May 2013 Blog Posts (2)

Angels, Theophanies, The trouble with language.

I have come to believe that one of the basic reasons we do not fully understand the Bible as interpreted is not because we are neither Greek nor Hebrew scholars, but because; first, we do not understand our own language, and second the translations often choose to avoid modern terms which would more correctly explain phenomena they feel is best left clouded in archaic terms such as angels, chariots, etc.

There are some, such as those whom I read on this site, who…


Added by Patrick McDermott on May 29, 2013 at 7:29pm — 2 Comments

When should someone feel obligated to reply?

When should someone feel obligated to reply to someone else?

Should we if they ask us for a reason of a hope that is in us? Should we if they are seeking to better understand how to stand by the Creator and we have personal knowledge that can help them do that? What if it would be in the course of a vain debate or we think directly answering what they ask will do more harm than good? What if it is someone who is a very outspoken enemy of the Creator or a demonic spirit? Is there…


Added by Jacob on May 4, 2013 at 5:15pm — 1 Comment

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