to use nanotechnology to place tracking devices inside the substances themselves...which would not only track the medicines (and i use that term loosely) TO the consumer, but continue to track the consumer once they are ingested.
All i can say is.. disgusting. The very idea is revolting to me on multiple levels. I'm already past fed up with the use of RFID in merchandise. It's a widely used practice in the US...if you shop at places like Wal-mart, you are guaranteed to have items with them embedded. Its always a good idea to find those things and disable or remove them if you happen to get something with one. Its an even better idea to not shop where you know they are used.
Thanks! i will let you know when it is implemented where i work! we are a little behind!
the mark of the beast will not be a secret rfid added through a vaccine, i believe people will actually want this to make their lives easier (what some people are aware of is that the difficulty has been created so people think this) one will have to agree to this mark. i don't think rfid is in vaccines yet - i do think that vaccines (not tetanus, because this would be a rare one) may be a tool for population reduction and do not suggest anyone getting a flu vaccine. the doctors should make the risks very clear to her if she decides to have it, it won't have the mark in it, the possibility of an rfid would merely be to track the medicine preventing counterfeit and not the mark!
I agree...vaccines have been a pretty effective way to implement a population reduction.
I think what we're seeing in nano-trackers and rfid trackers in drugs is a general attempt to track the population. As you said, the Mark must be agreed to. There's no way to have this forced on you...even the enemy doesn't want to force it on you because that takes away your willful decision to worship the beast. He needs the Choice of the people to follow him.
i think that the vaccine will kill people directly, not track them to kill them - at the same time they want to track everyone, they do anyway, that's if you own a bank account - they know where you live, shop, work, what you eat and what time you go to bed!
Lets not forget those friendly eyes in the sky...satellites that can look at you wherever you are, whatever you're doing...and right up in your face. "Big Brother is Watching You"...
Medicine in a microchip: Company testing an implantable, wireless drug delivery system
"Earlier this summer, we saw the first “smart pill” from Proteus Digital Health receive U.S. Food and Drug Administration clearance, a huge step in connecting drug delivery with mobile technologies. So what comes next?
It would be years before we see it on the market, but the next generation of smart medicine just may lie in an even smarter method of drug delivery — a tiny chip that’s implanted inside the body and programmed wirelessly to release doses of drugs at the right time — being developed and tested by an MIT spinout.
Initially, MicroCHIPS sees its technology treating conditions that require consistent, long-term regimens of injected drugs. One of the most critical needs the technology addresses, according to President and CEO Robert Farra, is compliance. People generally don’t enjoy getting injections, and when left to do it themselves, will find ways to avoid it. Plus, sometimes injectable medications need to be refrigerated, which isn’t convenient for people on the go.
That’s the case with the drug teriparatide, a parathyroid hormone marketed as Forteo by Eli Lilly & Co. that relies on daily injections to increase bone mass for treatment of osteoporosis. Because it must be refrigerated and injected every day to be effective, and because osteoporosis is a “silent disease” that doesn’t cause symptoms with missed doses, the drug has a poor compliance rate, Farra said. That made it a great candidate for the first application of MicroCHIPS’ technology.
First developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by professors Robert Langer and Michael Cima, the technology starts with a microchip that measures three-quarters of an inch by three-quarters of an inch. On that microchip are 200 microreservoirs, tiny dips that house concentrated dosages of drugs and are hermetically sealed using metallic bonds so the drug can’t leak out and no moisture or air can get into the reservoirs. The chip is also designed with a path for an electrical current to pass through in order to melt the bonds when it’s time for a dose of the drug to be released.
It’s implanted under the skin, usually below the waistline or in the arm, in an outpatient procedure using local anesthesia, a small incision and a few sutures.
Using a small device about the size of a calculator that’s hooked up to a computer and connects wirelessly to the chip, a physician can program the chip to release doses on a regular schedule, or to release a dose on demand. The chip can be reprogrammed at any time, as long as the patient is in the same room as the physician with the device.
When it’s time for the drug to be released, a current is delivered to the chip to melt the bonds of one of the reservoirs (the sealing material resolidifies on the edges of the reservoir). The patient, meanwhile, doesn’t feel a thing, Farra said.
In its first-in-human study published earlier this year in Science in Translation, the company demonstrated that its chip could dose reliably and achieve the same pharmacokinetic profile as an injection of the drug. According to Farra, patients interviewed after the trial commented that they couldn’t feel the device and were willing to have another one implanted.
Currently there are two versions of the chip: the one that holds 200 doses and another that holds 400. For once-daily drugs, that means the chip would need to be replaced in the patient every 200 or 400 days. With other drugs that aren’t dosed daily, it could last up to several months or even years.
Similar technologies for delivery of insulin, pain medication and likely other applications are being developed, but the added wireless capabilities of MicroCHIPS’ system make it unique..."
In terms of frequency, Has anyone here ever received information where when the overall background frequency around us is altered (increased) then many events from the Book of Revelation will become reality ?
So if someone has a RFID and the NWO decides to beam down a certain frequency from Earth orbit, can it trigger events foretold in the Book of Revelation.
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