Views: 70

Comment by Deborah on August 26, 2010 at 11:57pm
We have received 40+ inches of rain on our property since May. We lost three just-matured cherry trees and everything that we were able to plant in the garden. Our walnut tree has dumped its fruit and is dropping its leaves already. Have I been naive, thinking it was just the amount of rain?
Comment by Deborah on August 28, 2010 at 12:56am
I am sorry to hear you are suffering this, too. I had high hopes for my garden this year. It was only by God's mercy that preparations for a wedding have been a pleasant distraction from despair.

This was the first year we were able to pick from our cherry trees. My thinking is that they were actually struck by lightening as we had them espaliered on wires and they all died simultaneously. But the rest of the damage is definitely the result of too much rain or toxic rain or a combination.


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